The University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Mathematics 3210, Spring 2003
Euclidean and non-Euclidean Geometry
- Location: ECCR 1B08
- Schedule: MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM
- Professor: Walter Taylor
- Email address:
- Office Phone:
492-8344 (Please email if at all possible)
- Office :
Mathematics Building 255
- Office hours:
- Regular hours: TBA.
- Or please email me; I almost always can find a time to see
you, or possibly I can answer your question directly on email.
- Attendance: To be considered properly enrolled
in the course, you must have this hour
free on all MWF-days. At no time will I accommodate anyone
who has registered for the class with a schedule conflict,
academic or otherwise, or anyone who attempts to do so.
You are expected to be in class every day. On the other hand,
if you need to miss one class, on a day when there is no exam,
just do it. (In such a case, permission from me is irrelevant.)
I am happy to tell you in general terms what we covered in a
class you missed. Nevertheless, I really cannot begin to recreate
a class situation for you, since much of the material is
spontaneous, and depends on student participation.
- Class decorum: No eating. No drinking. No reading of newspapers,
etc. No conversation or talking. No exceptions. If you need to do
any of these things, please leave the room; I will not be offended.
It is of course an absolute no-no to have your cell phone ring
during class!
This page pertains only to Professor Taylor's section of
Mathematics 3210, for the spring semester of 2003. As far as I know,
this is the only section occurring this semester. For other sections
or other semesters, other details and regulations will no doubt apply.
An attempt will be made to keep this page up-to-date, but this
is not guaranteed. Students are responsible for every assignment made
in class, whether or not it ultimately appears on this page.
Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry, by Arlan Ramsay and Robert
D. Richtmyer, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995
ISBN 0-387-94339-0
About homework
- You must be present at all exams.
- No books, calculators, cards or other aids.
- The final examination will be
Wednesday, May 7th, 10:30am - 1:00pm.
You must keep this
time free for the exam. Unless announced otherwise, the final
is to be in the regular classroom.
- Hour exams are in the usual classroom, at the usual class time,
and are limited to the usual fifty-minute hour.
- First Hour Exam:
- Second Hour Exam:
- Third Hour Exam:
- Final Exam:
Wednesday, May 7th, 10:30am - 1:00pm, (as
announced in the course schedule (corrected version)).
- HW 1, Due XXXday, January XX
- p. XX -- x, x
- p. XX -- xxx, x
- p. XX -- x, y, z, w, u, v
- HW 2, Due XXXday, January XX
- p. XX -- x, x
- p. XX -- xxx, x
- p. XX -- x, y, z, w, u, v
- HW 3, Due XXXday, January XX
- p. XX -- x, x
- p. XX -- xxx, x
- p. XX -- x, y, z, w, u, v
- HW 4, Due XXXday, January XX
- p. XX -- x, x
- p. XX -- xxx, x
- p. XX -- x, y, z, w, u, v