Phil Graves' Home Page

Hi! You have successfully reached my website. The picture is of me and my (then puppy) dog, "Buddy Holly." He is now about eighty pounds bigger than in the picture! Most of you will wish to go directly to the teaching link, but feel free to browse.  The personal information is for friends, but also for those students who are curious what professors are "really like."  In the research section, I have put an intuitive explanation of the nature of my research before listing specific books and articles--I think the research mission of major universities is the least understood part of an academic's job.  I owe it to you, as offspring of Colorado taxpayers and probably as future taxpayers yourselves, to explain this important function insofar as is possible.  If you have any ideas about how to improve this web page--even if you just can't stand my background colors or fonts!-- e-mail me with your suggestions (I'm new to this whole thing).  Phil
P.S. Any links on these pages to non-university sites do not represent endorsement by the University of Colorado at Boulder or its affiliates.  Similarly, opinions or statements expressed herein should not be taken as a position or endorsement of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Places To Go:

Favorite Links

Department of Economics
 (This has a wealth of links to people, data, economics major/minor requirements, etc.)
Boulder Daily Camera Newspaper
 (Get the local news "free" (subsidized) and without all that messy paper to recycle!)

You can reach me by e-mail at:

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