The University of Colorado

Boulder, Colorado

Mathematics 6210, Fall 2002

Introduction to topology (graduate level)

This page pertains only to Professor Taylor's section of Mathematics 6210, for the fall semester of 2002. As far as I know, this is the only section occurring this semester. For other sections or other semesters, other details and regulations will no doubt apply.

An attempt will be made to keep this page up-to-date, but this is not guaranteed. Students are responsible for every assignment made in class, whether or not it ultimately appears on this page.


Topology, Second Edition, by James R. Munkres, ISBN 0-13-181629-2

About homework

There will be several sets of homeworks during the semester. Generally they will be taken from the book. Although this is a course about topology and its role in mathematics, it is also a course about proofs . We are learning to be mathematicians! (If this doesn't appeal to you, don't enroll!) Therefore the homeworks will often be small proofs that are accessible at our level. Unless there is a huge enrollment, I will read all the homeworks myself, and offer suggestions for correction.

Up to three HW papers may be turned in for an improved score. The deadline is the start of the last class period (Dec. 11). It will help me if you include your old work, so I can figure out how much was previously deducted. Your write up should include a complete re-statement and re-solution of any HW problem for which you wished enhanced credit. Do not include a re-write-up of those problems that were previously accepted as correct.



The normal Moore space conjecture

For a good exposition, see this review and article by Dow, Tall and Weiss, 1992. (If that doesn't work, go here and click on article 44.)