Microbiology, Lec 9.
Lecture 9 will be a review session. Please bring your notes and questions. I will answer questions about the old exam, but I will not give the answers to the questions on the exam.
Please read this brief article from "Science News" for more information on probiotics. We discussed probiotics briefly during the yogurt interlude during lecture 7.
Some useful Greek and Latin word roots:
myc = a fungus
cocc = a berry (e.g. Streptococcus, Micrococcus)
bacill = a little stick (remember Koch's little sticks)
strept = twisted (e.g. Streptococcus)
lac = milk (e.g. Lactobacillus)
Actinomycetes and Streptomyces got their names back when they were thought to be fungi. Their names also indicate that they grow as filaments or hyphae - as do many of the fungi.
Some more word roots:
trepo = turn
nem = a thread
arthro = a joint
coryn = a club
halin = salt
fimbri = fibers
rhiz = a root
clas = break (as in acetoclastic)
kary = nut (as in karyogamy)
acet = vinegar