Hygiene Notes

1908 - 1914
Copied from the Longmont Ledger microfiche files by Wanda Burch Armstead

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Jan. 3, 1908 - C. J. Broughton has bought a tract of land of W. W, Burch just east of the reservoir for $150 per acre and no improvements.

Jan. 10, 1908 - W. W. Burch has sold the south 40 acres of his farm to his son F. H. Burch for $150 per acre.

Mrs. W. W. Burch has been quite sick for some time.

Feb. 7, 1908 (Fri.) The people of Hygiene were surprised to hear of the death of Mrs. Jane Burch last Sunday eve., Although she had been in poor health for some time. She was the wife of W. W. Burch and was one of the oldest settlers on the St. Vrain. She was aged 57 years. She leaves a husband and seven children and fifteen grandchildren besides brothers, sisters and other relatives to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held in the Dunkard Church conducted by Rev. Morrison of Lyons on last Tuesday. It was attended by a large number of friends and neighbors.

Feb. 14, 1908 - In Longmont News: BURCH - at Hygiene, Sunday evening, Feb. 2, 1908 of cerebral embollism, Mrs. Roxy Jane Burch, age 57 years. Mrs. Burch was the wife of W. W. Burch, one of the most prominent farmers of Hygiene. She was the mother of seven children. Four boys and three girls. They are: Robert Burch, who lives in the mountains; James, Jay, and Frank, all of Hygiene; Mrs. Charles Broughton and Mrs. Joe Kelly of Hygiene and Mrs. Ed Teeters of Nunn. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Dunkard Church at Hygiene and internment made in the Dunkard Cemetery.

Feb. 14, 1908 - The Hygiene gas plant will shut down soon.

F. H. Burch sold a fine bunch of steers last week for a good big pile of nice new money.

Feb. 21, 1908 - We may have an alfalfa mill if enough acreage can be secured.

Robert Burch was a visitor in Jamestown last Sunday.

John Cochran is building a new barn to replace the one the wind storm took away from him.

Feb. 28, 1908- Jay Burch expects to move to Nunn soon.

March 6, 1908 Mrs. Hicks has returned to her home in Kansas after a weeks visit with her brother, Joe Kelly.

Jay Burch and Henry Virden have moved to Minnesota and will try dry farming.

March 13, 1908 - MASSEK - in Longmont. - To Mr. & Mrs A. A. Massek, Wednesday, March 11, 1908 - a daughter.

April 3, 1908 - SMITH - Near Hygiene - to Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Friday, March 27, 1908 - a daughter.

Joe Kelly has opened up a meat market in Niwot.

April 10, 1908 - Jay Burch and wife of Nunn came over this week for a few days visit.

April 17, 1908- Mr. & Mrs. James Burch of Lee Hill buried their little 3 year old girl in the Hygiene Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted in the ME church last Wednesday by Rev. H. L. Murray of Longmont.

May 08, 1908 - Robert Carter and wife of Sunshine were guests of Mr. Carter's brother last week.

May 22, 1908 - J. F. Kelly is doing business in Nunn.

F.H. Burch and wife spent Sunday with friends in Mead.

June 5, 1908 - The members of Rev. H. L. Murray's church gave him a surprise last Sunday at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Cochran.

June 26, 1908 - Robert Burch has gone to Nunn for a few days stay.

July 10, 1908 - Mrs. Strock and daughter of Washington State came last week for a visit with her brother, John Carter.

July 24, 1908 - Joe Kelly was over from Nunn early this week.

F. H. Burch and family and John Carter and wife have taken a lay-off and gone to the mountains.

W. W. Burch has been enjoying a visit this week with his brother of Iowa.

Aug. 14, 1908 - Mrs. A. E. Burch is dangerously sick at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. H. Burch.

Aug. 28, 1908 - W. W. Burch started up his threshing machine yesterday and M. T. Alumbaugh started his Wednesday.

Thomas Elliott and wife of Fort Collins were guests of F. H. Burch and wife this week

Sept. 25, 1908 - BURCH - Near Hygiene. Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1908 - of paralysis, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Burch, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Cochran. Aged 36 years, 6 months and 16 days.

Jay Burch has moved his family back to Hygiene after spending the summer in Nunn.

Oct. 23, 1908 - Clay Carter of Sunshine was the guest over Sunday of F. H. Burch.

Nov. 13, 1908 - Mrs. Jay Burch is sick with typhoid fever.

Mrs. Henry Virden has gone to Boulder for a few weeks stay.

Nov. 20, 1908 - Mrs. T. S. McGinnis of Nebraska came last week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jay Burch.

Matt Preshak has sold 30 acres off the south part of his farm to Sam Prechtel - consideration - $75 per acre.

Nov. 26, 1908 - Phil Merchant & wife of Liberty Hall were Hygiene visitors Sunday and were guests of F. H. Burch and wife.

Dec. 18, 1908 - Joe Kelly has gone to Iowa for a visit with his brother.

W. W. Burch has returned to Hygiene and will stay until after the holidays.

Jan 1, 1909 - John Carter has moved into the S. S. Bashor cottage near the stone church.

Mrs. Jay Burch spent Christmas with her sister in Boulder.

Jan. 29, 1909 - The B & M freight engine killed a fine jersey cow for Joe Kelly a few days ago.

Robert Burch went to Nunn this week for a few days stay.

Feb. 5, 1909 - W. W. Burch of Nunn is down here this week.

Feb. 26, 1909 - Claud Vawters and wife of Jamestown are visiting relatives and friends here this week

March 5, 1909 - Charles Peden and wife of Brush are here for a visit with the family of R. Peden.

March 12, 1909 - J. A. Burch and wife of Boulder were Hygiene visitors over Sunday.

March 19, 1909 - The Hygiene gas is expected to start up again in a short time.

F. H. and Robert Burch started last Monday for Nunn with their thresher engine where they will put it to use in running a feed mill.

March 26, 1909 - F. H. and J. W. Burch had business in Fort Collins this week.

The snow storm last Tuesday night broke down 57 telephone poles between Hygiene and Longmont. It looks like we could not use our phones for a while.

April 9, 1909 - Under Niwot News - H. H. Burch returned recently from a trip to Iowa where he had gone to attend his brothers funeral.

April 16, 1909 - Miss White, who has been a guest at the home of Mrs. J. A. Cochran, left this week for Buena Vista.

April 30, 1909 - Joe Kelly went to Nunn in his automobile last Wednesday.

Rev. Spence has resigned as pastor of the M. E. Church and the Rev. Mr. Barker of Pittsburg, Pa. will preach for the Methodists the remainder of the year.

May 7, 1909 - C. J. Broughton was elected president, last Monday, of the school board of this district.

July 2, 1909 - W. W. Burch has returned to his home in Nunn after having spent a week in this city.

M. Hegwood and wife of Iowa were guests last Sunday of F.H. Burch and wife.

July 23, 1909 - W. W. Burch of Nunn is down this week.

Henry Virden and wife of Boulder spent Sunday with J. W. Burch and wife.

Aug. 20, 1909 - John Carter was doing business in Platteville this week.

Aug. 27, 1909 - F. H. Burch and son Jimmie attended Frontier Days in Cheyenne last week.

Sept. 3, 1909 - S. W. Wagner and F. H. Burch were doing business in Canfield last Wed.

Sept. 10, 1909 - Joe Kelly has bought a new thrashing outfit and will start up as soon as the grain is dry enough.

Sept. 17, 1909 - Ed Buster has leased the Grimes meat market and will supply the Hygiene people with fresh meat.

Sept. 24, 1909 - W. W. Wright of Jamestown was doing business in Hygiene this week.

Oct. 1, 1909 - Claud Vawter and wife have moved into the Grimes residence for the winter.

J. A. Cochran and wife expect to take a trip to Missouri in a few days.

Oct. 15, 1909 - W. W. Wright of Jamestown has moved his family to this place for the winter.

Nov. 12, 1909 - Robert Burch and Miss Mabel Strong of Nunn were married in Greeley on last Wednesday. They expect to make their home on a ranch near Nunn.

Nov. 26, 1909 - J. W. Burch has shipped his household goods to Nebraska and expects to follow in a few days.

Dec. 3, 1909 - The U. B. Church here has been sold to the German Lutheran Church at Longmont. As soon as the roads permit it will be moved to that city.

Dec. 10, 1909 - Hugh Capron has rented the C. J. Broughton farm for next year.

Mrs. F. H. Burch and daughter Grace expect to leave next week for California.

Dec. 17, 1909 - J. A. Cochran and wife have returned home after a couple of months visit with friends in Missouri.

A. E. Burch of Olathe, Colo came last week to visit with relatives.

One of John Carter's best dairy cows turned up her toes last Tuesday.

Dec. 24, 1909 - W. W. Burch of Nunn came down last Wednesday to spend Christmas.

Jan. 14, 1910 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran and Mrs F. H. Burch left last week for Excelsior Springs, MO

Feb. 4, 1910 - Ed Buster has bought the U. B. parsonage.

W. W. Burch now owns the Lee property on Main Street. He closed the deal a few days ago.

Feb. 11, 1910 - C. A. Macomber and F. H. Burch will have a joint sale Thursday and sell their farm stock at auction.

Feb. 25, 1910 - W. W. Wright of Jamestown was in Hygiene this week.

Joe Kelly has gone west of Niwot to thrash alfalfa.

The young friends of Jimmie Burch gave him a surprise party last Saturday night.

The auction sale of Macomber and Burch last week Thursday was attended by a large crowd and everything sold for good prices, especially cows and hogs. The free lunch furnished by the Ladies Aid Society was all O.K.

F. H. Burch and son Jimmie and daughter Grace and also his father, W. W. Burch, left last Tuesday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where Mrs. Burch had gone for the benefit of her health some time ago.

March 11, 1910 - John Carter and Claud Vawter have moved on a ranch near Greeley.

April 8, 1910 - J. A. Cochran has sold his farm and has moved to Longmont and will swap jokes with John B. Thcmpson and George R. McIntosh.

April 22, 1910 - Mrs. Seaman of Longmont has moved to Hygiene.

Mrs. C. J. Broughton and Mrs. J. L. Smith visited the Rebecca Lodge in Lyons last Friday night.

April 29, 1910 - A few Hygiene people met last Wednesday and donated their time and cleared up the Hygiene Cemetery, which was very much needed.

Hygiene has more automobiles than any other place its size in the state.

May 13, 1910 - Robert Burch and wife of Nunn came over this week for a visit with his sisters, Mrs. Broughton and Mrs. Kelly.

June 24, 1910 - Mrs. C. J. Broughton and Mrs. J. F. Kelly left last week for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they were called on account of the serious illness of their father, W. W. Burch.

July 1, 1910 - Mrs. Broughton returned last Saturday from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where she went to see her father, W. W. Burch, who has been quite sick for some time. Mrs. Broughton says he is some better and as soon as he is able will be brought home.

July 8, 1910 - Mrs. J. F. Kelly returned last Monday from Missouri where she went to see her father, W. W. Burch. He had gained in strength so that he returned to Colorado with his daughter and was taken to his home in Nunn.

July 15, 1910 - Will Kelly of Maxwell, Iowa came last week for a visit with his cousin, J. F. Kelly.

July 22, 1910 - W. W. Burch was brought down from Nunn last week and is at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. J. Broughton. Robert Burch and John Davis came with him.

July 29, 1910 - F. H. Burch and son James came last week to see W. W. Burch who is very low and chances for his recovery are doubtful.

E.A. Teter and wife and Robert Burch of Nunn and James Burch of Boulder were all called here this week on account of the serious illness of their father, W. W. Burch.

Aug. 5, 1910 - Longmont News - Died: Burch - at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Broughton, near Hygiene, Sunday, July 31, 1910, of cancer of the thyroid, William W. Burch, aged 66 years.

Aug. 5, 1910 - Hygiene News - Dr. Broughton of Boulder is spending a few days with the family of her son, C. J. Broughton.

Earl Broughton is laid up with a lame knee caused from coming in contact with a rusty nail.

Another one of the old settlers has passed away. This time it was William W. Burch who died last Sunday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. J. Broughton. The cause of his death was a cancerous growth in the throat. He was aged 66 years on the day he died, July 31, 1910. He was born in Van Buren County, Iowa. In the year 1862 he, with others, freighted with ox teams across the plains to the Rocky Mountains. Having spent some time in this state, he then returned to his old home in Iowa and in 1864, in company with W. P. Johnson, he once more crossed the plains, this time on foot. He spent some time mining and freighting. On Nov. 20, 1867 he was married to Roxie Jane Carter and located on a farm here ,where he resided up to a few years ago when he invested in a large tract of land near Nunn, Colo., where he spent most of his time, although he still owned property in Hygiene.
His wife preceded him in death Feb. 2, 1908. He was the father of nine children, seven of which are living. Four sons and three daughters: Mrs. C. J. Broughton (Henrietta); Mrs. J. F. Kelly (Mary Mollie); and F. H. Burch, of Hygiene; Mrs. E. A. Teter (Elizabeth Pearl) and Robert Burch of Nunn; James Burch of Boulder; J. W. Burch of Arborville, Nebraska. He leaves one sister and brother, H. H. Burch of Longmont and Mrs. Martha Hegwood of Knoxville, Iowa. They were all present at the funeral which was conducted by the Rev. O.E. Baker in the M.E. Church on Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Mr. Burch had been a member of Longmont lodge No. 29, I.O.O.F. for a number of years. The lodge at this place attended the funeral in a body and took charge of the services at the grave. He had a large circle of friends and was well known and respected by everybody who knew him, which was shown by the large number that attended the funeral.

Jan 20, 1911 - Saturday evening about forty friends and neighbors of C. J. Broughton and wife gave them a surprise party.

Feb 10, 1911 - W. B. Forbess and John Carter are doing business in Kersey this week.

John Carter has moved into the Ben Forbess cottage.

March 10, 1911 - James Burch of Boulder was doing business here the early part of the week.

March 24, 1911 - Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter played the surprise on them Saturday evening.

March 31, 1911 - Robert Burch of Boulder came over for a few days visit.

April 7 John Carter has moved on to the Hager farm southwest of Hygiene.

April 14, 1911 - F. H. Burch went to Boulder Monday to do jury duty during this term of District Court.

April 21, 1911 - Will Smith, who was taken to the Longmont Hospital last week for an operation is reported as getting along finely.

May 5, 1911 - Joe Kelly was doing business in Boulder the early part of this week.

June 23, 1911 - F.H. and Jimmie Burch and Albert McClung have gone to Beaver Park for a few days stay.

May 19, 1911 - Mrs. Seaman of Longmont is visiting relatives here this week.

Jas Burch of Boulder was a Hygiene visitor part of last week.

Joe Kelly was doing business in the county seat this week.

June 30, 1911 - Joe Kelly has taken his engine over south of Boulder to run the rock crusher for Boulder County.

July 7, 1911 - A large crowd of young folks attended the Sunday School social on the F. H. Burch lawn last Friday evening.

July 21, 1911 - Robert Burch and wife have moved back to Hygiene.

July 28 Miss Jessie Carter of Sunshine has been visiting with the family of her uncle, John Carter.

Aug. 4, 1911 - J. F. Kelly started up his threshing machine this week.

Will Smith shipped a car load of fat cattle to Denver last Monday.

F. H. Burch and S. W. Wagner went to Denver this week to have some fun.

Mrs. Robert Burch was called to Nunn this week because of the death of a sister.

Sept. 15, 1911 - F. H. Burch shipped a car load of cattle to the Denver markets last Monday.

Joe Kelly has sold his threshing machine to the Ziegler brothers of Lyons.

Sept. 22, 1911 - Everybody here is planning to go to Longmont Thursday to eat pie. The Hygiene folks all like pie.

Robert Burch has gone to Nunn to sew wheat on his dry farm.

Oct. 6, 1911 - F. H. Burch was doing business in Ward last Tuesday.

James Burch, George McCaslin and Clarence Lee have gone to Fort Collins to attend the Agricultural College.

F. H. Burch shipped a carload of cattle to Denver Monday.

Oct. 20, 1911 - Ernest Laird and wife of Nunn are visiting Robert Burch and wife.

W. W. Wright and family of Jamestown visited relatives last week.

Oct. 27, 1911 - Jas. Burch, who is attending school in Ft. Collins, visited the folks here at home Saturday.

Nov. 3, 1911 - F. H. Burch has sold his farm of 89 acres to Wm Eby but will still continue to reside in Hygiene.

Nov. 24, 1911 - Robert Burch and wife have moved to Nunn for the winter.

Jas. Burch and Don Gilchrist, who are attending school in Fort Collins, came down to eat turkey with the family of F. H. Burch Thanksgiving.

Dec. 8, 1911 - Jas. Burch of Boulder came over this week for a few days stay.

Dec. 29, 1911 -The Christmas entertainment was held on Sunday evening in the M. E. Church and a large crowd was present to witness the exercises and to see Santa Claus walk out of his snow house and deliver presents to the little folks.

Jan 19, 1912 - W. T. Wright went to Jamestown this week.

Jan 26, 1912 - MASSICK In Longmont, Friday, Jan. 19, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Massick: a daughter.

C. J. Broughton has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late S. W. Wagner.

Feb. 2, 1912 - F. H. Burch and wife spent last Friday and Saturday in Fort Collins.

Feb. 9, 1912 - Jas. Burch came from Ft. Collins last Friday to spend a couple of days with his parents.

J. F. Kelly had business in Nederland this week.

March 1, 1912 - Hugh Capron has moved into the rooms over the Beckerdike store and John Carter has moved into the Hunt residence.

March 15, 1912 - Mrs. C. J. Broughton has been on the sick list.

J. F. Kelly and family have moved to Longmont and have leased their Hygiene place to N. Keffner.

March 22, 1912 - F. H. Burch was doing business in Nunn from Saturday until Monday.

April 19, 1912 - Mrs. F. H. Burch and Mrs. W. B. Forbess drove to Gold Hill Monday for a few days stay with friends.

The high wind last week blew down what was left of the old Pella mill, one of the old landmarks of the Upper St. Vrain Valley.

May 10, 1912 - F. H. Burch drove to Springdale early last week.

May 24, 1912 - Mrs. Claud Vawters of Sunshine has been a guest of Mrs. John Carter the past week.

June 14, 1912 - F. H. Burch put in part of this week looking after his cattle at Springdale.

June 21, 1912 - H. H. Burch and wife of Longmont and Dan Burch and wife of NiWot were guests Sunday of F. H. Burch and wife.

July 19, 1912 - Mrs. W. W. Wright of Jimtown is visiting relatives here this week.

Aug. 16, 1912 - W. J. Smith now drives a new Overland Automobile, that he has recently purchased.
Sept. 6, 1912 - F. H. Burch went to Jamestown to drive down a bunch of cattle that he bought there.

John Carter has leased the Birdsill farm and will move in soon.

F. H. Burch shipped a car load of cattle to the Denver market Saturday.

Sept. 20, 1912 - Everybody went to Longmont yesterday to eat pie.

Oct 4, 1912 - S. D. Buster, the candidate for sheriff on the Republican ticket, was in Lafayette Tuesday getting acquainted with the voters there.

Oct 11, 1912 - F. H. Burch shipped another car load of cattle to Denver Saturday.

Jay Burch and wife of Nebraska are expected here this week to make their home in Hygiene.

Dec 13, 1912 - Frank Burch and wife went to Denver this week to see "Ben Hur" at the Broadway.

Dec. 20, 1912 - Sanford D. Buster last Thursday eve gave a free 3 course supper to 356 friends to show his appreciation for the large vote he recieved Nov. 5th.

Dec. 27, 1912 - Joe Kelly has taken his threshing outfit near Mead to thresh peas for Empson Company.

F. H. Burch and family spent Christmas with friends in Mead.

C. J. Broughton and family went to Boulder to eat Christmas turkey with his mother.

Jay Burch of Nebraska came Wednesday for a visit with his brother.

Jan. 3, 1913 - Robert Burch has moved his family down from Nunn.

F. H. Burch has been appointed deputy sheriff for Lafayette and will move his family to that place in a few days.

Jan. 17, 1913 - Jay Burch came in last Tuesday from Nebraska with a car load of stock and household goods, and will make this place his home.

Mrs. Jay Burch of Nebraska came last Wednesday. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Virden. They were residents of this place several years ago and think there is no place as good as Hygiene.

Feb. 7, 1913 - F. H. Burch has sold his bunch of cattle to a Denver buyer.

Jan. 24, 1913 - The little baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burch has been quite sick for the past week.

The W. W. Burch estate is building a house for Mrs. E. A. Teter, on the Main street in North Hygiene.

March 14, 1913 - J. F. Kelly and S. F. Hamilton had business in Lafayette last week.

March 21, 1913 - Robert Burch and wife were Boulder visitors the early part of this week.

March 28- J. F. Kelly was a Denver visitor last week.

W. B. Forbess has sold his farm in North Hygiene to Mrs. Lillie Ayers of Boulder for $10,000.

Jimmie Burch went to Lafayette last week to visit his parents.

April 4, 1913 - J. F. Kelly and wife were Benver visitors Tuesday.

R. C. Burch and wife spent part of this week in Nunn.

April 11, 1913 - Robt Burch went to Denver last week and purchased a steam plowing machine. As soon as the weather permits, he will make the dirt fly with his new machine.

April 18, 1913 - Robert Burch started up his steam plow this week in the vicinity of Mead.

Jas. Burch of Boulder was a Hygiene visitor this week.

April 25, 1913 - Frank Burch of Lafayette drove over here last Monday to show his new automobile.

May 16, 1913 - F. H. Burch has given up his place as deputy sheriff in Lafayette and will move back to Hygiene about the first of June.

Mrs. T. S. McGinnis of Nebraska came last week to visit her two daughters, Mrs. Jay Burch and Mrs. Mae Virden.

June 6, 1913 - Mrs. Mae Virden left Friday for her home in Nebraska.

June 20, 1913 - Jas. Burch of Boulder was here on business this week.

June 27, 1913 - Dan Burch and wife of NiWot were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Bashor Sunday.

June 27, 1913 - Lee Saunders and sister Della of Boulder will teach the next school term here.

July 18, 1913 - Mrs. J. A. Burch of Boulder visited relatives here this week.

Aug. 1, 1913 - Miss Grace Burch of Lafayette was a guest Saturday and Sunday of her cousin, Miss Neva Smith.

Three threshing machines commenced work this week: G. M. Forbess, Richard
Wilson and Burch & Kelly.

Aug. 8, 1913 - F. H. Burch and wife of Lafayette, came up this week for a visit. They are thinking some of moving back to Hygiene.

C. J. Broughton has purchased a new "Mighty Michigan 40" automobile.

Aug. 22, 1913 - - F. H. Burch, who has been deputy sheriff at Lafayette the past seven months, has given up his job and moved back to Hygiene.

Aug. 29, 1913 - E. A. Teter and wife arrived last week from Oregon and will make Hygiene their home.

Joe Kelly met with an accident last week while at work with the Perkins threshing machine, and has been in the hospital since the accident.

Sept. 5, 1913 - Mrs. Mae Virden came to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Jay Burch.

Oct. 10, 1913 - F. H. Burch and S. F. Hamilton are both in Lafayette now, doing duty as deputy sheriffs.

Nov. 14, 1913 - Robert Burch has moved to Lafayette where he has a contract to haul coal.

Nov. 28, 1913 - Little Miss Wanda Burch is on the sick list and is under the doctor's care.

Dec. 12, 1913 - Mrs. F. H. Burch went to Lafayette last week to visit her husband and got caught in the snow storm and did not get home until Tuesday of this week.

Jan 9, 1914 - Mrs. F. H. Burch went to Lafayette Saturday for a few days visit.

Robert Burch has moved his family back to Hygiene and is occupying one of the cottages at Walnut Grove.

Jan 23, 1914 - Earl Broughton, who has been dangerously sick for the last week, we are glad to say is improvingf

Jamie Burch left this week for Julesburg.

Feb. 6, 1914- Mrs. F. H. Burch and daughter, Grace, went to Denver Wednesday. The latter has accepted a position in a wholesale millinery store and will remain for some time.

Feb. 13, 1914 - There has been some talk of a milk condenser for Hygiene.

Feb. 20, 1914 - Kelly & Burch have taken the contract to finish a job of threshing on Emmons' ranch near Jessum. They expect to move the machine down this week.

Feb. 27, 1914 - Miss Grace Burch has returned home from a two weeks stay in Denver.

Mar. 6, 1914 - Sam Prechtl went to Boulder Tuesday to visit his wife who is in the Sanatarium for treatment.

Miss Grace Burch is housed in with a severe case of the mumps.

The M. E. Church folks are putting a basement under their church and expect in the future to hold all their church socials there.

Mar. 20, 1914 - Frank Burch, who is doing duty in Lafayette as deputy sheriff, came up Wednesday to visit his family.

Mar. 27, 1914 - R. C. Burch and wife have moved to Nunn.

Apr. 3 - W. W. Wright of Jamestown was a Hygiene visitor this week.

F. B. Brand has installed a gasoline engine to run his cream separator, washing machine, churn and anything else that can be run.

May 8, 1914 - F. H. Burch is home from Lafayette where he has been doing duty as deputy sheriff.

June 5, 1914 - John Carter was on the sick list last week.

June 19, 1914 - Mrs. Broughton of Boulder visited her son, C. J. Broughton, here part of last week.

Jay Burch and wife gave a dance Friday night for a number of their friends. Prof. Wilson's orchestra furnished the music.

July 3, 1914 - F. H. Burch and family spent Sunday in Niwot with the family of Dan Burch.

August 21, 1914 - E.A. Teter took a load of apples to La Salle this week.

F. H. Burch and family and C. J. Broughton and family loaded up their automobiles Wednesday and pulled out for Cheyenne for the Frontier Days.

Sept. 4, 1914 - J. A. Burch and wife of Boulder were Sunday guests of their relatives in this place.

J. A. Cochran recently bought the Turner farm near here, recently owned by Leo Ruggles.

Oct. 23, 1914 - R.S. Laycook will close out his farm stock at auction Nov. 4 and move to Idaho, he having leased his farm to C. J. Broughton for one year.

Oct. 30, 1914 - E. A. Teter and F. H. Burch left Wednesday for Utah to take a look at the country.

Nov. 6, 1914 - Wm. Lehman has his new barn finished and will dedicate it Saturday night with a dance.

E. A. Teter and F. H. Burch returned Wednesday from their trip to Utah.

Matt McCaslin and J. A. Lee were elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, and F.H. Burch - Constable.

Nov. 20, 1914 - Mrs. J. S. Cochran was a Denver visitor early this week.

Nov. 20, 1914 - Jim Burch has returned home from a ten months stay in Idaho.

Dec. 14, 1914 - R. S. Laycook and wife left yesterday for Idaho, expecting to remain about a year.

Percy McGinnis of Nebraska is here for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Jay Burch.

Dec. 25, 1914 - There was great excitement here Wednesday when it was learned that A. B. Beers shot Will Hopkins. Mr. Hopkins was on the Burch reservoir helping C. J. Broughton saw ice when Mr. Beers appeared with a 32 rifle. He beckoned to Hopkins, who started to meet him when he fired and immediately walked away. Hopkins lived
about an hour. He leaves a widow and one son. Deputy sheriff F. H. Burch placed Beers under arrest and took him to Boulder.

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