Research Group

Jinkyul Choi (Jin)
- Ph.D. Student
- Constraining VOCs emissions, sources of ozone and PM2.5
- ECME 215

Betsy Farris
- Ph.D. Student
- Quantifying impacts of air pollution, remote sensing technology development.

Colby Francoeur
- Ph.D. Student
- Quantifying and modeling the impacts of oil and natural gas production
- ECME 215

Yixuan Gu
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- Source attribution of air pollution and co-benefit analyses of climate and air quality policy
- ECME 215

Chia-Hua Hsu
- Ph.D. Student
- Air pollution modeling and chemical data assimilation using WRF-Chem/DART
- ECME 215

Colin Lee
- Research Scholar
- Adjoint development for GCHP towards high resolution global CO2 flux

Benjamin Sapper
- B.S. Student
- Efficient positive matrix factorization algorithms
- ECME 215

Worapop Thongsame
- Ph.D. Student
- Air quality predictions and source attribution in Thailand
- ECME 215

Corey Trujillo
- Technical Support
- Supercomputing; Inverse modeling with WRF-Chem
- ECME 215

Patrick Wiecko
- Ph.D. Student
- Machine learning applications in air quality modeling.
- ECME 215

William Tsui
- Postdoctoral Scholar 2020 - 2022
- Machine-learning surrogatae modeling for chemical kinetics systems

Omar Nawaz
- Ph.D. 2022
- Country specific source-receptor relationships of aerosol transport using the GEOS-Chem Adjoint model

Colin Harkins
- M.S. 2021
- Constraining NOx emissions and downscaling top-down emission inventories

Hansen Cao
- Postdoctoral Scholar 2018 - 2022
- Inverse modeling and space-based constraints on NH3 sources

Mohammed Alwakeel
- Undergraduate Researcher 2019 - 2020
- Anthropogenic contributions to PM2.5 using the GEOS-CHEM HTAP Inventory

Dr. Zhen Qu
- Ph.D. 2019
- Air quality, chemical data assimilation and inverse modeling

Youfan Chen
- Visiting Ph.D. Student 2018 - 2019
- Ammonia emissions and their environmental effects over China

Dr. Nicolas Bousserez
- Postdoctoral Scholar 2011 - 2016
- Inverse modeling, optimization; GEOS-Chem adjoint model support team

Dr. Sojin Lee
- Postdoctoral Scholar 2018 - 2019
- Chemical data assimilation and air quality forecast

Dr. Azadeh K. Mohammadian
- Ph.D. 2018
- Now an Energy Analyst in the Australian Energy Market Operator (AMEO)
- Impact of battery technology on energy use and emissions for the US transportation sector

Dr. Gill-Ran Jeong
- Postodctoral Research Affiliate in collaboration with US EPA AMAD 2010 - 2012
- Now Senior Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS)

Dr. Brian Meland
- Postdoctoral Scholar 2011 - 2013
- Aerosol remote sensing

Joseph Parks
- Undergraduate student in Applied Mathematics 2012 - 2014
- Inverse Modeling Optimization

Andre Perkins
- Summer Research Intern 2012 and 2013
- PyEnsemble and methane source constraints

Brigitte Rooney
- Undergraduate Researcher 2012 - 2013
- Constraining methane via satellites

Michael Seltzer
- Undergraduate in Environmental Engineering at Tufts University
- GEOS-Chem adjoint model

Alex Turner
- B.S. / M.S. Student 2010 - 2012
- Source influences of short-lived species.

Steven Vogel
- Undergraduate Researcher 2012
- Mapping satellite data

Juliet (Liye) Zhu
- Ph.D. 2014
- Now Associate Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University
- Constraining ammonia from space

Dr. Kristen Brown
- Ph.D. 2016
- Effect of energy mix on air quality and climate change.

Ping Kang
- Visiting Scholar 2014 - 2015
- Aerosols and PM2.5 Air Quality.

Dr. Forrest Lacey
- Ph.D. 2016
- Short lived climate forcers

Dr. Kateryna Lapina
- Postdoctoral Scolar 2011 - 2015
- Sources of Vegetative Ozone Exposure

Dr. Hyung-Min Lee
- Ph.D. 2016
- Application of GEOS-Chem adjoint model to make use of geostationary satellite retrievals

Dr. JJ Guerrette
- Ph.D. 2017
- Black carbon and dynamic meteorology

Luke Reed
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Short Lived Climate Forcers

Matthew Turner
- Ph.D. 2015
- Inverse modeling of U.S. aerosol precursor emissions.

Dr. Li Zhang
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, in collaboration with NOAA ESRL 2012 - 2016
- Inverse modeling of black carbon