From BACK TO THE BASICS by Anne Dyni
For Marie Tyrer, teaching in this small mountain school was convenient because she lived nearby and could walk to class with her three young sons. The two oldest were students and the third, a toddler, played quietly in a corner of the room or napped while school was in session. Mrs. Tyrer was an accomplished musician and to augment her meager salary, she gave private organ and piano lessons to the children.
With no playground equipment, the children created their own activities and played games such as baseball, tag, and fox and geese. A shallow cave just to the south of the schoolyard provided a delightful stage for make-believe games during recess.
By 1936, only the Reed family still had children in the Lee Hill district, so Mrs. Reed taught her children at home. The schoolhouse was gone by 1960. Nothing remains on the site except an apple tree, barely surviving in the shade of the pines.
In 1960, the schoolhouse was being
dismantled. Wanda Burch Armstead Collection. |
School Building: Sandstone. One-room.
Razed ca 1960.
Historic Location: East side of Lee Hill Road, 1.5 miles from Olde Stage Road.
Mrs. Tyrer is on the left, 1918.
Wanda Burch Armstead Collection.
Sources of information:
Interview: Wanda Burch Armstead
Tape: Carnegie Branch Library for
Local History,
Ruth Anderson Specht
"Lee Hill Seeks Annexation to Boulder
Boulder Daily Camera,
September 27, 1951.
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