1915 - 1919
Copied from the Longmont Ledger microfiche files by Wanda Burch Armstead
Jan. 1, 1915 - In Longmont items - Mr. and Mrs Amos Entwistle have been visiting in Longmont with Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Burch. (H. H. was W. W. Burch's brother)
Jan. 22, 1915 - Longmont Ledger Births: KELLY - at Hygiene, Saturday, Jan. 16, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kelly, a son. (Jay)
F. H. Burch came over from Lafayette to spend Sunday with his family.
C. J. Broughton has been dangerously ill for more than a week, but we are glad to say that he is improving.
Jan. 29, 1915 - Mrs. Kelly has rented her six acre tract in North Hygiene to Robert Templeton.
Feb. 5, 1915 - KELLOGG - in Longmont, Sturday, Jan 30, 1915, to Mr. & Mrs. Rolland Kellogg, a son.
Mrs. Seamans of Longmont visited with Hygiene friends the past week.
John Cochran and wife left for California Monday. They intend to stay about a
year in San Diego.
About sixty of the I.O.O.F. and M.W.A. boys and Rebeccas met at the C. J. Broughton home last Wednesday. The men to put in time husking corn and the ladies to prepare the dinner. It is understood there were a number of red ears found during the husking bee. Mr. Broughton has been sick for some time so his brother lodge workers thought they would turn out and husk his corn for him. The house colors were pink and green, the former in honor of the Rebeccas, the latter for the Woodmen. The cakes were ornamented in the same colors.
Feb. 12, 1915 - Mrs. Mollie Kelly has moved to Longmont and will later move to Utah.
Robert Templeman has moved to the Kelly place.
C. J. Broughton has gone to Boulder for a few days visit with his mother.
Feb. 2, 1915 - F.H. Burch came from Lafayette Tuesday to visit his family.
Mar. 5, 1915 - W. J. Smith shipped ten carloads of cattle to Denver last Sunday.
Mar. 12, 1915 - Mrs. John Carter, Mrs. C. J. Broughton, Mrs. C. M. Webster went to Boulder Tuesday to attend the Beers trial in the district court.
Apr. 2, 1915 - Jas. Burch is carrying his arm in a sling as a result of an accident caused by cranking his automobile.
Mrs. Seaman of Longmont is a guest of Mrs. F. H. Burch this week.
Apr. 9, 1915 - The Estes Park steamer had a breakdown near here Wednesday and was delayed several hours.
F. H. Burch came from Lafayette to spend Sunday with his family.
Apr. 16, 1915 - Dan Burch and wife were Sunday guests of F. B. Brand and wife.
F. H. Burch is home again after having done duty as Deputy Sheriff in Lafayette for the past four months.
Apr. 30, 1915 - Alpheus Bashor sold his 35 acre farm to Mrs. Mary Turner.
May 14, 1915 - James Burch of Boulder, and family were over Sunday guests of F. H. Burch and wife.
May 28, 1915 - BORN - Burch - at Hygiene, Sunday, May 23, l9l5, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas Burch, a son.(Lawrence)
After Alpheus Bashor sold his farm in Hygiene and moved to Longmont it was a while that the Ledger had no Hygiene News.
July 23, 1915 - James Burch, Ada Strong, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hamilton motored Sunday to Big Elk Park and visited J. V. McMullen, formerly of Hygiene.
Mrs. F. H. Burch has consented to be correspondent for the Ledger. Anyone having news in that neighborhood can be of service by informing Mrs. Burch. - Editor.
Aug. 6, 1915 - James Teter of Knoxville, Iowa was visiting his cousin, E. A. Teter, the firstof the week.
H. H. Burch of Longmont was calling in Hygiene Monday.
Aug. 20, 1915 - Claud Vauters and family of Longmont, Mr. and Mrs. John Carter of Hygiene were the guests of Frank Burch Sunday.
Mrs. C. J. Broughton and Mrs. E. A. Teter and two daughters met with an accident Wednesday evening when their horse became frightened and ran away, overturning the buggy and throwing them all out. Mrs. Teter received a cut on the arm about six inches long and her baby's hand was cut. The Dr. put four stitches in Mrs. Teter's arm and two in the baby's arm. Mrs. Broughton received a few bruises.
Dame Rumor says another wedding in town in the near future.
Aug. 27, 1915 - Mrs. Phebe Seaman is visiting relatives in Hygiene.
Sept. 17, 1915 - E. A. Teter has rented his place to Mr. Tindell of Kansas and will move his family to Fort Duchesne, Utah.
Sept. 24 James Burch and sister Grace, Miss Ada Strong and Stanton Hamilton and wife motored to Lafayette Sunday.
Frank Crosson and F. H. Burch had business in Fort Lupton Tuesday.
Oct. 1, 1915 - Byron Smith was accidently shot in the arm last Sunday while playing with Will Tabor's boys at their home. It is not known who fired the shot.
Charles Broughton and son Earl caught 46 trout in the St. Vrain last Sunday.
Oct. 8, 1915 - Ada Strong spent Sunday in Hygiene with friends.
Oct. 22, 1915 - The Messrs. James Burch and Chauncy Depew accompanied by the Misses Ada Strong and Grace Burch motored to Nunn, Colo. and back last Sunday.
Nov. 19, 1915 - Miss Ada Strong, who has been employed at the home of Mrs. Rue in Longmont for the past three months, has returned to Hygiene.
Mrs. Clara Seaman returned home Tuesday evening after a few days visit with friends in Longmont (who was Clara?- Aunt Phoebe's middle name.)
Dec. 3, 1915 - News of the past two weeks:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brand visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burch of Niwot Sunday.
Dec. 10, 1915 - Mr. John Carter moved from Mrs. May Laycook's farm to Mrs. Hunt's house last Friday.
Dec. 17, 1915 - Mr. Cale Cook of Wyoming is visiting at the home of W. J. Smith.
Dec. 24, 1915 - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cochran returned from their trip east and are spending a few weeks with relatives in Hygiene.
Dec. 31, 1915 - Miss Ada Strong, who has been visiting relatives in Nunn, returned to Hygiene Tuesday.
Mr. Jay Burch moved to his 6 acre tract one half mile west of Hygiene Monday.
Mrs. May Virdin arrived Monday evening from Bradshaw, Neb. to visit her sister Mrs. Jay Burch.
Jan. 7, 1916 - Grace Burch has accepted a position as a clerk at the Hogsett Mercantile Store.
Jan. 14, 1916 - Mrs. Phil Merchant of Canada visited Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. C. J. Broughton
There was a large crowd at Burch Lake Wednesday, where they enjoyed evening skating.
Feb. 11, 1916 - S. F. Hamilton and F. H. Burch went to Bummers Gulch Wednesday to take a lease on a tungsten mine.
Feb. 18, 1916 - Mr. & Mrs. Scott Depew of Lyons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter Sunday.
Feb. 25, 1916 - F. H. Burch and family were guests of the W. J. Burches Sunday.
F. H. Burch and son were Nederland visitors last Monday.
Mar. 3, 1916 - Mr. & Mrs. John Carter were guests of Claude Vauters last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Holliday entertained at dinner last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, F. H. Burch and family, the misses Ruth and Virginia Martin and Miss Ada Strong.
Mar. 10, 1916 - Claude and Chauncy Depew and James Burch were guests of Paul Nolan Sunday, it being Paul's twenty-first birthday.
Percy McGinnis of Bradshaw, Nebraska came Monday to spend the sunrmer with W. J. Burch.
April 7, 1916 - Mrs. John Smith arrived from Nederland Friday to spend a few weeks with her son Claude Vauters.
April l4, 1916 - James Burch and Miss Ada Strong motored to Nunn Saturday to visit Miss Strong's relatives. They returned home Sunday.
Mrs. May Virden returned to her home in Nebraska Friday. She spent a few months with her sister, Mrs. Jay Burch.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin entertained the following at their home Friday evening; Della and Josephine Saunders, Pearl and Bertha Moody, Ada Strong, Martha Ingalls, and Grace Burch.
April 28, 1916 - Robert Carter of Nederland was visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch and daughter Grace were Lafayette visitors Sunday.
May 5, 1916 - Mrs. W. J. Burch received a telegram Monday stating that her mother, Mrs. T. S. McGinnis of Polk, Nebraska, was seriously ill. She left Tuesday morning in company with her brother, Percy McGinnis.
June 16, 1916 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch and daughter, Wanda, of Jamestown spent Monday and Tuesday here.
June 30, 1916 - The vote for consolidation of districts no. 21 and 9 carried at the polls. The bonds will be voted on next week. It is hoped to have the new school this fall.
July 28, 1916 - Mr. and Mrs. Williamson spent Sunday at Jamestown. Wanda Burch came down with them to visit with relatives.
Aug. 4, 1916 - Charlie Broughton and family and Mr. Tindall and family motored to Cheyenne to enjoy the celebration, returning Sunday.
Marvin Kelly has returned to Hygiene after an absence of a year.
Aug.11, 1916 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch came down from Jamestown to take dinner with J. S. Cochran on Thursday. Edith Moody went home with them Thursday for a weeks stay with Wanda.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McGinnis and daughter of Bradshaw, Nebraska, and Mrs. McGinnis sister from Lincoln are visiting in the home of W. J. Burch.
Aug. 18, 1916 - Mrs. Charlie Broughton had dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. Broughton's birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loomiller, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Daley, Mrs. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buster, Mrs. Seaman., Miss Burch, Mildred Kelly, and the Misses Buster.
Aug. 25 Listen for wedding bellsl Dodge the rice.
Mr. T. S. McGinnis left Monday on his return trip to Nebraska.
Sept. 1, 1916 -Word came to Mrs. Mattie Carter Saturday that her son, Arthur Nichols, formerly of this place, died on that day, in Kansas City, Mo. The news was a shock to all and the sympathy of many friends goes out to Mrs. Carter in her sorrow.
Sept. 8, 1916 - Mrs. Cox and daughter Mary of Nebraska are with the W. J. Burch family this week.
Sept. 15, 1916 - Frank Burch was down from the ranch this week. Returning Wednesday.
Sept. 22, 1916 - Miss Grace Burch went to Jamestown Monday to spend some time with her father.
Mr. James Burch and Miss Ada Strong surprised their friends by being married in Boulder Saturday. From there they enjoyed a short honeymoon in Denver and came back in time to be serenaded by the young people Monday evening. Mrs. Burch has made her home here for some time, and has many friends who gave her a miscellaneous shower Thursday afternoon.
Oct. 6, 1916 - BURCH - at her home in Longmont, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1916, Mrs. Maria Burch, wife of H. H. Burch, age 75 years, 7 months, 1 day. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, one son, Daniel Burch, two daughters, Mrs. Amos Entwistle of Nunn and Mrs. George Bader of Berthoud, and three grandchildren.
Oct. 13, 1916 - Ed Teters and family returned from a year's sojourn in Utah, Friday.
Oct. 20, 1916 - Bob Carter and wife of Nederland are passing the week with the former's brother, J. L. Carter and wife.
Nov. 10, 1916 - Mr. Eby has sold his place to C.J. Broughton for $9,500, but will not give possession until Spring.
We are all glad to see that work on the new school house has been started.
Dec. 1, 1916 - Percy McGinnis and Fred Peterson come from Nebraska Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Burch and Turner Cain were Lafayette visitors Saturday.
Dec. 15, 1916 - Claud Vawter, a boy of 14 whose parents live west of here, broke his leg when his pony fell on him.
Dec. 22, 1916 - The Rebecca club held a meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. J. Burch.
Dec. 29, 1916 - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter spent the first part of the week with Claude Vawter and family west of Hygiene.
Jan. 5, 1917 - Niwot News - H. H. Burch is critically ill at the home of his son, Dan Burch.
Jan. 12, 1917 - Burch - at the home of his son, Daniel Burch near Niwot, Thursday evening, Jan. 4, 1917, Henry Hutman (Hoopman) aged 76 years.
The death of "Hank" Burch takes another pioneer from our midst, for he belongs to the early days of Colorado.
Mr. Burch was born in Iowa and came to Colorado in 1861, first settling in Central City where he engaged in mining. In 1880 he came to Boulder County and took up a farm near Niwot. He was married in 1866 to Marie Louise Frederick, and they lived on the farm until 16 years ago when they moved to Longmont, residing at 229 Terry St. Mrs. Burch passed away October, 1916 and Mr. Burch went back to the old farm to live with his son Daniel, where he passed away.
Mr. Burch served as County Commissioner two terms, first elected in 1904. Daniel was his only son, but he leaves two daughters, Mrs, Amos Entwistle of Nunn, Colo., and Mrs. George Bader of Berthoud, as well as one sister, Mrs. Hedgwood of Knoxville, Iowa.
Probably from three to four hundred people were present to pay their last respects to a man who has been useful in his life and honored in his death.
Feb. 2, 1917 - Mr. and Mrs. Crosson and son, Lawrence, came home from Denver, Monday although, due to the antics of the wind, Mr. Crosson arrived minus a hat.
Mrs. James Burch is having a bad attack of tonsilitis.
Percy McGinnis returned from the Ludlow farm in Longmont recently.
Feb. 9, 1917 - Aunt Phoebe Seaman has been quite ill at the home of John Carter.
Feb. 16, 1917 - Mrs. F. H. Burch returned Thursday from Lafayette where she spent most of last week.
Mrs. Kelly and family have moved back to their home place.
Feb. 23, 1917 - James Burch and wife will accupy the Eby house for a time.
Mar 2, 1917 - John Cochran has purchased a fine Studebaker car.
Mrs. J. S. Cochran entertained the Ladies Aid Society Thursday.
Miss Mildred Kelly went to Niwot Sunday to stay several days.
W. J. Smith has condescended to drive a Ford.
Miss Grace Burch has come home from Longmont to stay for a while.
Mar 9, 1917 - They really are shingling the new school building now.
Miss Mildred Kelly was bitten by a dog in Niwot, Wednesday. We are all sorry to know it is thought to be quite serious.
Mar. 16, 1917 - Mrs. F. H. Burch and Mrs. Kelly spent Friday in Boulder with Miss Mildred Kelly.
Mar. 23, 1917 - S. S. Brand of Park City, Utah visited his brother Wednesday. He was enroute to New York where he will bury the two Brand brothers who died recently.
Miss Mildred Kelly has returned from Boulder and will spend the summer at home.
J. L. Carter and George Weese moved the Tindall household goods to Loveland Monday.
Percy McGinnis left for Nebraska Tuesday.
While Jamie Burch was working a feed cutter Monday, two of his fingers were caught in the wheels. It was necessary to amputate the little finger just below the knuckle, and the fourth finger was painfully mashed.
Mar. 30, 1917 - Miss Velma Prechtl came from Denver Saturday to be with her parents this week.
May 11, 1917 - Little Alice Burch hasn't been attending school for nearly a week due to an attack of appendicitis. Her school chums gave her a splendid card shower for her birthday last Friday.
May 25, 1917 - Charles Goss has purchased the old dist. 21 school site and is moving his household goods into the building. We can see possibilities of a fine residence "in the little red schoolhouse."
June 8, 1917 - Eugene Crosson left Saturday to spend the summer with his grandparents in Concordia Kansas. His father went as far as Denver with him.
The Misses Wanda Burch and Edith Moody had a good time in Longmont with Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Bashor Thursday.
June 15, 1917 - Mrs. James Burch is visiting her parents in Nunn.
June 29, 1917 - Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Laird came from Greely Sunday to spend a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James Burch.
July 20, 1917 - Della and Vera Crosson went to Denver Wednesday to have a good time with relatives.
July 27, 1917 - Eugene Crosson returned from Kansas. He and his uncle drove through in a car.
Aug. 23, 1917 - Married at the home of the bride's parents in Lyons, Earl Broughton of Hygiene and Miss Anna Bell Bucherdee of Lyons.
Sept. 7, 1917 - School opened Monday and 101 children and 3 teachers, Miss Maider, Miss Davis, and Miss Wetterberg are praising it.
Sept. 14, 1917 - Hygiene ladies conducted successfully a shower for Mrs. Earl Broughton Thursday.
Oct. 26, 1917 - Willard Kelly came home from Copeland Lake Monday with a badly injured ( ? ) in a saw mill there.
Nov. 23, 1917 - Word was sent to Mrs. W. J. Burch Wednesday morning from Polk, Nebr. that her father, T. S. McGinnis, had died. Frank Burch and wife motored to Denver with her Wednesday afternoon and she left immediately for her home.
Nov. 30, 1917 - Mrs. F. H. Crosson and son Lawrence left Wednesday for a visit in Kansas.
F. H. Burch and family were Thanksgiving guests of Alpheus Bashors in Longmont.
Dec 14, 1917 - Mrs. W.J. Burch arrived home from Nebraska Friday after attending the
funeral of her father, T. S. McGinnis.
Dec. 28, 1917 - W. J. Smith and family entertained on Christmas day the families of F. H. Burch, J. S. Cochran, and J. A. Cochran.
Mrs. Crosson returned Monday from Kansas.
Jan. 4, 1918 - Mr. and Mrs. Vawter have moved to the house on H. S. Turner's farm.
Jan.11, 1918 - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Broughton entertained a number of friends at dinner Sunday.
Frank Burch and wife motored to Boulder Tuesday.
W. J. Smith accompanied his daughter, Miss Neva, to Denver Monday.
Jan.18, 1918 - Ellsworth Teters of Champion, Nebraska is visiting his father, E. A. Teters.
Jan.25, 1918 - Marvin Kelly arrived Saturday from North Platte, Nebr. to visit in his home here.
James Burch and Chauncey Depew have gone to Kansas City to look after some cattle.
Feb. 1, 1918 - Two of the Terer boys and Earl Broughton are sick with the measles.
Mrs. Molly Kelly and family, with the exception of Mildred, left Wednesday morning for North Platte, Nebraska.
Feb. 8, 1918 - Miss Grace Burch has returned from Boulder to her home.
Mrs. Claud Vawter is very ill with appendicitis in a Denver hospital.
Mar. 1, 1918 - Miss Neva Smith spent a few days at home recently.
Vernon Burch, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burch, was kicked in the shoulder by a horse, while playing in the yard Sunday. It is believed not to be serious.
C. P. Vawters sold his stock and farm machinery at public auction Tuesday, and is moving to Denver.
Wanda Burch and Della Crosson are the latest to have the Liberty measles.
Miss Grace Burch has gone to Longmont to remain a few weeks.
Mar. 8, 1918 - Miss Velma Prechtl of Longmont spent Sunday with her parents.
Mar. 29, 1918 - Miss Neva Smith has gone to Boulder to work in a millinary store.
Hugh McIntosh and family moved from Denver to live and work on the W. J. Smith place.
Apr. 5, 1918 - Mrs. F. H. Burch has been gathering statistics from the farmers in regard
to labor and crops.
N. H. Bashor and J. L. Carter have been quite ill for several days.
Turner Cain left Saturday for camp Funston where he will begin training.
Apr. l2, 1918 - Bob Carter of Nederland is visiting his brother J. L. Carter who is quite
May 3, 1918 - Marvin Kelly is here from North Platte, Nebraska to look after the home
place, into which H. R. Webster is moving.
Mrs. Broughton entertained at a party for Miss Mildred Kelly Wednesday eve.
The raffling of the Red Cross Pig which was donated by Sanford Buster is now on. See J. A. Lee for a lucky number.
May 24, 1918 - F. H. Burch was here from Springdale where he moved with his family last week.
Miss Grace Burch returned Thursday from a few weeks visit in Canon City. She went the same evening to the mountain ranch.
Mrs. Seaman has gone to Longmont to make her home with Mrs. Jennie Nicks.
June 7, 1918 - Among those who registered for the draft this year in Longmont were Gus Prechtl, Raymond Johnson and Earl Broughton.
H. R. Webster has moved to Longmont and Mrs. Kelly has returned from Nebraska to occupy her home place.
June 21, 1918 - Miss Velva Strong and her uncle, Mr. Peterson of Nunn spent several days with Mrs. Ada Burch.
June 28, 1918 - C. M. Webster and wife drove to the F. H. Burch ranch above Boulder Wed.
Mrs. Kelly and daughter, Mildred, went to Boulder on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Laird of Nunn, and children spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. James Burch.
July 19, 1918 - Born at Hygiene Thursday, July 11, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burch,
a son.
Died: Burch - in Hygiene, July 14, 1918, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burch.
Raymond Johnson and Cecile Wassinger took dinner Sunday with Grace Burch at the ranch above Boulder.
July 26, 1918 - Married: Brenbarger - Prechtl. In Boulder Monday morning, July 22, 1918, Mr. Brenbarger of Eaton and Miss Wilma Fern Prechtl of Hygiene. Rev. C. A. Rowand officiating.
Dr. and Mrs. Sherard of Concordia, Kansas and Mr. and Mrs. Crosson are taking in the Frontier celebration.
Aug. 9, 1918 - Mr. and Mrs. John Carter spent Tuesday with the Depew family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tansey of Polk, Nebraska are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. W. J. Burch.
Willard and Marvin Kelly came for a visit from Nebraska. Marvin expects
to enter training early next month.
Aug. 30, 1918 - Jim Burch is visiting with relatives here this week.
Oct. 11, 1918 - There will be no school, church or any public gatherings in our community
until the authorities believe all danger of influenza is past.
Oct.19, 1918 - John S. Cochran and wife were down from their mountain ranch the last of the week.
Nov. 29, 1918 - Deaths - Carter, at Hygiene, Thursday, Nov. 21, 1918. John Lewis Carter, aged 69 years, 5 months and 25 days. Mr. Carter's death was caused by a kick from a horse. The horse had a bad foot and Mr. Carter was putting linament on it. He was killed instantly. No inquest was held. Mr. Carter has lived in Longmont for many years. He leaves a son, Arthur, who lives in Wisconsin. Funeral services were held in Hygiene Sunday, with Odd Fellows closing. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Carter in her sorrow.
(The son , Arthur, was John's wife, Mattie's, son by a former marriage. John Carter had a son, Edward, by his first wife, Cora Webster.)
Dec. 20, 1918 - Mrs. Nellie Burch has been caring for the Brand Family through their attacks of influenza. All are now getting along fine. Although little Grace (Wanda?)had pneumonia, she is doing very well.
The latest flu cases are: Mrs. James Burch, Miss Louise Buchert, and
Mrs. F. H. Crosson and children.
Dec. 27, 1918 - Mrs. Earl Broughton is the latest to have influenza. Mr. and Mrs. James Burch are still in the hospital, Jamie in a very serious condition. We
are all anxious about these people and hope all will come out well.
Jan 3, 1919 - Burch-In Longmont, Friday Dec. 27th, 1918. William James Burch, age 23 yrs 9 mo 18 days. Mr Burch grew up in Hygiene Section where he was well known and liked. He took influenza which developed into pneumonia. He was brought to Longmont; for treatment. Transfusions were resorted to without success. Mr. Burch leaves a wife, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch. (There was also a long
obituary in the Hygiene Notes for Jamie and Belle Broughten.)
Feb 7, 1919 - Miss Neva Smith of Boulder spent Sunday with her parents here.
F.H. Crosson and family have moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Burch.
Feb. 14, 1919 - F.H. Crosson and F.H. Burch have both been on the sick list this week.
Mar 7, 1919 - Mr. and Mrs. Brand entertained at dinner Tuesday the F.H. Burch and Dan Burch family of Niwot.
Mrs Carter of Boulder is spending the week with friends here.
Mar 21, 1919 - Mrs Ada Burch and Grace Burch went to Denver Wednesday for a few days.
Mrs T.S. Mcginnis of Polk Nebr. is visiting her daughter, Mrs Mollie Burch.
May 2, 1919 - Mrs. Mollie Burch entertained the Ladies Aid Thursday.
John Cochran and wife have gone to their mountain ranch for the summer.
June 13, 1919 - Those who graduated from the Hygiene 8th grade were: Harry Lohr, Glen Wassinger, Ora Teter, Gertrude Teter, Raymond Landis, Iris Laycook, Rudolph Brand, Bertha Johnson, Dorothy Bashor, Willand Davies, Althea Johnson, and Eugene Crosson.
June 20, 1919 - Mrs. Broughton entertained the Willing Workers Club Wednesday.
June 27, 1919 - Earl Broughton has come back from Keensburg where he spent several months.
July 11, 1919 - W.J. Smith and family left Friday to spend 2 weeks in Wyoming.
July 18, 1919 - Marvin Kelly has gone to Haxtun to work in the harvest fields.
July 25, 1919 - F.H. Crosson and family spent Sunday at the mountain ranch of Frank Burch.
Aug 1, 1919 - Mrs Percy McGinnis of Nebraska is visiting the W.J. Burches.