Leif’s Practice Questions for Lab Practical #4

L1. The 4th ventricle develops from which primary brain vesicle?
L2. The corpora quadrigemina develop from which secondary brain vesicle?
L3. A collection of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system is called a _____________________
L4. The stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland is called the _________________
L5. The frontal and parietal lobes are separated from one another by the __________________
L6. In what brain region is the intermediate mass found? Be as specific as possible.
L7. The middle layer of the meninges is the ___________________
L8. Where is cerebrospinal fluid formed?
L9. Which blood vessel supplies blood to the midbrain and the lateral surfaces of the cerebrum?
L10. A vein-like canal formed between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura mater is called a ___________________
L11. The strand of non-nervous tissue that anchors the spinal cord to the caudal end of the vertebral column is the ____________________
L12. In which region of the spinal cord will you find the lateral horns?
L13. Name two cranial nerves that pass through the jugular foramen. (Donít list the right and left member of the same pair!)
L14. Which pair of cranial nerves controls the lateral rectus muscles?
L15. You lose sensation in the skin of your forehead and upper eyelids, and your contact lenses no longer irritate your eyes. Which cranial nerve is damaged? Be specific!
L16. Which cranial nerve carries information directly to both the pons and medulla?
L17. Name a function of the facial nerve.
L18. How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
L19. Which terminal nerve of the brachial plexus is responsible for controlling the deltoid and teres minor muscles?
L20. You lose sensation in the superior part of your foot. Which nerve is damaged?
L21. What two structures studied in lab are located within the vestibule of the inner ear?
L22. The eyeís tear secretions drain from the lacrimal puncta into the __________________.
L23. The superior oblique muscle moves the eye __________________.
L24. Which cranial nerve controls the iris?
L25. Urine flows from the prostatic urethra to the _________________.
L26. Urine flows from the renal major calyces into the __________________.
L27. The dome-like top part of the uterus is called the _________________

Answers to Leif’s practice questions for Lab Practical #4
L1. Rhombencephalon
L2. Mesencephalon
L3. Ganglion
L4. Infundibulum
L5. Central sulcus
L6. Thalamus
L7. Arachnoid mater
L8. Choroid plexus
L9. Middle cerebral artery
L10. Dural sinus
L11. Filum terminale
L12. Thoracolumbar
L13. Any two: Glossopharyngeal (IX), Vagus (X), Accessory (XI)
L14. Abducens (VI)
L15. Ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve (V)
L16. Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
L17. Any one of the following: Control of muscles of facial expression; control of lacrimal, salivary, nasal glands; taste sensation
L18. 31
L19. Axillary nerve
L20. Common peroneal nerve
L21. Saccule and utricle
L22. Lacrimal canaliculi
L23. Laterally and downward
L24. Oculomotor (III)
L25. Membranous urethra
L26. Renal pelvis
L27. Fundus