
A number of tutorials are planned as deliverables for this project. Each tutorial focuses on a particular method as it has been implemented in the triangle and/or pyramid frameworks. Each tutorial will incorporate instructions, code, and a small data set. These will be available on github as they are completed and tested, and links to each tutorial will be provided here on the project website. Here are the tutorials currently planned:

Attribute Misclassification Across Scale (in the Pyramid Framework)

Tutorial content designed by Kate Carlson, CU-Boulder. Testing and web implementation by Katie Tyler and George Charisoulis, CU-Boulder.
August 2021

This tutorial demonstrates confusion matrix generation for wetlands classification. The data set covers a portion of Louisiana, with data for two levels of attribute resolution. The coarse resolution shows presence or absence of wetlands, and the fine resolution identifies wetland type (riverine, lacustrine or palustrine). The tutorial has three parts that generate confusion matrices along with Recall, Precision and F1 metrics, import them into a pyramid framework, and perform statistical summaries and visualization of layers within the pyramid. This tutorial is available as a local (offline) version, requiring Anaconda python and Matlab, as well as a GIS platform (an open-source environment such as QGIS, or a commercial platform such as ArcGIS). It is also available in a cloud (online) version using Google Colab to simplify setting environment parameters and downloading software.


Click here for Instructions (as html)

Click here to access to local version tutorial code and data set


Click here for Instructions (as html)

Click here to access to cloud version tutorial code and data set

Spatial Autocorrelation in the Pyramid Framework

This tutorial demonstrates .... This tutorial is still in the planning stage.

Click here for Instructions (as html)

Click here for tutorial code and data set

Kernel Density Estimation in the Pyramid Framework

This tutorial demonstrates .... This tutorial is still in the planning stage.

Click here for Instructions (as html)

Click here for tutorial code and data set