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Yu-Ju Lee

I am a software engineer developing FHIR, a data exchange standard of electronic health records, at Epic Systems. I have a PhD in Computer Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder, advised by Prof. David Hall. My research topic is applying machine learning in meteorological data for interpretable prediction. Before joining CU Boulder, I was a system engineer for the Wi-Fi system and designed the coexistence architecture of co-located wireless systems.

My resume can be downloaded here

Aug2015 - Aug2020

University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado USA
PhD., Computer Science

Aug2008 - May2010

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California USA
M.S., Electrical Engineering

Sep2001 - Jun2005

National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
B.S., Electrical Engineering


Lee, Yu-Ju, David Hall, Quan Liu, Wen-Wei Liao, and Ming-Chun Huang. "Interpretable tropical cyclone intensity estimation using Dvorak-inspired machine learning techniques." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 101 (2021): 104233.

Jiang, Haotian, James Starkman, Yu-Ju Lee, Huan Chen, Xiaoye Qian, and Ming-Chun Huang. "Distributed Deep Learning Optimized System over the Cloud and Smart Phone Devices." IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2019).

Tianhan Lu, Yu-Ju Lee, Wen-Wei Liao, "Towards Denial-of-Service Memory Vulnerabilities," Journal of Software vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 423-436, 2019.

Lee, Yu-Ju, David Hall, Jebb Stewart, and Mark Govett. "Machine Learning for Targeted Assimilation of Satellite Data." In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pp. 53-68. Springer, Cham, 2018.

Lee, Yu-Ju, and Wen-Wei Liao. "Ultimate performance of Wi-Fi access points with multiple interfaces: An application of software defined network." In Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2018 20th International Conference on, pp. 590-594. IEEE, 2018.

Lee, Yu-Ju, and Eric Wustrow. "OverTorrent: Anticensorship without centralized servers." In Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 2016 14th Annual Conference on, pp. 388-391. IEEE, 2016.

Lee, Yuju, Ming-Chun Huang, Xiaoyi Zhang, and Wenyao Xu. "FridgeNet: a nutrition and social activity promotion platform for aging populations." IEEE Intelligent Systems 30, no. 4 (2015): 23-30.

Wu, Yingxiao, Wenyao Xu, Jason J. Liu, Ming-Chun Huang, Shuang Luan, and Yuju Lee. "An energy-efficient adaptive sensing framework for gait monitoring using smart insole." IEEE Sensors Journal 15, no. 4 (2015): 2335-2343.


Lin, Ying-you, Yu-ju Lee, Chih-kun Chang, Chih-wei Kang, Hsi-chang Yang, and Pu-hsuan Lin. "Sounding method and wireless communication system." U.S. Patent 9,992,789, issued June 5, 2018.

Lee, Yu-Ju, Ying-You Lin, Chih-kun Chang, Chih-Wei Kang, and Hsi-Chang Yang. "Sounding method and wireless communication system." U.S. Patent 9,900,901, issued February 20, 2018.

Lee, Yu-Ju, Po-Hsun Huang, and C. H. O. U. Chao-Wen. "Method and apparatus for determining silence time." U.S. Patent 9,894,466, issued February 13, 2018.

Lee, Yu-Ju. "Coexistence operation method and related wireless system." U.S. Patent 9,860,754, issued January 2, 2018.

Lee, Yu-Ju, Cheng-Lung Tsai, Hao-Sheng Hsu, and Hui-Kuang Tseng. "Method and wireless communication device for antenna deployment determination." U.S. Patent 9,692,532, issued June 27, 2017.

Lee, Yu-Ju, Ying-You Lin, Chih-Wei Kang, and Chih-kun Chang. "Communication device, integrated circuitry, and the communication method thereof." U.S. Patent Application 15/172,287, filed December 8, 2016.

Lee, Yu-Ju, Hao-Sheng Hsu, and W. U. Pao-Chen. "Method of managing communication traffic for multiple communication technologies and communication device thereof." U.S. Patent 9,408,149, issued August 2, 2016.

Lee, Yu-Ju, and Hsu-Chu Huang. "Scheduling method and electronic device using the same." U.S. Patent Application 14/024,651, filed March 12, 2015.

Lee, Yu-Ju, Po-Hsun Huang, Sheng-Da Chiang, You-Duan Chen, Shih-Chin Jung, Ching-Hwa Yu, and Chia-Hsiang Hsu. "Method of Managing Packet Transmission for Wireless System." U.S. Patent Application 14/096,020, filed July 24, 2014.

Poster and Talk

Lee, Yu-Ju, Wenwei Liao, and Kuan-Neng Chen. "Intensity estimation of tropical cyclone satellite images using random walk with restart." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, vol. 2019, pp. GC43D-1373. 2019.

Yu-Ju Lee, C. Bonfanti, L. Trailovic, B. J. Etherton, M. W. Govett, and J. Q. Stewart: Using Deep Learning for Targeted Data Selection: Improving Satellite Observation Utilization for Model Initialization. 17th Conf on Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Austin, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J38.3,

Lee, Yu-Ju, Christina E. Bonfanti, Lidia Trailovic, Brian Etherton, Mark Govett, and Jebb Stewart. "Using Deep Learning for Targeted Data Selection, Improving Satellite Observation Utilization for Model Initialization." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2017.

Yu-Ju Lee, C. Bonfanti and J. Q. Stewart: Improving Satellite Observation Utilization for Model Initialization Through the Use of Supervised Machine Learning. 16th Conf on Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Baltimore, MD, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 3A.3,

It is my pleasure to work with these cool companies.

Mar 2021 – Present

Software Engineer – Epic Systems, Madison, WI, USA

  • Develop software for HL7 FHIR electronic health records exchange standard and ONC certification program
  • Analyze data transmission bottleneck and reduce the memory footprint for existing FHIR backend infrastructure
  • Design a scalable backend architecture prototype to reduce the latency and improve performance

May 2018 – Aug 2018

Systems Engineering Internships – Qualcomm Atheros, San Jose, USA

  • Developed machine learning algorithm to control Adaptive Noise Immunity of Wi-Fi to enhance throughput performance
  • Collected Wi-Fi RF sensing data and built an indoor mapping system through deep learning (Python/Scikit-learn)

Jun 2016 – Aug 2016

Systems Engineering Internships – Qualcomm Research, New Jersey, USA

  • Designed smart logging software system of LTE small cells to locate critical timing to debug and perform system profiling
  • Implemented hosts simulation to verify and evaluate the performance of smart logging software system (C/C++/Python)

April 2011 – July 2015

System Engineer - MediaTek, Taiwan

  • Developed rate adaptation algorithms for 802.11ac SU/MU-MIMO wireless systems, simulated the algorithm by OMNEST network simulator and correlated with field trial measurement (C/C++/OMNEST)
  • Designed coexistence architecture of Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/LTE combo chip by time and frequency domain management. led projects from feature evaluation, function design, chip simulation, FPGA emulation, silicon chips validation, system performance tuning and system quality assurance to the final max production stage
  • Brought up initial firmware, FPGA driver and automation test tools for system architecture design and evaluation (C/Python/Linux Driver)

Professional Services

Journal Reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC),
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC),
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),
IEEE Intelligent Systems (IS),
IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD),
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TI)


Sep 2020 – Feb 2021

Post-Doctoral Researcher – Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

  • Developed software programs to detect and analyze midnight temperature maximum phenomenon
  • Led machine learning projects to identify spread-F in ionograms by deep learning methodologies

Jan 2019 – May 2020

Teaching Assistant – University of Colorado Boulder

  • CSCI2270 Computer Science 2: Data Structures(Spring 2019)(Fall 2019)(Spring 2020)

Jan 2017 – May 2018

Professional Research Assistant - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

  • Develop programs to parallel pre-processing satellite data and post-processing algorithms to increase predict accuracy
  • Combine feature engineering and image processing concept to recognize extreme weather phenomenon
  • Build convolutional neural network to identify region of interesting from water vapor satellite images

Aug 2015 – Fall 2016

Teaching Assistant – University of Colorado Boulder

  • CSCI3753 Design and Analysis of Operating Systems(Fall 2016)
  • CSCI2400 Computer Systems(Spring 2016)
  • CSCI3308 Software Engineering Methods and Tools(Fall 2015)