1901 - 1907
Copied from the Longmont Ledger microfiche files by Wanda Burch Armstead
Feb. 1, 1901 Hezekiah Burch has this week sold his 124 acre farm to J. W. Gardner of Longmont for $4,000.00. Mr. Gardner will take possession of his new home about March Ist. Mr. Burch will close out his personal property at auction in the near future, after which, he intends to move his family to the southern part of the state.
Feb. 8, 1901 - J. A. Cochran has been on the sick list the past week but is now improving.
Feb. 22, 1901 - Isaac Burch and wife of Arvada are visiting relatives here for a few days.
March 8 1901 - Joe Kelly has moved his family into one of the cottages at the hotel.
James Burch, son of Mr. & Mrs F. H. Burch, is quite sick with brain fever.
Miss Zelpha Burch and Ray McCoy were married in Boulder last Monday. The young couple are well known in Hygiene.
March 15, 1901 - Jimmie Burch, who has been sick with brain fever, is much better.
Philip Burch spent part of this week with his brother near Denver.
March 22, 1901 - W. W. Cochran of Empire arrived Monday and stayed in the city a few days.
A large number of friends of Jay Burch gave him a surprise party at his home Tuesday evening. They had lots of fun until a late hour.
The annual meeting of the Hygiene Dairy Co. was held last Monday. The following
officers were elected: J. D. Bashor, G. M. Forbess, W. W. Burch, S. S. Bashor, George Zweck. H. S. Bidwell of Boulder leased the creamery for a term of 12 months and has already taken possession.
March 29, 1901 - E. A. Teters and Miss Pearl Burch were married last Sunday.
April 19, 1901 - Miss Ella Seaman has returned to Longmont after a weeks stay in Hygiene.
May 10, 1901 - A. E. Burch has got the mumps.
The Ladies Aid Society met last week with Mrs. Eva Burch.
One family of Russians have come to Hygiene and contracted to care for 20 acres
of beets for J. A. Cochran.
W. W. Burch has taken his cattle up to the mountain ranch for he summer.
June 7, 1901 - Frank Burch and wife entertained at dinner Sunday; John Cochran and
wife, Will Smith and wife and A. E. Burch and wife.
July 12, 1901 - The fall wheat will soon be ready for the sickle. W. W. Burch has 20 acres of the best wheat in this vicinity.
July 19, 1901 - F. H. Burch and wife have gone to Beaver Park for a weeks sport and rest.
T. S. McGinnis has sold his house to E. Hamilton of Kansas.
July 26, 1901 - The Misses Mollie and Mae McGinnis are visiting friends in Boulder this week.
W. W. Burch is putting a self feeder and wind stacker on his threshing machine. He intends to start up next Monday and make the straw fly.
August 16, 1901 - W. W. Burch started up his threshing machine last Monday.
Joe Kelly has moved into the Sam Wagner house.
May 3, 1901 - For sale: Top buggy and single harness for sale cheap. Inquire of A. A. Masseck at Farmers Mill.
Jan 3, 1902 - R. D. Peden of Plattville has moved his family to Hygiene.
Jan 10, 1902 - W. W. Burch and son Jim have recently purchased 125 head of cattle to eat up their surplus alfalfa hay.
Jan 24, 1902 - The oil excitement in Hygiene is great at present. Some of the hay seeds can
smell oil on their farms.
Feb 7, 1902 - Gene Seaman of Longmont is the guest this week of F. H. Burch.
J. A. Burch and wife of near Brighton were visiting with the A. E. Burches the first of the week.
Feb 21, 1902 - F. H. Burch and wife visited relatives in Sunshine early this week.
W. W. Burch has sold a five acre tract of land near the U. B. Church to C. J. Broughton.
Mrs. Isaac Burch of Brighton is visiting Hygiene relatives this week.
Feb 28, 1902 - F. H. Burch has sold 5 acres on the northeast corner of his farm to A. Hamilton.
March 14, 1902 - Another oil derrick will soon be looking skyward. It will be built on the Goss place.
Tom Elliott has sold his 40 acre farm to Henry Jacobs.
April 25, 1902 - KELLY - to Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kelly - Friday, April 18, 1902, a-daughter.
Seven head of W. W. Burch's cattle turned up their toes from eating too much alfalfa.
Hygiene now has a photograph gallery - Mr. Hunt, proprietor.
W. W. Burch has taken his cattle to his mountain summer pasture.
May 9, 1902 - Chas Broughton and Matt McCaslin captured 7 young coyotes last Saturday.
The lost drill has been found in the Hygiene oil well and drilling is going
again. The Olean people are going right along and are now down 2400 feet and
are in sand again.
May 30, 1902 - Mrs. Joe Kelly of Longmont is spending this week with relatives here.
Mr. Harris came Sunday from Idaho to visit his sister, Mrs. J. B. Smith, who is very ill with heart trouble.
June 6, 1902 - Joe Kelly has bought a small tract of land of W. W. Burch and moved to Hygiene.
June 13, 1902 - Dick Burch spent this week on his mountain ranch .
July 18, 1902 - W. W. Burch has sold his threshing machine to G. M. Forbess and will retire from the threshing business.
Charles Elliott and wife of Fort Collins spent last week visiting the family of Tom Elliott.
July 25, 1902 - Mrs. J. B. Smith died this morning. Funeral this afternoon at 3 O'clock.
Aug 1, 1902 - The funeral of Mrs. J. B.Smith last Friday was attended by a large crowd of friends. She was buried in the Hygiene burial grounds.
W. W. Burch took a load of apples to Ward this week.
Aug 8, 1902 - Will Rannells and wife of Iowa are here visiting the John Armstrong family.
Aug 22, 1902 -W. W. Burch has opened a butcher shop in Beaver Park.
Sept. 12, 1902 - J. A. Cochran has sold 20 head of his fine jersey cows to a party in Golden.
Sept. l9, 1902 - George Dovener and wife of Iowa are visiting the W. W. Burch family.
Sept. 26, 1902 - Tom McGinnis sold a valuable dog last week to a party in Colo. Springs.
Oct. 17, 1902 - Jay and F. H. Burch were passengers to Denver last Tuesday.
Nov. 14, 1902 - F. H. Burch and wife spent the early part of the week with relatives in Sunset.
Nov. 21, 1902 - Tom McGinnis will move in to Rev. Zimmerman's new house as soon as it is finished.
There is a severe case of scarlet fever at the Orphans home.
W. W. Burch will likely fit up a butcher shop in this place before long.
Nov. 28, 1902 - Joe Kelly has moved his family in the U. B. Parsonage, but Rev. Zimmerman will still have charge of the church work.
Dec. 5, 1902 - Ed Teeters of Berthoud was doing business over here this week.
John Carter and wife have returned to their house in Salina after visiting the F. H. Burch family.
Dec. 12, 1902 - R. B. Barker has moved to Rannells saw mill near the foot of Longs Peak.
Dec. 19, 1902 - The machinery at the Hygiene Oil Well was moved to Boulder this week.
Dec. 26, 1902 - The marriage of Miss Maggie Griffiths of Sunshine and Mr. James Burch of Hygiene was celebrated last Wednesday evening in Boulder. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Griffith, leading citizens of Sunshine. Mr. Burch is one of our enterprising young men and is interested with his father in cattle growing quite extensively. The newly wedded pair were given a reception
Christmas evening at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Burch will at once commence housekeeping in Hygiene where he has a cottage already furnished. They have the good wishes of your correspondent for a long and happy life.
Jan. 2, 1903 - W. W. Burch is unloading a carload of beet pulp to feed his beef steers.
Jan. 9, 1903 - The A.O.U.W. building is going up as rapidly as a large crew of men can push
the work. The building will be 25X60 and built of brick.
Ed Teeters and wife of Berthoud have been visiting relatives here this week.
Jan. 16, 1903 - The Boulder Co Oil well is working night and day and are down 2,900 feet with a good showing of oil.
Jan. 23, 1903 - W. W. Burch had a carload of corn shipped in from Nebraska to feed his beef cattle.
Mr. James Burch visited relatives in Boulder last week.
Mrs. Dr. Broughton of Boulder spent a part of this week visiting her son Charley.
Jan. 30, 1903 - There will be preaching in the stone church every Sunday Evening until further notice.
Tom McGinnis and F. H. Burch have the Contract to move the Olean Oil derrick and machinery.
Feb. 6, 1903 - Ed Teters of Berthoud was doing business here this week.
W. W. Burch and Joe Kelly took a load of apples to Loveland this week.
The M.W.A. have a new goat and Frank Ackerman and Jay Burch were the first to ride said goat.
Feb. 13, 1903 - Joe Kelly's team ran away last week, while he was in the mountains and upset the wagon on him and hurt him badly.
Mrs. James Burch is visiting relatives in Boulder this week.
There is some talk of moving the U. B. Church one mile south of where it is now.
Feb. 27, 1903 - W. W. and J. A. Burch moved their cattle to Berthoud this week where they have bought a lot of hay.
Mar. 13, 1903 - RANNELLS - At the farm, Thursday, March 12, 1903, of bowel trouble, Samuel F. Rannells, aged 90 years, 7 months, 16 days.
Learning of Mr. Rannells death just before we go to press, it is necessary to wait until next week to give particulars of his life, for he was one of the first settlers of this country. Funeral at 2 p.m. Friday afternoon from his residence.
Mar. 27, 1903 - Joe Kelly has moved his family down to Longmont.
Under Niwot News - Robert M. Carter, father of E. M. Carter, who lives on the Tom Cavey farm, was adjudged insane in County Court at Boulder, March 24th.
Apr. 3, 1903 - Tom Elliott has moved to Fort Collins.
Apr. 10, 1903 - W. W. Burch sold a bunch of fat cattle this week.
Apr. 24, 1903 - James Burch and wife have moved to the mountains for the summer.
May 1, 1903 - The Brownells have rented the Home and land to A. E. Burch and have moved to Boulder, and now the Orphans Home is no more.
May 22, 1903 - W. W. Burch has bought another stock ranch near Ward.
June 19, 1903 - Ed Teeters and wife of Berthoud were the guests of W. W. Burch and family.
M.E. Ingalls & his mother are the guests of William Gammon and wife.
July 3, 1903 - Wesley Teeters, aged nearly 80 years and an old timer in this part of Colorado, but for the past few years, a resident of Altona, was buried in the Hygiene Cemetery last Saturday, June 26, at 2 p.m. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. E. Keltner.
Wednesday afternoon about five o'clock, the young child of Joe Kelly, who lives on the Dickens farm south of town, found a can containing crude carbolic acid, which it drank. The parents of course, made the discovery immediately, and brought the child to Dr. Andrews and White, with the horse on a fast run. After caring for the little one, it was taken home, and is doing nicely now, considering the serious aspect of the case. (This was Willard)
July 10, 1903 - It was voted last week Thursday to build a new school house in this district.
July 17, 1903 - J. A. Cochran sold his Hygiene farm last week to Ed Ingalls of South Dakota for $6,000.
July 31, 1903 - Mrs. Joe Kelly of Longmont is visiting relatives here this week.
Aug. 21, 1903 - C. J. Broughton expects to build a new house on his 5 acre tract near the U.B. Church.
W. W. Burch took up to his mountain ranch a load of supplies this week. The new school house proposition was voted down last Monday.
F. H. Burch and Chas. Runyan left last Tuesday overland for Rock Springs, Wyo. to deliver two teams and wagons to the Dome Oil Co.
Aug. 28, 1903 - Some of our people now have gas lights in their homes.
W. W. Burch took a load of apples to Jimtown this week.
Sept 4, 1903 - MASSECK - In Canfield, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1903 of heart trouble, Nettie Masseck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Massek, aged 16 months.
Sept. 11, 1903- W. W. Burch has closed the deal for the sections of land Northeast of Greeley.
Our people were badly shaken up last Tuesday night by the earthquake.
C. J. Broughton has commenced the foundation for his brick cottage in North Hygiene.
Sept. 18, 1903 - Sam Wagoner has bought a tract of land from William Gammon, and Tom McGinnis has bought a 5 acre tract of the J. S. Laycook farm on the new road leading west from Hygiene.
Sept. 25, 1903 - Ed Teeters of Berthoud was doing business here the first of the week.
A little baby boy came Friday to make his home with Tom McGinnis and wife in North Hygiene.
John Cochran has bought 40 acres of land from his father, J. A. Cochran, and will build a new house.
Oct. 2, 1903 - W. W. Burch spent last week looking after his large ranch about 18 miles northeast of Greeley.
Oct. 9, 1903 - J. A. Cochran will, in a few days, commence building a new house.
Tom McGinnis has the lumber on the ground for his new house.
Oct. 30, 1903 - F. H. Burch and wife spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives in Sunshine and Springdale.
Nov. 6, 1903 - John Carter and wife of Sunshine are down here for a visit with F. H. Burch and wife.
Nov 27, 1903 - Tom McGinnis will move into his new home in a few days.
Dec. 4, 1903 - Jay Burch is quite sick with typhoid pneumonia.
Dec. 25, 1903 - John Carter and his mother drove up to Jimtown this week.
Jay Burch who has been sick for so long, is now improving.
J. A. Cochran has moved into his new house.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith are rejoicing aver the arrival of new boy baby that came to their home Thursday morning.
Jan. 8, 1904 - Joe Kelly of Longmont has moved his family in the Wm. Miller house.
The young folks gave Mollie McGinnis a surprise party at her home last Thursday eve, and did not go home until morning.
Edgar Rannells, who has spent the past 6 months with the John Armstrong family, left Saturday for Iowa, his old home.
Jan 29, 1904 - A. E. Burch has moved on to the J. A. Cochran place.
March 11, 1904 - Will Smith has bought the 80 acre farm of Mrs. Helen Hamblin, consideration $6,000.
The Ingalls brothers of South Dakota have moved on to the farm they bought of J. A. Cochran.
March 18, 1904 - Mrs. Carter of Jimtown has bought the Chas. Flick house and will move to this place.
April 8, 1904 Ed Teeter and wife of Berthoud were guests Sunday of W. W. Burch and wife.
Frank Burch and family expect to move to Jimtown in a short time.
April 22, 1904 - Jim Burch was down from Springdale this week.
April 29, 1904 - W. W. Burch was over North east of Greeley this week, looking after his large ranch.
F. H. Burch has moved his family up to Springdale for the summer.
May 13, 1904 - Joe Kelly is building a new house on the north side of the Burch lake.
May 27, 1904 - No more baseball playing on Sunday inside the city limits of Hygiene. They now play in the Miller field east of here.
June 3, 1904 - Mrs. Sarah Carter was a Lyons visitor Saturday and Sunday.
June 24, 1904 - John Carter, wife and mother spent Saturday and Sunday in Jimtown.
July 1, 1904 Mrs. J. A. Cochran has been quite sick lately.
July 22, 1904 Miss Mollie McGinnis is visiting friends in Boulder this week.
Aug. 19, 1904 - J. A. Burch and wife of Jimtown are Hygiene visitors this week.
Sept. 2, 1904 - Joe Kelly has moved his family to Jimtown.
Jay Burch and Charley Goss, accompanied by their lady friends, attended the big show in Cheyenne last Wednesday.
Sept. 9, 1904 Mrs. W. W. Burch is home from a visit in Springdale.
Mrs. Pearl Teter of Ault has been visiting her parents, W. W. Burch & wife.
Sept 23, 1904 - Jim Burch is down from Jamestown for a few days.
Sept. 30, 1904 - Taylor Wright, a barber from Jamestown was here this week looking for a location.
Oct. 7, 1904 - Mrs. W. W. Burch is sick with pneumonia.
Oct. 28, 1904 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Burch, in Springdale this week.
L. E. Keltner has sold his stock of dry goods and groceries to the Moody Brothers of Lyons, who will continue to do business at this place.
Nov. 11, 1904 - Carpenter and Cummings' Vaudeville show played to a good house Friday night in the Hygiene Opera House.
Nov. 18, 1904 - Robert Carter of Sunshine was doing business here this week.
Irwin Carter started last Tuesday for Seattle Washington to visit.
Nov 25, 1904 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran has gone to Durango for a couple months visit.
F. H. Burch and family of Springdale ate their Thanksgiving turkey with Hygiene relatives.
Dec. 2, 1904- Ed Teeter and wife of Pierce are visiting the family of W. W. Burch.
W. W. Burch has gone to the mountains for a few days bear hunt.
Joe Kelly and wife of Jimtown spent Thanksgiving in Hygiene.
Dec. 9, 1904 - J. A. Cochran has gone to Durango for a few days
Dec 16, 1904 - Miss Mae McGinnis is spending a few weeks in Boulder.
Ed Teeter has just returned from the Boulder Hospital where he was treated for a bad case of blood poisoning in his hand.
April 14, 1905 -James Burch, the butcher, intends to put a wagon on the road in a few days to supply his out of town customers with fresh meats every day.
April 14, 1905 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran and daughter, Mrs. Anson Burch, left last Wednesday for Republic, Mo. where they expect to remain this summer if the climate suits them.
April 21, 1905 - Hygiene has been on the move this week. John Carter has moved into the J. B. Laycook house. Claude Vawter has moved his family to Glendale, and Jay Burch has moved about a dozen doors further north.
Joe Kelly & wife were down from Glendale this week.
April 28, 1905 - W. W. Burch was looking after his ranch this week in the northeast
corner of this state.
F. H. Burch was doing business in Springdale the forepart of this week.
Mrs. Sarah Carter has gone to Jamestown for a few days visit.
The two Dicks, Burch and Wilson, spent the early part of this week in Denver.
May 12, 1905 - W. W. Burch has recently bought another quarter section of land near Ault.
John Carter and wife were visitors in Glendale last Saturday and Sunday.
May 19, 1905 - Mrs. Sarah Carter has returned home after a few weeks visit in Jamestown.
W. W. Burch shipped a carload of posts and lumber to Ault this week, to use on his ranch.
May 26, 1905 - W. W. & F. H. Burch had business in the County seat Thursday.
June 2, 1905 - Charles Schrader is running the meat wagon for James Burch, the Hygiene butcher.
June 9, 1905 - Robert Carter of Sunshine was down here the early part of this week.
June 21, 1905 - James Burch and wife spent the early part of this week with friends in Rowena.
July 21, 1905 - Mrs. Dr. Broughton spent part of this week with her son C. J. Broughton.
Jay Burch and wife and Miss May McGinnis and Will Flick spent the early part of this week on the South fork of the St. Vrain.
July 28, 1905 - James Burch and wife are visiting Mrs. Burch's parents at Sunset.
W. W. Burch is head meat cutter in the shop during Jim's absence.
August 4, 1905 - W. W. Burch celebrated his sixty-second birthday last Monday. All
of his children and grandchildren were present. F. H. Burch and family, J. A. Burch and family, Jay Burch and wife, C. J. Broughton and family, Ed Teter and family of Ault, Robert Burch, Joe F. Kelly and family of Springdale.
Mrs. J. A. Burch spent this week on Lee Hill and Jim has been trying his skill as cook.
James Burch of Iowa is here this week for a visit with his brother, W. W. The two brothers walked from Iowa to this state long before there was any railroads across the plains.
James A Burch has sold his meat shop to Buford Weese, who will continue to do business at the old stand.
September 8, 1905 - T. S. McGinnis and wife are entertaining friends and relatives from Nebraska.
September 22, 1905 - Ed Teter of Ault was doing business here the first of the week.
September 29, 1905 - Clarence Wright of Jamestown was in Hygiene the first of the week.
J. A. Burch and wife have gone to Ault for a few days.
Joe Kelly has moved his family into the Creamery building.
October 6, 1905 - James Burch has moved his family into one of the McIntosh buildings.
W. W. Burch has been up on his ranch near Ault for some time putting in fall wheat.
Elder Carnine of Denver held quarterly meeting last Sunday for the Methodist folk in the New church.
October 20, 1905- Jay Burch has moved in the U. B. parsonage, but will not preach any during the conference year.
A. E. Burch and wife have gone to Montrose, Colo. for a visit with relatives.
November 3, 1905 - Miss May McGinnis gave a farewell party to her friends last Monday night.
T.S. McGinnis will sell his stock at auction Friday and move to Nebraska.
November 17, 1905 - Claud Vawter has moved his family to Longmont.
November 24, 1905 - John Carter has moved into the Moshier house on the hill.
December 1, 1905 - Joe Kelly has gone up to Glendale to work his mine
December 8, 1905 - A. E. Burch will close out his stock and machinery at auction
Thursday, Dec. 14th and move to Montrose.
December 15, 1905 - F. H. Burch has purchased a wood sawing outfit to run by steam and will make the wood fly this winter.
W. W. Burch was in Ault this week building a house on his ranch.
Some thief went into W. W. Burch's cellar and stole a barrel of pork that he had for winter use.
December 29, 1905 - At the residence of the bride' s parents, Anton Massek, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1905, Clarence Fred Sanger and Cecelia Agnes Massek were married. Rev. James MacLaughlin officiating.
Jan. 5, 1906 - Miss Mae McGinnis of Nebraska returned last week to Hygiene to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Jay Burch.
Robert Burch now sports a nice new buggy.
Mrs. Sarah Carter has sold her house and will move to Jamestown.
Jan. 26, 1906 - F. H. Burch has started up his saw mill.
George Lohr will farm the J.A. Cochran ranch this year.
Feb. 9, 1906 - Joe Kelly & wife came from Glendale for a visit Saturday.
Feb. 16, 1906 - Ed Teter of Ault was down here this week.
J. A. Burch has moved his family to Pierce and will try farming.
Feb. 23, 1906 - Miss Mae McGinnis has gone to her home in Nebraska.
W. W. Wright was here on business this week.
March 16, 1906 - Joe Kelly is down from Springdale.
F.H. Burch drove to Jamestown Friday and back home thru the storm.
March 30, 1906 - Jay Burch is on the sick list.
W. W. Burch and son Frank went to Springdale last week to do the assessment work on that gold mine.
April 13, 1906 - Robert Burch and Charles Gammon drove to Longmont Wednesday night to see the show "What Women Will Do."
May 11, 1906 - Jay Burch is the happiest man in Hygiene since the arrival of that littie girl baby at his home last week.
F. H. Burch and wife have a little girl baby at their house that came last Monday morn. (Wanda, May 7)
May 18, 1906 - James Burch and wife of Pierce were down here this week.
May 25, 1906 - Clay Carter of Sunshine is in Hygiene this week.
Jimmie Burch has gone to Springdale for a visit.
June 1, 1906 - Mrs. W. W. Burch has gone to Pierce for a few weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Teeter.
June 8 - It was voted last Monday to build a new $4000.00 school house in this district - majority of two to one votes.
June 15, 1906 - F. H. Burch lost one of his best horses last Saturday.
June 22, 1906 - F. H. Burch has gone to Ault where he has a position running an engine.
June 29, 1906 - Mrs. C. A. Colson and daughter Nora, of Durango are guests of Mrs. F. H. Burch.
July 13, 1906 - Mrs. Seaman of Longmont is spending a few days with Mrs. John Carter.
August 3, 1906 - W. W. Burch took a wagon load of apples to Ault this week.
August 10, 1906 - Jimmie Burch went to Ault this week.
August 17, 1906 - Miss Grace Burch is entertaining this week Miss Margaret Anthony of Longmont.
Mrs . Jay Burch left yesterday for Bradshaw, Neb. to visit her parents Mr. & T. S. McGinnis.
W. W. Burch has bought a new case threshing outfit to be used on his ranch east of Ault. His son, F. H. Burch will take charge of the machine in a few days.
Sept. 21, 1906 -F.H. Burch is home from Ault this week.
J. A. Cochran and wife left last Tuesday for a two month visit with their daughter Mrs. A. E. Burch at Olathe, Colo.
Oct 12, 1906 - Miss Nora Hegwood of Iowa was a guest last week of Mrs. F. H. Burch.
Oct. 26, 1906 - Jay Burch has bought the Lee property on Main Street and will take possession the first of November.
Nov 9, 1906 - Joe Kelly has moved his family down from Springdale and will occupy the U. B. Parsonage.
Nov. 16 - F. H. Burch has gone to Berthoud where he has a contract to haul beets.
Joe Kelly is doing business in Berthoud this week.
Dec. 28, 1906 - Jay Burch and wife have gone to Nebraska for a visit.
Joe Kelly went to Iowa Thursday of last week for a ten days visit.
Ed Teter and wife of Ault came over this week for a few days visit.
Jan. 4, 1907 - J. A. Cochran and wife have returned home from two months visit in Montrose. Their daughter, Mrs. A. E. Burch returned home with them and will likely remain here the rest of the winter.
Jan. 11, 1907 -F. H. Burch has sold his farm on the south side of Hygiene to C. A. McCumber. Will give possession March 1.
The new officers for the Methodist Aid Society are Mrs. F. H. Burch, Mrs. J. S. Cochran and Mrs. John Moody.
Jan. 18, 1907 - Joe Kelly has bought a steam hay baler and will bale all the hay in sight.
Feb. 1, 1907 - W. W. Burch was looking after his ranch in Ault last week.
F. H. Burch has bought the house and lot of Mrs. Hamilton on North Main Street.
Feb. 8, 1907 - F. H. Burch has moved into the house that he recently bought from Mrs. Hamilton.
Feb. 15, 1907 - F. H. Burch is near Lyons this week with his steam wood sawing outfit sawing one hundred cords of stove wood for Hans Peterson.
The little babe of Mr. & Mrs. Jay Burch has been quite sick for the past week but is now much better.
Feb. 22, 1907 - A. E. Burch of Montrose came over last week for a visit.
James Burch has moved his family over from Boulder and will farm his father's ranch this summer.
Miss Mae McGinnis and Henry Virden, Both formerly of this place, were manied in Boulder a few days since.
March 1, 1907 - W. W. Burch has moved to Nunn and will try dry farming this year.
March 8, 1907 - F. H. Burch has gone to Nunn where he is interested in a steam plowing machine and is engaged to plow about 300 acres.
March 22, 1907 -Joe Kelly drove over to Bennett last week.
F. H. Burch was doing business in Nunn the early part of this week.
April 19, 1907 - W. W. Burch came over from Nunn to look after his Hygiene farm.
April 26, 1907 - Mrs. Jay Burch visited her sister in Louisville the first of this week.
May 24, 1907 - James Burch and family were visitors over Sunday with relatives on Lee Hill.
May 31, 1907 - Mrs. Seaman of Longmont has moved to Hygiene.
June 21, 1907 - Robert Burch of Ault came over this week for a short stay.
F. H. Burch is running a steam plow in Dow Flat for Buford & Kincaid of Lyons.
June 28, 1907 - Jay Burch and wife are entertaining relatives from Nebraska.
July 12, 1907 - Robert Burch has gone to Nunn to help his father harvest his dry land wheat.
July 12 , 1907 - The Ladies Aid held an all day session today at the home of Mrs. F. H. Burch.
July 19, 1907 - Jay Burch & wife were Louisville visitors Saturday and Sunday.
July 26, 1907 - Clay Carter of Sunshine was a visitor in this place the first of
the week.
August 2, 1907 - W.W. Burch of Ault was in Hygiene a few days this week. He
says his crop was all destroyed by hail.
Mrs. Sarah Carter of Jamestown died suddenly last Tuesday, sometime between noon and 2 p.m. She had been doing her work up to the time of her death and lived alone. Her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Wright was talking with her just a short time before noon
and Mrs. Carter was feeling as well as usual. She was one of the oldest settlers
in the St. Vrain Valley.
She, in company with her husband, Clay Carter, came to Colorado with an ox
team in the year of 1863.
Grandma Carter, as we all called her, was the mother of six children, four daughters and two sons, twenty-three grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. She was aged 79 years, 5 months and 3 days, and had been a member of the Dunkard Church here for a number of years.
The remains were brought to Hygiene Wednesday and funeral services held in the Dunkard Church, conducted by Rev. Fitz, after which they were laid to rest in the Hygiene Cemetery by the side of the husband who preceded her in death more than 25 years ago.
August 9, 1907 - Joe Kelly was doing business sast of Denver the first of this week.
August 16, 1907 - W. W. Burch of Nunn has brought his threshing machine over from Nunn to help thrash the crop of wheat in this part of the country.
August 30, 1907 - A. E. Burch and wife have returned to their home in Montrose.
C. J. Broughton is building a new barn.
Sept. 20, 1907 W. W. Burch has pulled in his threshing machine for this season.
Below are the names of the men who have charge of the Hygiene beet dump; W. B. Oleson , Weighman; Thomas McKelvie, tareman; Robert Burch, dump man, They commenced work yesterday
Sept. 23, 1907 - There are several cases of typhoid fever in Hygiene. All are getting along nicely.
Wilson, Hamilton and Kelly have been in Hygiene this week with their threshing machine.
Last Friday, as W. W. Burch was unhitching his team, it became frightened. In the
scuffle that followed, Mr. Burch was run over by the wagon, His hip was dislocated and broken and he was badly bruised. The news was telephoned to Hygiene and Mr. Burch's family left for the scene of the accident and had the injured man removed to Loveland where he received medical attention. Saturday he was removed to the Longmont hospital. Mr. Burch has a host of friends who wish for his speedy recovery.
Oct. 4, 1907 - Ed Teeters and wife of Nunn were Hygiene visitors over Sunday.
F. H. Burch accidentally recieved a bad cut on the leg from a hay knife last Friday while feeding his stock.
Oct. 18, 1907 From Niwot News: Mr. Henry Burch is quite ill. He is in the Longmont Hospital.
Henry Virden of Boulder was a Hygiene visitor Sunday.
C. J. Broughton gave the young folks a dance in his new barn last Friday night.
Dec. 6, 1907 - Mr. H. H. Burch is still at St, Lukes hospital in Denver, where he had surgery but is better and is about to return to his home in Longmont.
J. A. Burch has moved to Lee Hill for the winter.