Leafhopper Distribution Maps

Flexamia picta

Flexamia picta map

map legend

Host-plant associations: Collected on Aristida gracilis (=Aristida longespica) and Aristida oligantha (as Deltocephalus funabulus in Crumb 1915a; Delong 1926d); Whitcomb and Hicks (1988a) suggest it may occur on other annual species of Aristida as well.

Range of collection dates: June 12 to Oct 3 for Illinois (Delong 1948a.) 

Elevation range (approximate): Sea level to 3865 feet.

Sources of Distributional Data: Published records and specimens in the collections of the United States National Museum and the Mississippi Entomological Museum at Mississippi State University.

Comments: Originally described by Osborn (1907a) from Staten Island, New York. Also recorded from Virginia (Young 1950a).

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Updated June 14, 2008