(by Wanda Burch Armstead, great great granddaughter of John Burch
Sketch by Linda Anderson)
John Burch was born 18 Jan. 1759 in Prince Georges Co., Md. died March, 1834 in Barren Co., Ky.
In 1776 while living in Prince William Co, Va., he was called out with the militia of Virginia. His company patrolled the banks of the Potomac where the British vessels were anchored.
When the British moved down the river, Captain Evans' company followed them by a very rapid march to Mount Vernon, General Washington's home, where his mill contained about 400 barrels of flour. It was feared it would be attacked by the enemy.
As John lived near the river, he was called upon many times to watch the British vessels whenever they came up the Potomac.
Later, while at Fredericksburg, General Washington ordered them to clear out a road down to Little York, where Cornwallis was besieged.
When the road was finished they were stationed with the Militia on the opposite side of the York River to prevent Cornwallis from escaping.
John Burch's Revolutionary War Pension (transcribed from a copy of the original 1832 handwritten document)
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