Microbiology Final Exam
EPOB 3400
1. Which of the following groups include species that can fix
A. Archaebacteria
B. Proteobacteria (the "purple bacteria")
C. Gram positive bacteria
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
2. Nitrosomonas is responsible for the conversion of NH3 to NO2-
many ecosystems. This organism is a ________ that uses ___ as a carbon
source and ___ as it source of energy.
A. chemoheterotroph/CO2/NO2-
B. chemoheterotroph/glucose/NH3
C. chemoautotroph/CO2/NO2-
D. chemoautotroph/CO2/NH3
E. chemoautotroph/glucose/NH3
3. Heterocysts are specialized cells that carry out _____ in species
of _______.
A. nitrification/algae
B. nitrogen fixation/fungi
C. denitrification/cyanobacteria
D. nitrogen fixation/cyanobacteria
E. all of the above
4. Frankia is a nitrogen fixing bacterium that forms nodules on
and other trees and is in the ___ of the ____.
A. chemoheterotroph/CO2/NO2-
B. chemoheterotroph/glucose/NH3
C. chemoautotroph/CO2/NO2-
D. chemoautotroph/CO2/NH3
E. chemoautotroph/glucose/NH3
5. The dramatic increase in the prevalence of antibiotic resistant
bacteria is due at least partially to which of the following?
A. the overuse of antibiotics in animal feeds
B. the use of mercury in fillings
C. the overuse of antibiotics in hospitals
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
13. Which of the following do not occur in procaryotes?
a. ribosomes
b. chloroplasts
c. internal membranes
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
14. The ability to obtain carbon for growth from organic compounds
defines a
microorganism as a(n):
a. phototroph
b. heterotroph
c. autotroph
d. chemotroph
15. A bacterium with flagella coming out of one end is
a. monotrichous
b. polar
c. peritrichous
d. circumpolar
16. Bacterial flagella cause bacteria to move by
a. whipping
b. vibrating
c. rotating
d. waving
17. The production of earth's ozone shield about 2 billion years ago
was due to reactions carried out by:
a. algae
b. green plants
c. photosynthetic fungi
d. photosynthetic bacteria
18. Beggiatoa uses _______ as an energy source and _______ as a
a. H2S, CO2
b. SO4, glucose
c. CO2, H2S
d. glucose, glucose
19. In eubacterial membranes, fatty acids are attached to glycerol
a. ether linkages
b. ester linkages
c. peptide bonds
d. either a or b
26. The presence of a high density of methanogens in a persons large
intestine should cause
A. high volumes of stinky flatulence
B. low volumes of stinky flatulence
C. high volumes of not-so-stinky flatulence
27. Ectomycorrhizae are classified in the ___ or the ____ .
A. Ascomycetes / Basidiomycetes
B. Ascomycetes / Zygomycetes
C. Zygomycetes / Basidiomycetes
D. Ascomycetes / Deuteromycetes
E. Deuteromycetes / Basidiomycetes
29. In a phylogenetic sense, the genus Salmonella is most
closely related to
A. Mycobacterium
B. Clostridium
C. Gram negative soil bacteria like Streptomyces
D. E. coli
E. Gram positive enteric eubacteria such as Staphylococcus
30. HIV undergoes a latent (provirus) stage after the ____ from the
virus is converted to _____ (by the enzyme reverse _____) which is then
incorporated into the ____ of the helper T cell.
A. RNA/DNA/transcriptase/RNA
B. DNA/RNA/translationase/DNA
C. RNA/DNA/translationase/DNA
D. RNA/RNA/transcriptase/DNA
E. RNA/DNA/transcriptase/DNA
32. In a phylogenetic sense, the genus Staphylococcus is most
closely related to
A. Mycobacterium
B. Clostridium
C. Gram negative soil bacteria like Streptomyces
D. E. coli
34. Which of the following are most efficient at transference of
chromosomal DNA to F- cells?
A. F+ cells
B. lysogenized cells
C. Hfr cells
D. competent cells
E. none of the above
35. The indigenous (normal) microbiota of the large intestines is
important because it
A. protects us from infections
B. helps the immune system develop normally
C. produces vitamins needed by us
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
36. Which of the following phenotypic changes result from the presence
of the F plasmid in an E. coli cell?
A. presence of the F flagellum
B. presence of the F pilus
C. absence of receptors for the F pilus
D. B and C
E. all of the above
37. Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterium in the genus _______ which has
______ as a reservoir and ______ as a vector.
A. Treponema/rat/flea
B. Neisseria/soil/flea
C. Treponema/humans/rat
D. Treponema/humans/humans
E. Neisseria/humans/humans
40. In the absence any external electron acceptors, some bacteria can
carry out which of the following?
a. fermentations
b. methanogenesis
c. aerobic respiration
d. anaerobic respiration
e. a and c
f. none of the above
41. The genus Mycobacterium belongs to the ___ G+C group of the
Gram __ bacteria and is an _____.
A. high / positive / aerobe
B. low / negative / anaerobe
C. high / negative /aerobe
D. low / positive / anaerobe
42. Which pair is most closely related in a phylogenetic sense?
a. Clostridium/Archaea
b. fungi/mitochondria
c. Archaea/humans
d. fungi/humans
43. Most ATP production in aerobic bacteria is via
a. anaerobic respiration
b. substrate-level phosphorylation
c. oxidative phosphorylation via ATPases
d. a and b
44. Which of the following is a characteristic of both eubacteria and
a. a cell nucleus
b. neither have cell walls
c. ester-linked membrane lipids
d. none of the above
46. In the Basidiomycetes, production of a mushroom is preceded by
mating of
a. 2 haploid hyphae of opposite mating type
b. 2 haploid hyphae of the same mating type
c. 2 diploid hyphae of opposite mating type
d. 2 diploid hyphae of the same mating type
47. Rhizobium is a
a. N2-fixing, Gram +, Proteobacterium
b. species of Gram - bacteria that is anaerobic and causes a
plant disease
c. N2-fixing, Gram -, Archaebacterium
d. N2-fixing, Gram -, cyanobacterium
e. none of the above
48. During denitrification (a form of anaerobic respiration), nitrate
serves as a(n)
a. e- donor and is oxidized to a gaseous form of nitrogen
b. e- acceptor and is oxidized to a gaseous form of
c. H+ donor and are oxidized
d. H+ donor and are reduced
e. e- acceptor and are oxidized
49. The proton gradient across bacterial membranes is involved in
a. generation of ATP in the presence of an external electron
b. active transport of some ions
c. rotation of bacterial flagella
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
50. Which of the following processes are carried out only by
a. nitrification
b. nitrogen mineralization (decomposition)
c. all of the above
d. none of the above
51. The genus Propionibacterium belongs to the ___ G+C group of
the Gram __ bacteria.
a. high / positive
b. low / negative
c. high / negative
d. low / positive
52. If an organism can get all of its energy from a compound such as
ammonia (NH3) it is a
a. photoheterotroph
b. chemoautotroph
c. photoautotroph
d. chemophototroph
53. Penicillin
a. interferes with the formation of peptide linkages between
N-acetylmuramic acids
b. breaks Beta 1-4 linkages between N-acetylglucosamine and
N-acetylmuramic acid
c. attacks the outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria
d. affects only non-growing cells
57. The discovery that genes are made of DNA occurred in experiments
A. transduction E. coli
B. transformation of Streptococcus pneumoniae
C. transformation of E. coli
D. transduction of S. pneumoniae
59. Endomycorrhizae are in the ___ group of fungi and aid plants in
A. Ascomycetes / uptake of nitrogen
B. Ascomycetes / uptake of phosphorus
C. Zygomycetes / nitrogen fixation
D. Ascomycetes / nitrogen fixation
E. Zygomycetes / uptake of phosphorus
60. Cows and other ruminants get most nitrogen they need for growth
a. fixation of nitrogen (N2) by bacteria in the rumen
b. anaerobic bacterial respiration products
c. methanogenic fermentations
d. bacterial fermentation products
e. b, c, and d
62. Which of the following represents a major line of decent within
the Archaea?
a. Gram positive bacteria
b. Proteobacteria
c. extreme halophiles
d. Eubacteria
63. The genus Streptomyces belongs to the _______ G+C group of
the Gram ______ bacteria.
a. high / positive
b. low / negative
c. high / negative
d. low / positive
64. In the nitrogen cycle, mineralization is carried out by
a. autotrophs
b. heterotrophs
c. N-fixing fungi
d. N-fixing bacteria
65. Anaerobic respiration encompasses which of the following
a. assimilative nitrate reduction
b. dissimilative nitrate reduction
c. denitrification
d. both b and c
66. Denitrification is carried out by
a. anaerobic chemoautotrophs
b. aerobic chemoautrophs
c. anaerobic chemoheterotrophs
d. aerobic chemoheterotrophs
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