Wednesday, December 27, 2000 11:41 AM perfect a b c d e f g h i j 100 100 200 100.0 A domes a b c _ e f g _ _ _ 89 100 197 90.5 A- levare a 7 _ 7 _ 7 g h _ j 75 78 185 90.2 A- The first two numerical scores are for the two hour exams. The third is the final examination (based on 200). Letter scores (a,b, etc.) indicate completed projects as described below. A numerical score is used for anything less than the full 8 points. The final number is a semester average (calculated as explained elsewhere). The last column is the grade that has been submitted to the University. (a) A selection from Chapter 2. (b) The conics and Lissajous group. (c) The Bezier and spline group. (d) Portfolio of motions of the plane. (e) The calculus group. (f) The seeworld project. (g) Graphing a function of two variables. (h) Ray-tracing. (i) Space-curve and stereo-image group. (j) A project of your own design.