Present Course
Physics 4230 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Recently taught courses
- Physics 2130 - General Physics 3
- Physics 1230 - Light and Color
- Physics 4410 - Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics II
- Physics 3220 - Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics I
- Physics 1120 - General Physics 2: Summer 2015
- Physics 1120 - General Physics 2: Spring 2015
- Physics 4340 - Introduction to Solid State Physics
- Physics 4410 - Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics II
- Physics 3330 - Electronics for the Physical Sciences - Spring 2013
- Physics 3220 - Quantum 1 - Fall 2012
- Physics 1110 - General Physics 1 - Summer 2012
- Advanced Laboratory Physics 3340/4430 - Spring 2012
- Physics 3220 - Quantum 1 - Fall 2011
- Physics 1110 - General Physics 1 - Summer 2011
- Advanced Lab, Physics 3340, 4430, 5430, Spring 2011
- PHYSICS 3220 Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics 1, Fall 2010
- PHYSICS 3340/4430/5430 Optics & Modern Physics Lab, Sp 2010
- PHYSICS 4230 - Thermo & Stat. Mech, Fall 2009
- PHYSICS 3320 - E&M II, Spring 2009
- PHYSICS 2170 -Modern Physics, Fall 2008
- PHYSICS 1120 -General Physics 2, Spring 2008
- PHYSICS 1110 -General Physics 1, Fall 2007
- PHYSICS 1110 -General Physics 1, Spring 2006
- PHYSICS 3330 -Electronics for the Physical Sciences, Fall 2005
- PHYSICS 1140 -Experimental Physics 1, Spring 2005
- PHYSICS 3330 -Electronics for the Physical Sciences, Fall 2004
- PHYSICS 3340/4430/5430 -Advanced Lab, Spring 2004
- Physics 3310 -Introduction to E&M, I - Fall 2003
- Physics 1110-General Physics 1 (calculus) Summer 2003
- Physics 7440 - Introduction to Solid State Physics, Spring 2003
- Physics 2170 - Foundations of Modern Physics, Fall 2002
- Physics 2170 - Foundations of Modern Physics, Spring 2002
- Physics 1120 - General Physics II, Fall 2001
- Physics 3340/4430 - Advanced Lab, Spring 2001
- Physics 2010 - General Physics I (Algebra), Sum. 1999
- Physics 2020 - General Physics II (Algebra), Spring 1999