In Progress or Published
- War, Peace & Prosperity in the Name of God,The University of Chicago Press, 2015.
- Agricultural Productivity & Conflict: Evidence from the Diffusion of Potatoes in the Old World, (with Nathan Nunn and Nancy Qian), July 2015.
- Winter is Coming: The Long-Run Effects of Climate Change on Conflict, 1400 - 1900 CE, (with Nathan Nunn and Nancy Qian), January 2017
- The Ideological Roots of Institutional Change, (with Jared Rubin), April 2017.
- Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles, (with Jeanne Lafortune), January 2016.
- What did the Old Poor Law Really Accomplish? A Redux (with Avner Greif), March 2013.
- Changing the Rules Midway: The Impact of Granting Alimony Rights to Existing and Newly-Formed Partnerships, (with Pierre-Andre Chiappori, Jeanne Lafortune and Yoram Weiss), The Economic Journal, 127:604, 1847-1905, September 2017.
- Social Institutions and Economic Growth: Why England and not China Became the First Modern Economy, (with Avner Greif and Diego Sasson), November 2012.
- Social Organizations, Risk-Sharing Institutions and Industrialization (with Avner Greif ). American Economic Review (P & P), 103:3, 534-38, May 2013.
- Risk-Sharing Institutions, Social Norms and Economic Development (with Avner Greif and Diego Sasson). International Economic Association Conference Volume, May 2012.
- Lessons from the Ottoman Harem: On Ethnicity, Religion & War. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 61:4, 693-730, July 2013, lead article.
- Are We There Yet? Time for Checks and Balances on New Institutionalism. Prepared for the Beloit College 2012 Upton Scholar Forum in honor of Timur Kuran.
- On the Socioeconomic Consequences of Religious Strife and Coexistence, in The Handbook of the Economics of Religion, Rachel McCleary, ed. The Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Patent Protection and Strategic Delays in Technology Development, (with X. Meggie Chen), Southern Economic Journal, 78(1), 211-32, July 2011.
- Learning Piracy on the High Seas, (with Watcharapong Ratisukpimol), preliminary draft.
- Investment in Schooling and the Marriage Market, (with Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Yoram Weiss) [ Online Appendix ]. American Economic Review, 99:5, 1689-1713, December 2009, lead article.
- Luther and Suleyman, [Supplementary Addendum] Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123:4, 1465-94, November 2008.
- Building the Family Nest: Pre-Marital Investments, Marriage Markets and Spousal Allocations, (with Randall P. Walsh). Review of Economic Studies, 74:2, 507-35, April 2007.
- Endogenous Gender Power, Household Labor Supply, and the Quantity-Quality Tradeoff, (with Randall P. Walsh). Journal of Development Economics, 82:1, 138-55, January 2007.
- The Clash of Civilizations: A Cliometric Investigation, (with Erin Fletcher), revised April 2010.
- Monotheism (From a Sociopolitical and Economic Perspective), revised March 2010.
- Divorce Laws, Remarriage and Spousal Welfare,(with Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Yoram Weiss), revised October 2009.
- Spousal Matching with Children, Careers and Divorce, (with Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Yoram Weiss), preliminary draft.
- Marriage, Cohabitation and Commitmentrevised June 2009.
Economics of the Family
- Public Goods, Transferable Utility and Divorce Laws, (with Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Yoram Weiss), 1:2, Journal of Demographic Economics, March 2015.
- Marriage Markets and Household Modes of Behavior, December 2006.
- Gender Inequality, Spousal Careers and Divorce, (with Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Yoram Weiss), preliminary draft.
- Timing of Childbearing and Economic Growth. Journal of Development Economics, 61:1, 257-71, February 1999.
Economic Growth & Development
- Experiencing Change and the Evolution of Adaptive Skills: Implications for Economic Growth, (with Ann L. Owen). European Econoimc Review, 50:3,565-79, April 2006.
- On the Efficacy of Reforms: Policy Tinkering, Institutional Change, and Entrepreneurship, with Dani Rodrik). Institutions and Economic Growth, (T.Eicher and C.G. Penalosa,eds.), MIT Press, December 2005.
- Income Inequality, Financial Development and Macroeconomic Fluctuations,(with Ann L. Owen). Economic Journal,114:495, April 2004.
- Public Education and Intergenerational Economic Mobility. International Economic Review 40:3, 697-710, August 1999.
- Risk, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Accumulation,(with Ann L. Owen). American Economic Review, 88:2, 454-57, May 1998.
- The Technology Skill Content, Learning by Doing and Specialization in Foreign Trade (with Galina An). Journal of International Economics, 64:2,465-83, December 2004.
- Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and Growth,(with Ann L. Owen). Journal of Economic Growth 4:2, 211-30, June 1999.
- Technology Life Cycles and Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30:4, 687-719, April 2006.
- Geography, Demography, and Early Development. Journal of Population Economics,18:2, 301-21, June 2005.
- The Export Skill Content, Learning By Exporting and Economic Growth, (with Galina An). Economics Letters, 84:1, 29-43, July 2004.
- Finance and Macroeconomic Volatility, (with Cevdet Denizer and Ann L.Owen). Contributions to Macroeconomics 2002, 2:1, 7.