IPHY 3410

Instructor: Dr. Leif Saul
Fall 2023

How to Study the Slides

Updated 10/13/2022

In theory, your task is simple: Just learn the bullet points (and line diagrams and fill-in items). However, it's reasonable to ask for additional guidance. Do we really need to know everything in the bullet points? Are some bullet points more important than others? And how should we mentally organize this information? To provide guidance, I selected a slide completely at random* to use as an example of how to approach learning the material: 09Digestive 1, Slide 23.

This slide is about the structure of the esophagus. Let's look at each of the bullet points:

*We had 116 slides in Module 2 (Fall 2022). I used https://www.random.org/ to select a random number out of 116; the result was 89, which corresponds to the slide shown (Fall 2022).
