in review, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 and earlier
You can read the nitty gritty details in my proposal for NSF CAREER Fellowship (running 2005-2010).
And final report, 2011 from the CAREER.
Links to talks and workshops, student work and popular writings.
in review / to appear(contact me for copies):
P. Kohl and N. Finkelstein, “Understanding and Promoting Effective Use of Representations in Physics Learning“ Multiple Representations in Physics Education Editors: David F Treagust Curtin University Perth, Australia, Reinders Duit University of Kiel Germany, and Hans E Fischer University Duisburg-Essen,GE. (to appear)
B. Spike and N. Finkelstein, “TA-PIVOT: A Framework for Examining Teaching Assistants’ Beliefs and Practices,” Physical Review: ST PER, accepted.
K. Hinko, P Madigan, E Miller, and N.D. Finkelstein, “ Characterizing pedagogical practices of university physics students in informal learning environments,” (to appear Phys Rev)
J. Corbo, D. Reinholz, N Finkelstein, M Dancy, S Deetz, “: Development of evidence-based change models and strategies in Physics Departments,” PRST PER (to appear Phys Rev)
K. Lewis, J G. Stout, S J. Pollock, N D. Finkelstein, and T A. Ito, “Fitting in or opting out: A review of key social-psychological factors influencing a sense of belonging for women in physics,” PRST PER (to appar Phys Rev)
H.J. Lewandowski and N. Finkelstein, “Redesigning a junior-level electronics course to support engagement in scientific practices,” 2015 PERC Proceedings (to appear)
J C. Corbo, D L. Reinholz, M H. Dancy, and N Finkelstein, “Departmental Action Teams: Empowering faculty to make sustainable change,” 2015 PERC Proceedings (to appear)
S Hyater-Adams, K Hinko, and N Finkelstein, “Pathways to STEM: Understanding identity of adult physicists through narrative analysis,” 2015 PERC Proceedings (to appear)
K Lewis, J G. Stout, T A. Ito, G L. Cohen, A Miyake, L E. Kost-Smith, S J. Pollock & N D. Finkelstein, “Fitting in to Move Forward: Using a Belonging Framework to Understand Gender Disparities in Persistence in the Physical Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (pSTEM),” (in review).
J G. Stout, T A. Ito, G L. Cohen, A Miyake, L E. Kost-Smith, S J. Pollock & N D. Finkelstein, “Fitting in to Move Forward: Using a Belonging Framework to Understand Gender Disparities in Persistence in the Physical Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (pSTEM),” in review.
C. Baily, and N. Finkelstein, “Ontological Flexibility in the Learning of Quantum Mechanics,” PRST PER in preparation.
P. Goyer, J G. Stout, A Miyake, N D. Finkelstein, S J. Pollock, T A. Ito, G L. Cohen, “Nudging high-potential women to stay in the STEM pipeline: Closing the gender gap in physical sciences with values affirmation,” (in preparation)
J. Libarkin and N.D. Finkelstein, “Who Cares About Postdocs Anyway? Analyzing the NSF PFSMETE program as a pathway into DBER,” (in preparation).
D L. Reinholz, J C. Corbo, M H. Dancy, N Finkelstein,and S Deetz, “Towards a Model of Systemic Change in University STEM Education,” in G. Weaver (ed) Transforming Institutions: Undergraduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, Purdue University Press (2015).
C. Baily and N.D. Finkelstein, “Teaching quantum interpretations: Revisiting the goals and practices of introductory quantum physics courses,” Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 11, 020124 (2015)
B M. Zwickl, D Hu, N Finkelstein, and H. J. Lewandowski, "Model-based reasoning in the physics laboratory: Framework and initial results,"Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 11, 020113 (2015)
M Dubson, E Johnsen, D Lieberman, J Olsen, & N. Finkelstein, “Apples vs. Oranges: Comparison of Student Performance in a MOOC vs. a Brick-and-Mortar Course,” 2014 PERC Proceedings, (2015)
B M. Zwickl, D Hu, N Finkelstein and H. J. Lewandowski, “Making Models of Measurement Tools: Examples from Think-Aloud Student Interviews,” 2014 PERC Proceedings, (2015)
H. J. Lewandowski, N Finkelstein, and B Pollard, “Studying Expert Practices to Create Learning Goals for Electronics Labs,” 2014 PERC Proceedings, (2015)
K Hinko, J Seneca and N Finkelstein, “Use of Scientific Language by University Physics Students Communicating to the Public,” 2014 PERC Proceedings, (2015)
D Lieberman, M Dubson, E Johnsen, J Olsen and N Finkelstein, “Physics I MOOC – Educational Outcomes,” 2014 PERC Proceedings, (2015).
B M. Zwickl, T Hirokawa, N Finkelstein, and H. J. Lewandowski, “Epistemology and expectations survey about experimental physics: Development and initial results” Phys. Rev. ST PER. 10, 010120 (2014)
B M. Zwickl, N Finkelstein, H. J. Lewandowski, Incorporating Learning Goals About Modeling into an Upper-Division Physics Laboratory Experiment Am J. Phys, Am. J. Phys. 82, 876 (2014).
B. M. Zwickl, T. Hirokawa, N. D. Finkelstein, and H. J. Lewandowski, Development and results from a survey on students’ views of experiments in lab classes and research, 2013 PERC Proceedings, pp. 381-384 (2014).
R. Wulf, K. Hinko, and N. D. Finkelstein, Comparing Mechanistic Reasoning in Open and Guided Inquiry Physics Activities, 2013 PERC Proceedings, pp. 369-372. (2014).
C. Turpen and N. Finkelstein, “Using a cultural historical approach to understand educational change in introductory physics classrooms,” in G.Wells and A. Edwards (eds), “Developing Higher Education: a cultural historical analysis,” (2013).
D A. Rehn, E B. Moore, N S. Podolefsky, N D. Finkelstein, “Tools for High-Tech Tool Use: A Framework and Heuristics for Using Interactive Simulations,” J. Teaching & Learning with Technology, 2(1), 31-55 (2013).
B. Zwickl, N.D. Finkelstein, H. Lewandowski, “The Process of Transforming an Advanced Lab: Goals, Curriculum, and Assessments,” Am. J. Physics, 81(1), 63, (2013).
K Hinko and N D. Finkelstein "Impacting University Physics Students Through Participation In Informal Science," Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, pp. 178-181 (2013).
R Wulf, K Hinko and N D. Finkelstein "Promoting Children’s Agency And Communication Skills in an Informal Science Program," Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513 pp. 430-433; (2013).
S J. Pollock and N Finkelstein "Impacts of Curricular Change: Implications from 8 Years of Data in Introductory Physics," Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, pp. 310-313, (2013).
J G. Stout, T A. Ito, N D. Finkelstein and S J. Pollock "How a Gender Gap in Belonging Contributes to the Gender Gap in Physics Participation," Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513 pp. 402-405 (2013).
B T. Spike and N D. Finkelstein "Applying a Framework for Characterizing Physics Teaching Assistants’ Beliefs and Practices," Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513 pp. 394-397 (2013).
B. Zwickl, H. Lewandowski & N. Finkelstein, Development and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics," Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1513, pp. 442-445 (2013).
B. Spike and N.D. Finkelstein, “Preparing Tutorial and Recitation Instructors: A Pedagogical Approach to Focusing Attention on Content & Student Reasoning,” Am. J. Phys. 80, 1020 (2012).
A. Beach, C. Henderson, & N. Finkelstein, “Facilitating Change in Undergraduate STEM Education: Implications from an analytic review of literature: Change: The Mag. of Higher Lrning, 44 (6), 52–59, (2012).
C. Henderson, A. Beach, & N Finkelstein, N. (2012) Promoting High Quality Teaching Practices in Higher Education: Lessons Learned from the United States, in The University in the Age of Globalization, edited by J. Brada, G. Stanley, & W. Bienkowski. New York, NY: Palmgrave Macmillan.
Henderson, C., Beach, A., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2012). Four Categories of Change Strategies for Transforming Undergraduate Instruction. In P. Tynjälä, M.-L. Stenström, & M. Saarnivaara (Eds.), Transitions and Transformations in Learning and Education. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2312-2C. Baily and N.D. Finkelstein, “Interpretive Themes in Quantum Physics: Curriculum Development and Outcomes,” 2011 PERC Proceedings, AIP Press,V 1413, 2012.
B. Spike and N.D. Finkelstein, “Toward an Analytic Framework of Physics Teaching Assistants’ Pedagogical Knowledge,”2011 PERC Proceedings, AIP Press,V 1413,2021
B. Zwickl, N.D. Finkelstein, and H. Lewandowski, “Transforming the advanced lab: Part I - Learning goals,”2011 PERC Proceedings, AIP Press,V 1413,2012
C Henderson, R Barthelemy, N D Finkelstein†, J Mestre, “Physics Education Research Funding Census,”2011 PERC Proceedings, AIP Press,V 1413,2012
C. Henderson, A. Beach and N.D. Finkelstein, Facilitating Change in Undergraduate STEM Instructional Practices: An Analytic Review of the Literature.J. Research Science Teaching, 48 (8), 952-984 (2011)
N. Finkelstein and J. Libarkin, “Seeding DBER: Evaluating the early history of the National Science Foundation's Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education (PFSMETE) as a pathway into Discipline Based Education Research,” A Commissioned paper for the National Research Council, Status, Contributions, and Future Direction of Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER), NRC BOSE, (5 July 2011)
Mikaye, L. Kost, N.D. Finkelstein, S. Pollock, G. Cohen, T. Ito, 'Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science: A Classroom Study of Values Affirmation" Science 26, Vol. 330 no. 6008 pp. 1234-1237. (or contact me for a copy)
C. Turpen and N.D. Finkelstein, 'The construction of different classroom norms during Peer Instruction:
Students perceive differences,' Physical Review ST: PER 6, 020123 (2010).C. Baily and N. Finkelstein, "Refined characterization of student perspectives on quantum physics," Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research, 6, 020113 (2010).
L. Kost, S. Pollock and N. Finkelstein, "Gender disparities in second-semester college physics: The incremental effects of a smog of bias," Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research, 6, 020112, (2010).
V Otero, S Pollock, and N Finkelstein, 'A physics department's role in preparing physics teachers: The Colorado Learning Assistant model,' American Journal of Physics, 78 (11), pp. 1218-1224, (2010).
Baily and N.Finkelstein, "Teaching and understanding of quantum interpretations in modern physics courses" Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research 6, 010101 (2010).
C. Henderson, N. Finkelstein, & A. Beach A. 'Beyond Dissemination in College science teaching: An Introduction to Four Core Change Strategies.' Journal of College Science Teaching. 39(5), 18-26, (2010).
C. Baily and N.D. Finkelstein, 'Interpretation in Quantum Physics as Hidden Curriculum,' Proceedings of Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press, V1289, 69-72. 2011.
R. Wulf, L.Mayhew and N.D. Finkelstein, 'Children's Attitudes about Science as a Result of Informal Science Education,' Proceedings of Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press, V1289, 337-340. 2011.
B. Spike, and N.D. Finkelstein, 'Examining the Beliefs and Practice of Teaching Assistants' Proceedings of Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press, V1289, 309-312. 2011.
L. Kost, S.J.Pollock and N.D. Finkelstein, A.Miyake, G. Cohen, and T. Ito Proceedings of Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press, V1289, 197-200. 2011.
C. Henderson, A. Beach, and N. Finkelstein, “Four Categories of Change Strategies for Transforming Undergraduate Instruction,” in Päivi Tynjälä, Marja-Leena Stenström & Marjatta Saarnivaara (eds). “Nothing is Permanent but Change” Transitions and Transformations in Learning and Education (anticipated 2010).
N. Lasry, N. Finkelstein, E. Mazur, “Are most people too dumb for physics,” Physics Teacher, 47, 418-422 (2009). (and responses)
C. Turpen and N.D. Finkelstein, "Not all interactive engagement is the same: Variations in physics professors' implementation of Peer Instruction, Physical Review ST: Phys Educ. Research 5, 020101, (2009).
C. Baily, and N.D. Finkelstein, “Development of Quantum Perspectives in Undergraduate Physics” Physical Review ST: Phys Educ. Research 5, 010106 (2009).
L. Kost, S.J. Pollock, and N. Finkelstein, “Characterizing the gender gap in introductory physics,” Physical Review ST: Phys Educ. Research 5, 010101 (2009).
L. Kost, S. Pollock, and N. Finkelstein, “Unpacking Gender Differences in Students' Perceived Experiences in Introductory Physics” Proceedings of the 2009 Phys Edu. Research Conf., AIP Press, 1179, 177-180, (2009).
C. Baily and N. Finkelstein, “Understanding and Teaching Quantum Interpretations in Modern Physics Courses” Proceedings of the 2009 Phys Edu. Research Conf., AIP Press, 1179, 81-84 (2009).
C. Turpen, N. Finkelstein, and S. Pollock, “Towards Understanding Classroom Culture: Students' Perceptions of Tutorials” Proceedings of the 2009 Phys Edu. Research Conf., AIP Press, 1179, 285-288, (2009).
J. Bartley, M. Mayhew, N. Finkelstein, “Reaching Students through Informal Science Education” Proceedings of the 2009 Phys Edu. Research Conf.,AIP Press, 1179, 93-96, (2009).
L. Mayhew and N. Finkelstein, “Learning to Teach Science through Informal Science Education Experiences” Proceedings of the 2009 Phys Edu. Research Conf.,AIP Press, 1179, 205-208, (2009).
B. Spike & N. Finkelstein, “A Study of Undergraduate and Graduate Student Conceptions of Teaching” Proceedings of the 2009 Phys Edu. Research Conf., AIP Press, 1179, 281-284, (2009).
S. Pollock and N.D. Finkelstein,"Sustaining Educational Reforms in Introductory Physics" Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research 4, 010110 (2008) and on ArXiv
P. Kohl and N.D. Finkelstein, "Patterns of Multiple Representation Use by Experts and Novices during Physics Problem Solvings"Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research 4, 010111, 2008
E. Price and N.D. Finkelstein, "Preparing Graduate Students to be Educators" American Journal of Physics, 76(7), pp. 684-690 (2008). [contact me for a copy if you do not have access]
J. Froyd, A. Beach C. Henderson, and N. Finkelstein, " Improving Change Agents’ Efficacy in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education" Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, vol. 16, 2008
N.D. Finkelstein and L. Mayhew, “Acting in Our Own Self-Interest: Blending University and Community” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
C. Turpen and N.D. Finkelstein, “Institutionalizing Change: Case Studies & Institutional Analysis of Pedagogical Reform in Intro Phys” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
N. Podolefsky and N.D. Finkelstein, “How Abstract is Abstract? Signs, Salience, and Meaning in Physics” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
C. Henderson, A. Beach and N.D Finkelstein, Facilitating Change in Undergraduate STEM: Preliminary Results from an Interdisciplinary Literature Review,” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
C. Baily and N.D. Finkelstein, “Student Understanding of Quantum Measurement and Uncertainty” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
L. Mayhew and N.D. Finkelstein, “New Media and Models for Engaging Under-Represented Students in Science” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
L. Kost, S. Pollock and N.D. Finkelstein, “The Persistence of the Gender Gap in Introductory Physics” Proceedings of the 2008 Physics Education Research Conf, AIP Press. Melville NY, 1064, (2008).
N.S. Podolefsky and N.D. Finkelstein, "Analogical Scaffolding and Learning Abstract Ideas in Physics: empirical studies." Physical Review .3, 020104 (2007)
N.S. Podolefsky and N.D. Finkelstein, "Analogical scaffolding and the learning of abstract ideas in physics: An example from electromagnetic waves" PhysRev: ST Phys Ed. Rsrch. 3, 010109 (2007). abstract and link to pdf
P. Kohl, D. Rosengrant, and N.D. Finkelstien "Strongly and Weakly Directed Approaches to Teaching Multiple Representation Use in Physics," PhysRev: ST Phys Ed. Rsrch. 3, 010108 (2007). abstract and link to pdf
S. J. Pollock, N.D. Finkelstein and L. Kost "Reducing the Gender Gap in the Physics Classroom," PhysRev: ST Phys Ed. Rsrch. 3, 010107 (2007). abstract and link to pdf
P. Kohl and N.D. Finkelstein, "Expert and Novice Use of Multiple Representations During Physics Problem Solving," Proceedings of the 2007 Physics Education Research Conference. 951,(PERC),AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007)
C. Keller, N. Finkelstein, S. Pollock, C. Turpen, "Research-based Practices For Effective Clicker Use,"Proceedings of the 2007 Physics Education Research Conference 951, (PERC),AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007)
C. Turpen and N. Finkelstein, "Understanding Physics Faculty’s Use of Peer Instruction," Proceedings of the 2007 Physics Education Research Conference 951,(PERC),AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007)
L Kost, S. Pollock, and N. Finkelstein, "Investigating the Source of the Gender Gap in Introductory Physics," Proceedings of the 2007 Physics Education Research Conference 951, (PERC),AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007)
N. Podolefsky and N. Finkelstein, "Salience of Representations and Analogies in Physics," Proceedings of the 2007 Physics Education Research Conference 951,(PERC),
C. Keller, N Finkelstein, K. Perkins, and S. Pollock, " Studying the Use of Computer Simulations in Undergraduate Laboratory Environments" Proceedings of the 2006 Physics Education Research Conference, 883, AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007). link to AIP versions (if you do not have access, please email me for a copy)
P. Kohl, D. Rosengrant and N.D. Finkelstein, " Comparing Explicit and Implicit Teaching of Multiple Representation Use in Physics Problem Solving," Proceedings of the 2006 Physics Education Resrch Conference, 883,AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007). link to AIP versions (if you do not have access, please email me for a copy)
S. J. Pollock and N.D. Finkelstein, " Sustaining Change: Instructor Effects in Transformed Large Lecture Courses," Proceedings of the 2006 Physics Education Research Conference, 883,AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007). link to AIP versions (if you do not have access, please email me for a copy)
N.S. Podolefsky and N.D. Finkelstein, " Reframing Analogy: framing, blending, and representations as mechanisms of learning by analogy," Proceedings of the 2006 Physics Education Research Conference, 883,AIP Press. Melville NY, (2007). link to AIP versions (if you do not have access, please email me for a copy)
N.D. Finkelstein, W. Adams, C Keller, K Perkins, C Wieman and the PhET Team, "High-Tech Tools for Teaching Physics: the Physics Education Technology Project," Journal of Online Teaching and Learning, ( 2006). abstract or full piece.
N.S. Podolefsky and N.D. Finkelstein, “The Perceived Value of College Physics Textbooks: Students and Instructors May Not See Eye to Eye” The Physics Teacher (Sept 2006). abstract
V.Otero, N.D. Finkelstein, R. McCray, and S. Pollock, "Who is Responsible for Preparing Science Teachers?" Science. 313(5786), 445-446 (July 28, 2006). abstract and full piece and supporting material
N.S. Podolefsky and N.D. Finkelstein, “Use of analogy in learning physics: The role of representations” PhysRev: ST Phys Ed. Rsrch. 2, 020101 (2006) abstract and full piece
P. Kohl and N. Finkelstein, “The Effects of representation on students solving physics problems: a fine grained characterization” Physical Review: Spec Top. PER, 2, 010106 (2006).abstract and full piece
P.B. Kohl and N.D. Finkelstein, “The effect of instructional environment on physics students’ representational skills,” Physical Review, Special Topics: Physics Education Research, 2,1,010102 (2006).abstract and full piece
W.K. Adams, K.K. Perkins, M. Dubson, N.D. Finkelstein, and C.E. Wieman, “A new instrument for measuring student beliefs about physics and learning physics: the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey” Physical Review, Special Topics: Physics Education Research. 2,1,010101 (2006).abstract and full piece
K.K. Perkins, W. Adams, N. D. Finkelstein, M. Dubson, R. LeMaster, S. Reid, and C.E. Wieman, “PhET: Interactive Simulations for Teaching and Learning Physics” Physics Teacher 44(1), 18 (2006) abstract or full piece
N. D. Finkelstein, C. Turpen, S. Pollock, M. Dubson, S. Iona, C. Keller, and V. Otero, “Evaluating a model of research-based practices for teacher preparation in a physics department: Colorado PhysTEC” Proceedings of the 2005 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), AIP Press. Melville NY, 818, 3 (2006) full piece
C. Keller, N. D. Finkelstein, K.K. Perkins, and S.J. Pollock, “ Assessing The Effectiveness Of A Computer Simulation In Conjunction with Tutorials In Introductory Physics In Undergraduate Physics Recitations,” Proceedings of the 2005 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Press. Melville NY, 818, 109 (2006) Abstract or full piece
P.B. Kohl and N.D. Finkelstein, “Representational Competence and Introductory Physics” Proceedings of the 2005 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), AIP Press. Melville NY, 818, 93 (2006)
K.K. Perkins, M.M. Gratny, W.K. Adams, N.D. Finkelstein and C.E. Wieman, “Towards characterizing the relationship between students’ self-reported interest in and their surveyed beliefs about physics” Proceedings of the 2005 Physics Education Research Conference (PERC), AIP Press. Melville NY, 818, 137 (2006) full piece
"When learning about the real world is better done virtually: a study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment," with K. Perkins, W. Adams, K. Keller, P. Kohl, R. LeMaster, N. Podolefsky, S. Reid Sept 2005, 010103PhysRev Special Topics: PER abstract or full paper
"Student representational competence, self-assessment, and problem solving in physics" with P. Kohl Sept 2005, 010104, PhysRev Special Topics: PER abstract or full paper
"Replicating and Understanding Successful Innovations: Implementing Tutorials in Introductory Physics" with S.J. Pollock Sept 2005, 010101 PhysRev Special Topics: PER abstract full paper
"Learning physics in context: a study of student learning about electricity and magnetism" (2005) in the International Journal of Science Education. abstract or full piece (in pdf)
"Representational Format, Student Choice, and Problem Solving in Physics," (2005) with Pat Kohl, PERC Proceedings 2004. abstract or full piece
"Can Computer Simulations Replace Real Equipment in Undergraduate Laboratories?" (2005) with K. K. Perkins, W. Adams, P. Kohl, and N. Podolefsky, PERC proceedings 2004. abstract or full piece in PDF
"The Design and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey" (2005) with W. K. Adams, K. K. Perkins, M. Dubson, and C. E. Wieman. PERC proceedings 2004. abstract or full piece
"Correlating Student Attitudes With Student Learning Using The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey" (2005) with K. K. Perkins, W. K. Adams, S. J. Pollock, and C. E. Wieman. PERC proceedings 2004. abstract or full piece.
"Seeding Change: The Challenges of Transfer and Transformation of Educational Practice and Research in Physics (Part I)" (2005) with Edward Price. PERC Proceedings 2004. abstract or full piece
"Seeding Change: The Challenges of Transfer and Transformation of Educational Practice and Research in Physics (Part II)" (2005) with Edward Price. PERC Proceedings 2004. abstract or full piece
"Teaching and learning physics: A model for coordinating physics instruction, outreach, and research" (September 2004) in the Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning-abstract or full piece in PDF
"When the Classroom Isn’t in School: The Construction of Scientific Knowledge in an After-School Setting" with Margaret A. Gallego. in “Establishing Scientific Classroom Discourse Communities: Multiple Voices of Research on Teaching and Learning” Edited by Randy Yerrick and Wolff-Michael Roth, Lawrence Erlbaum 2004.
"Bridging Critical Points:discontinuities in high school and university physics education" PERC proceedings 2003. abstract or full text. (2004)
"Coordinating Physics and Education Instruction," in Journal of College Science Teaching, Sept 2003. abstract or full piece
"Educational (dis)continuities:coordinating physics instruction in pre-college and university" Paper presented at the Enrico Fermi Summer School on Research in Physics Education, Varenna, Italy July 2003. (unpublished) abstract or full text
"Who Cares About Postdocs Anyway? Evaluating the National Science Foundation's Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education," with Julie Libarkin. LCHC technical report 2002. abstract or full document
"Context in the Context of Physics and Learning," PERC Proceedings 2001, PERC Publishing, Rochester, NY July 2001, pp 1-4. (full piece in PDF)
2000 and earlier:
"High Signal-to-Noise Detection of Rotational Raman-Scattering Through Refluorescent and Dispersive Atomic Filters,"with R.B. Miles, Z. Tang, S.Zaidi, and A. Yalin in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Nikolai Ivanovich Koroteev Special Memorial Issue, 31(8-9) Sept 13, 2000.
"A Dispersion Filter for Spectral and Spatial Resolution of Pure Rotational Raman Scattering," withA.P. Yalin, and R.B. Miles, in Optics Letters, 23 (20), Oct 15, 1998.
"Frequency-locked light scattering: real-time Doppler velocimetry with closed-loop feedback control," with J.H. Grinstead, and W.R. Lempert, in Applied Optics, 37 (9), 1617, March 20, 1998Applied Optics, 37 (9), 1617, March 20, 1998
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