Tumbleweed Kintsugi
2017 collected tumbleweed, forged sterling silver
Tumbleweed is closely associated with romantic images of the West, a place often imagined as sparely inhabited and a vessel for unrealized possibility. Ironically, Russian thistle, the most common tumbleweed species found in Colorado and other Western states is a species introduced to the US in the late 19th century. Although blowing tumbleweed is often used to depict desolation, tumbleweed propagates by blowing across open spaces, spreading their seeds as they roll. I have spent the last two seasons collecting tumbleweed from the eastern plains of Colorado. Generally reviled as an invasive weed, I’ve taken to rebuilding and repairing broken parts of tumbleweed in forged silver, recalling the process of kintsugi, the Japanese craft of repairing broken pottery with gold.