Self-quiz handouts - Key to labeled terms

Note: Figure numbers refer to those of Marieb et al., Human Anatomy, 4th ed. The handouts consist of photocopies of these figures with the labels replaced by numbers.

Self-quiz #1:

Fig. 14.8 - Cranial nerves

1. Frontal lobe
2. Temporal lobe
3. Infundibulum
4. Facial nerve
5. Vestibulocochlear nerve
6. Glossopharyngeal nerve
7. Vagus nerve
8. Accessory nerve
9. Hypoglossal nerve
10. Olfactory bulb
11. Olfactory tract
12. Optic nerve
13. Optic chiasma
14. Optic tract
15. Oculomotor nerve
16. Trochlear nerve
17. Trigeminal nerve
18. Abducens nerve
19. Cerebellum
20. Medulla

Fig. 14.12a - Brachial plexus

21. Posterior divisions of upper, middle and lower trunks
22. Lateral cord
23. Posterior cord
24. Medial cord
25. Axillary nerve
26. Musculocutaneous nerve
27. Radial nerve
28. Median nerve 29. Ulnar nerve
30. C5 root
31. C6 root
32. Upper trunk
33. C7 root
34. Middle trunk
35. C8 root
36. Lower trunk
37. T1 root

Fig. 16.6a - Extrinsic muscles of eye

38. Medial rectus muscle
39. Superior oblique tendon
40. Superior rectus muscle
41. Lateral rectus muscle
42. Optic nerve
43. Inferior rectus muscle
44. Inferior oblique muscle

Self-quiz #2:

Fig. 13.15 - Brain (midsagittal section)

1. Third ventricle
2. Septum pellucidum
3. Intermediate mass of thalamus (interthalamic adhesion)
4. Interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro)
5. Anterior commissure
6. Hypothalamus
7. Optic chiasma
8. Pituitary gland
9. Mammillary body
10. Pons
11. Medulla oblongata
12. Spinal cord
13. Cerebral hemisphere
14. Corpus callosum
15. Fornix
16. Choroid plexus
17. Thalamus (encloses 3rd ventricle)
18. Pineal gland (part of epithalamus)
19. Corpora quadrigemina
20. Cerebral aqueduct
21. Arbor vitae
22. Fourth ventricle
23. Choroid plexus
24. Cerebellum

Fig. 16.17b - Middle and inner ear

25. Malleus
26. Incus
27. Stapes
28. External acoustic meatus
29. Tympanic membrane
30. Oval window (deep to stapes)
31. Semicircular canals
32. Vestibule
33. Vestibulocochlear nerve
34. Cochlea
35. Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube
36. Round window

Self-quiz #3

Fig. 24.1 - Male reproductive organs

1. Seminal vesicle
2. Prostate gland
3. Bulbourethral gland
4. Ureter
5. Urinary bladder
6. Ductus deferens (vas deferens)
7. Prostatic urethra
8. Membranous urethra
9. Corpus cavernosum
10. Corpus spongoisum
11. Spongy (penile) urethra
12. Glans penis
13. External urethral orifice
14. Epididymis
15. Testis
16. Scrotum

Fig. 24.11a - Female reproductive organs

17. Broad ligament
18. Ovarian ligament
19. Body of uterus
20. Ureter
21. Cervix
22. Uterine (fallopian) tube
23. Ovary
24. Fundus of uterus
25. Infundibulum
26. Fimbriae
27. Uterine tube
28. Vagina