1. The final examination will be a two and one-half hour,
essay-type examination.
2. The examination will be a closed book examination.
3. The examination will contain at least 15 questions.
4. The examination is divided into sections corresponding to different
topics in the course.
5. There will be no question on the final examination on Topic I –
Introduction: Epistemology and Philosophy.
6. In the case of all of the other topics that we have covered in class
– and this should include topics II through VII – there will be at
least two questions on each topic, and possibly more.
7. In the case of topics listed in the syllabus that will not
have been covered in class – and this will probably be topics VIII and
IX– there will still be at least one question – but quite possibly no
more – on each of those topics. The reason for including at least
one question on each of those topics is that some people in class may,
because of their interests, have done the relevant readings for those
topics, or may have written essays on them.
8. All of the questions on the final examination will be selected
from the possible examination questions listed in the document “Final
Examination Questions”
What is a good way to prepare for
the final examination? I would suggest doing things in the
following order:
(1) It's very important to see the big picture, and to have an overview
of the fundamental issues and the different positions that one might
take in given area. So before you review the material for a
particular section of the course, I would suggest that you read through
the material in the relevant part of the "Overview" on the class web
site at
(2) Next, it is probably best to read through the material in the class
handouts, focusing especially on the material dealing with the
questions in which you're most interested. Those handouts are
available on the class web site at
(3) Next, read through your lectures notes.
(4) Finally, and if you have time, look over articles that you found
especially helpful.
1. Read through the whole examination carefully, to decide which
three sections you want to choose for your questions.
2. Writing out a short, point-form plan of your answer often
results in a better-organized answer.
3. Rather than trying to incorporate as much material as possible
into your answer, try to give clearly structured answers where you
focus upon the more important issues and arguments that are relevant to
the question.
4. The University does not supply Blue books, so please remember
to bring one along to the exam.