# usage:
# awk -f to_ps.awk dvi_file > ps_file
# where dvi_file consists of Taylor's device-independent commands
# for line graphics. (With a further command `d' for dot.)
# Then ps_file will be valid PostScript code.
# This is designed to work like my to_ps.c; I have not gone to the
# trouble of giving all the error messages of to_ps.c. This code
# is very similar to that --- in fact I made it by fiddling with
# that code --- but in some ways it is more compact and readable.
# Therefore, some students may find it useful as a model for making
# translators. Could be applied, for example, to make a Bezier curve
# plotter.
# An interesting way to `improve' this would be to add ps defs of
# the frequently encountered strings.
				# initialize window coordinates:
LL_x = 0.0; LL_y = 0.0; UR_x = 1.0; UR_y = 1.0;
				# begin output with %!, as required for
				# PostScript printers:

{q_x=p_x; q_y=p_y}                #save old p-values
/^%/                              #print any line beginning with %
				# From now on, commands depend on the
				# first character of a line:
				/^t/{fontsize =  8}
				/^x/{fontsize = 10}
				/^T/{fontsize = 14}
/^t/||/^x/||/^T/ {
        printf "/Times-Roman findfont %d scalefont setfont\n" , fontsize
	printf "(" 
	printf "%s", substr($0,2,length-1) 
        printf ")  show\n" 
/^r/ {r_x=$2 ; r_y=$3 ; s_x=$4; s_y=$5 
	r_x = (r_x-LL_x) / (UR_x-LL_x); r_y = (r_y-LL_y) / (UR_y-LL_y);
	s_x = (s_x-LL_x) / (UR_x-LL_x); s_y = (s_y-LL_y) / (UR_y-LL_y);}
/^w/ {LL_x=$2 ; LL_y=$3 ; UR_x=$4; UR_y=$5 }
/^m/ { p_x=$2 ; p_y=$3 ;
       p_x = (p_x-LL_x) / (UR_x-LL_x); p_y = (p_y-LL_y) / (UR_y-LL_y);
                        ok_to_draw_line = 1;
		i = (p_x * 72)*8.5; j = ((p_y * 8.5) + 2.5) *72;
		if (i>0.0 && j>0.0 && i<612.0 && j<792.0) 
			printf "%4.1f %4.1f moveto\n" ,i,j
/^l/ { p_x=$2 ; p_y=$3 ;
       p_x = (p_x-LL_x) / (UR_x-LL_x); p_y = (p_y-LL_y) / (UR_y-LL_y);
		i = (p_x * 72)*8.5; j = ((p_y * 8.5) + 2.5) *72;
		ii = (q_x * 72)*8.5; jj = ((q_y * 8.5) + 2.5) *72;
		if (i>0.0 && j>0.0 && i<612.0 && j<792.0) 
			printf "newpath\n" 
			printf "%4.1f %4.1f moveto\n" ,ii,jj
			printf "%4.1f %4.1f lineto\n" ,i,j
			printf "stroke\n" 
/^W/ { x =  ($2)*(72.0/300.0); printf "%3.1f setlinewidth\n",x }
/^d/ { p_x=$2 ; p_y=$3 ;
       p_x = (p_x-LL_x) / (UR_x-LL_x); p_y = (p_y-LL_y) / (UR_y-LL_y);
		i = (p_x * 72)*8.5; j = ((p_y * 8.5) + 2.5) *72;
		k = (($4 * 8.5)+0.0)*72;
        printf("%4.1f %4.1f moveto ",i,j,k);
        printf("%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f 0 360 arc fill stroke\n",i,j,k);
	printf "showpage\n" }