1887 - 1893
Copied from the Longmont Ledger microfiche files by Wanda Burch Armstead
Jan. 7, 1887- W. W. Burch set up the turkey and fixings to a party of twenty six
on New Years Day.
April 22, 1887 - Burch and Webber are kept busy with their patent ditching machine,
opening drain ditches for the farmers.
May 13, 1887 - By order of the county commissioners, the road east of the
stone church is to be straightened, Burch and Webber are doing the
Fishing is good in the Burch Lake, and most
of the tables in this vicinity are well supplied with fresh fish.
June 2, l887 - One of W. W. Burches dear friends borrowed some money of
him to go to Denver one day last week. He promised to return next day,
but Mr. Burch is still looking for him.
July 8, 1887 - Mrs. W. W. Burch was visiting friends at Jimtown last week.
A jolly crowd of elderly people spent the 4th at the Hyeiene Home and made things decidedly lively.
July 22, 1887 - W. W. Burch is rusticating in Big Elk park the present
Sept. 9, 1887 - W. B. Forbess and Matthew McCaslin, Jr. are over at
Boulder this week courting.
Nov. 4, 1887 John Weese is now the sole owner of the Burch threshing machine and has already commenced threshing alfalfa seed.
Nov. 18, 1887 - W. W. Burch has traded his corn sheller for a span of
The old log house which has so long been a prominent object on Pella Hill is having a new roof and in other respects is greatly improved. When ready for occupancy, Mr. M. McCaslin and bride will take possession.
Dec. 9, 1887 - W. W. Burch has bought a 240 acre farm of George Woy.
John Weese is now the sole owner of the Burch threshing machine and has already commenced threshing alfalfa seed.
Jan. 13, 1888 - Miss Etta Burch is visiting relatives at Sunshine.
W. W. Burch indulges in the extravagant luxury of smoking a twenty-five dollar mereschaum.
Jan. 20, 1888 - Born to Mr. & Mrs. B. B. Rannells, Jan. 14, twins - son and daughter.
Feb. 3, 1888 - Several of our young people took in the box sociable at Sunnyside
last Saturday night.
Feb. 24, 1888 - W. W. Burch has surrounded his front yard with a 4 wire fence with barbs of extra length and sharpness as a protection against the unwelcome visits of lightening rod and book agents.
March 16, 1888 - Ducks are plenty on the Burch lake and the boys are making it lively for them.
March 30, 1888 - Burch and Webber have commenced work with their ditching machine
April 13, 1888 - W. W. Burch has traded his farm on Left Hand to Clark Wolf of Boulder for a bunch of cattle.
A nice little boy baby was added to the family of Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Burch last Sunday morning.
April 20, 1888 - Uncle George Harper of Dayton, Ohio, present owner of the Hygiene Home arrived here Thursday with the intention of making it his permanent abode.
May 18, 1888 - W. W. Burch has taken his herd of cattle to Beaver Park for the summer.
June 22, 1888 - Albert Ransom and Miss Addie Smith of Hygiene were married Tuesday, June 19th.
July 6, 1888 - W. W. Burch is down from his mountain ranch helping the boys put up hay.
July 20, 1888 - W. W. Burch was quite sick the early part of this week, but Dr. Topliff came out and straightened him up again.
Aug. 17, 1888 - S. A. Forbess did his first threshing for this season on W. W. Burch's farm.
W. W. Burch shipped last week from Hygiene a car load of new wheat to the Farmers Mill.
W. W. Burch and D. L. Webber have been buying apples from our farmers and hauling them to the mountain towns.
Aug. 24, 1888 - W. W. Burch now drives a new spring wagon that he bought of Fisler Bros.
Miss Etta Burch has gone up to Sunshine to spend a couple of weeks with relatives.
J. W. Goss, J. S. Laycook, Alpheus Bashor and W. W. Burch will go to Pueblo Saturday to attend the State Reunion of the AOUW and to take in the sights of that wicked city.
Sept. 7, 1888 - W. W. Burch has gone up to his cattle ranch to brand his cattle.
Sept. 14, 1888 - Mrs. Elliott and family of Jimtown were visiting with the family of W. W. Burch this week
Uncle George Hipner has bought two big guns and will make it hot for any bear that comes from the mountains and goes into his orchard to steal apples.
Sept. 28, 1888 - W. W. Burch is doing some fencing on his mountain ranch this week.
Oct. 19, 1888 - Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Burch were visiting friends in Boulder and Gold Hill last week.
Nov. 9, 1888 - A jolly crowd of young folks spent Tuesday evening with Miss Etta Burch helping her celebrate the 20th anniversary of her birth.
Dec. 21, 1888 - W. W. Burch recently erected some good buildings on his place which shows that W. W. is prospering.
Dec. 14, 1888 - Died - BURCH - In this city Wednesday morning Dec. 12, after a brief illness, Maggie, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Burch, age 12 years and 3 months.
Jan. 4, 1889 - W. W. Burch is feeding 20 head of beef cattle and expects to have his pockets full of money next spring.
Mr. Strock, an old gentleman aged about 80 was buried here last Tuesday. Funeral services by J. W. Zimmerman.
Our farmers here are slaughtering their fat hogs and will live high on spare ribs and sausage.
Jan. 11, 1889 - Miss Etta Burch visited relatives in Sunshine last Saturday and Sunday.
Jan. 18, 1889 - The boys up here are having a picnic skating on the Burch lake.
W. W. Burch and Alpheus Bashor went to the county seat last Monday to settle up with Uncle Sam.
Jan. 25, 1889 - Mrs. Carter of Sunshine is down here this week visiting relatives.
W. W. Burch is thinking seriously of going to Sunshine to open up a butcher shop.
A telegraph instrument has been put in place at the Hygiene railroad office so now we can get the news daily from Uncle Sam.
Feb. 1, 1889 - Mrs. Mary Vawters of Sunshine is down here visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Burch.
Stoner and Virden are baling hay on W. W. Burch's large ranch. Mr. Burch expects to supply the mountain towns with hay.
Dick Burch and Ben Forbess took a load of Ben Davis apples up to Sunshine and Gold Hill last week. They came home with their pockets chuck full of hard money.
Feb. 22, 1889 - One of W. W. Burch's best cows committed suicide one night last week by pulling too hard on one end of a rope. No inquest.
March 1, 1889 - W. W. Burch took a load of baled hay to Jimtown a few days ago to swap for iron dollars.
March 8, 1889 - W. W. Wright, while hauling water last week, got his leg hurt by the barrel tipping over on him. No bones broken.
March 22, 1889 - W. W. Burch and A. W. Montgomery have bought a 2/3 interest in a gold mine near Jimtown and are going to make a "stake" there.
March 29, 1889 - Mrs. Carter has moved down from Sunshine and is now living in the old Pella store building.
April 5, 1889 - W. W. Burch now furnishes the Jimtown folks every week with fresh beef while George Webster keeps the mountain folks supplied with fine Colorado apples.
April 26, 1889 - Miss Etta Burch was in Berthoud visiting friends last week.
May 3, 1889 - W. W. Burch has taken his herd of cattle up to Beaver Park for the summer.
May 24, 1889 - W. W. Burch went up to his stock ranch this week to see if any of his cattle are snowed in.
June 7, 1889 - W. W. Burch, the butcher, took a load of beef up to Jimtown last Monday.
Tramps are plenty up this way since the widening of the narrow gauge railroad has begun.
June 28, 1889 - W. W. Wright is wearing an unusually broad smile, all on account of a little boy baby that arrived last Monday night.
July 12, 1889 - Uncle George Hepner, proprietor of the Hygiene Home, says he has got the finest place in Boulder County.
Aug. 16, 1889 - W. W. Burch is in Beaver Park this week looking after his cattle.
W. W. Wright has moved his family up to Jimtown.
S. S. Bashor bought the Walt Wright farm which lies east of the stone church.
Aug. 30, 1889 - W. W. Burch and his two daughters, Etta and Mollie and S. S. Bashor and family are in Beaver Park this week dining on light air and mountain scenery, berries, grizzly bear and other good things.
Sept. 6, 1889 - The Misses Florence Chapman and Emma Lykins will go to Boulder next week to spend a few months attending the State University.
Sept. 20, 1889 - W. W. Burch has gone to the mountains to round up his cattle.
There is some talk of a grocery store being started in Hygiene.
Oct. 4, 1889 - W. W. Burch took a two horse wagon load of apples to the mountain
towns last Monday. He sold them for a fair price.
Nov. 1, 1889 - E. Carter has purchased a nice red buggy and is flying around as lively as a boy of 15.
Nov. 8, 1889 - At the election Tuesday E. M. Carter was elected constable. Mr. Carter says he can arrest a man without hurting his feelings.
Dec. 13, 1889 - Jim Burch and Bert Carter say they did not start to leave the country. They just went goose hunting.
W. W. Burch & A. W. Montgomery have gone up near Jimtown to put in a few weeks digging in their gold mine.
Dec, 27, 1889 - It looks like Hygiene would have two stores as Mr. Zook has opened up a stock of goods in the U. B. parsonage until he can get a building spot in Hygiene.
Jan. 3, I890, John Burch came up from Denver to attend the Forbess-Webster wedding.
Jan 17 1890 F. M. Laycook of Hygiene has sold his farm to Mr. Hez Burch of Niwot.
The price paid is $3500. Mr. Burch will take possession about the Ist of February.
Mr. Laycook expects to move his family to Delta.
Tom Dawson and Charley Hedliff took a cold water bath Tuesday while sawing ice on Burch Lake. If they had their choice, they would rather take a hot bath.
March 7, 1890 - Uncle George Hepner, the jolly and good natured landlord of the Hygiene Home celebrated the 64th anniversary of his birth Thursday.
March 14, 1890 - Mrs. Carter has moved out of the old Pella store and for the present is living with the Zweck family.
Dick Wilson, the Hygiene chicken man, is learning his hens to drink out of a jug.
W. P. Johnson, wife and two sons arrived here last week from Iowa and expect to make Colorado their new home. For the present they will occupy the house on Pella Hill.
March 21 1890 - Uncle George Hepner had business at the county seat early this week.
There is talk of organizing a bachelors' club in Hygiene. There are a number of bachelors in town.
March 21, 1890 J. L. Zook, the Hygiene merchant, will open up his stock of goods in a few days in the new store building.
W. W. Burch, of his own free will and accord, deeded a corner lot of his land to the United Brethren folks, and it is quite likely now that we will have a U. B. Church in Hygiene before the snow flies next winter.
March 28, 1890 - Miss Etta Burch came over from Highland Lake to visit for a few days with the old folks.
The misses Nellie and Eva Cochran of Loveland were visiting last week with the family of John Armstrong.
April 4, 1890 - W. W. Burch is now the Hygiene butcher.
Hygiene wants a starch factory so the farmers can dispose of their surplus corn.
Frank Burch and Fred McCloud are the champion egg and cracker eaters. They ate at one meal, two dozen raw eggs and one pound of crackers. The boys are still alive
and doing as well as can be expected.
The following officers were elected Monday evening: Mayor: J. W. Goss; Clerk & Recorder: W. C. Forbess; Treasurer: J. L. Zook; Supt. of water works; J. H. Brubaker;
City Atty: Mat McCaslin; Night watchman: W. P. Laycook; Marshall: J. W. Verdin;
Street Commissioner: Dick Wilson; Board of Trustees: G. M. Forbess, George Hepner,
James Weaver, William McCloud, W. W. Burch, J. S. Laycook.
April 11, 1890 - The Misses May Wilcox and Mollie Burch spent the forepart of this week with friends in Niwot.
Hygiene is a strictly temperance town, as our town board refused to grant a saloon license.
W. W. Burch has taken time by the forelock and ordered a new threshing outfit.
April 18, 1890 - Hygiene and prohibition take the lead.
Frank Burch now rides in a brand new black cart that he recently obtained from Kansas City.
About 30 teams passed through Hygiene last Sunday on their way to Lyons to work on the B & M railroad.
The new town board is getting along nicely. All seem to pull together and work for
the interest of the town.
April 25, 1890 - A bachelors' club was organized in the town hall Saturday evening with Joe Atwood, Pres.; Dick Wilson, Sec.; Alpheus Bashor, Treas. With such officers the club will no doubt accomplish much. The subject for discussion next meeting will be "Matrimony". The members are all requested to be present.
May 9, 1890 - W. W. Burch has taken his herd of cattle to Beaver Park and expects to stay there this summer and shoot mountain lions and grizzly bears for amusement.
The fruit trees are in full bloom and the orchards look like flower gardens.
A lot of hitching posts have been put up in Hygiene. Now the farmers can tie their horses when they come to town.
May 16, 1890 -
Mrs. Carter of Longmont was here this week visiting the J. W. Verdins.
Uncle George Hepner returned from Delta and reports everything lively over there and the Hygiene Colony doing well.
May 23, 1890 - Miss Etta Burch of Highland Lake was visiting in Hygiene a few days.
Our street commissioner has graded up main street this week.
Deputy Assessor Webber was in Hygiene last week to find out how much money our people are worth.
owing to the President of the bachelors club being East, the club, adjourned for 2 weeks.
June 6, 1890 - Your correspondent (Alpheus Bashor) is home again after a weeks stay in Missouri, trying unsuccessfully to persuade his best girl to accompany him home.
June 13 1890 - There are now an even dozen boarders at the Hygiene Home.
June 27, 1890 - No measles on Alpheus this week. (No Hygiene items for June 20 paper.)
W. W. Burch has received his new threshing outfit.
July 4, 1890 - Hurrah for the Fourth.
W. W. Burch and Henry Negus went up to Beaver Park to spend the 4th. It is rather
high up there for snakes but the boys thought it would be the safest to take a supply of snake medicine along.
July 11, 1890 - Miss Oma Burch has recovered from the measles.
Miss Etta Burch came from Highland Lake to spend the 4th with her parents.
The foundation for the U. B. Church was laid this week, near the Goss School house, on W. W. Burches place.
July 18, 1890 - W. W. Burch is hauling the rough lumber from Beaver Park for the new church.
July 25, 1890 - Several of W. W. Burch's children are down with the measles.
August 1, 1890 - W. W. Burch has fitted up a kitchen on wheels and expects to board
his own thrashing crew during the thrashing season.
August 8, 1890 - W. W. Burch started up his new thresher this week on Will Cramers place.
August 15, 1890 - Miss Nellie Cochran of Loveland is visiting the John Armstrong family.
W. W. Burch has his threshing outfit at work this week in the Highland Lake country.
August 22, 1890 - Miss Mollie Burch has gone to Boulder and expects to attend the fall term of school over there.
August 29 1890 - Miss Etta Burch is home again after an eight months stay at Highland Lake
September 5, 1890 - Miss Oma Burch has gone up to the park to rusticate for a few days.
Quite a number of young people spent Saturday night at the residence of W. W. Burch. But of course, they only danced until midnight.
September 12, 1890 - The new church building is now ready for the seats.
September 19, 1890 - A car load of Jim town ore has been shipped from Hygiene to Denver this week.
Rev. W.O. Thompson of Longmont will preach in the new church next Sunday at 3 p.m. Everyone is invited to come hear him. It will do you good.
S. S. Bashor started up his sorghum factory this week. The sorghum crop is not as good this year as last.
September 26, 1890 - Last Wednesday evening quite a number of boys and girls gave Jim Burch a surprise party, it being the anniversary of his birth. (Hez's son)
October 3, 1890 - Will Smith has gone down to Los Animas to visit his two brothers, Jim and Lewis.
The Bachelors Club of Hygiene will reorganize as soon as the threshing season is over, so that they can all attend meetings.
October 17, 1890 - Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, a sister and brother-in-law of Hezekiah Burch, arrived here last Sunday from Oregon and will probably make Colorado their future home.
November 14, 1890 - Miss Ria Burch of Niwot visited last week with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Perkins, at this place.
W.W. Burch pulled in his jumbo engine and Bellville separator last Saturday, after
having threshed 71,538 bushels of grain in 60 days.
J. B. Smith, J. L. Zook, W. W. and Frank Burch packed their grub box, filled their little brown jug, shouldered heir big guns and left for Beaver Park Tuesday to have some fun for a few days hunting grizzly bears.
November 21, 1890 - The Thanksgiving turkey roosts on the highest pole.
W. W. Burch is busy rounding up his cattle to bring them down from the mountains.
The new church is all finished in good shape and well furnished. It cost a little over a thousand dollars and, what is better, it is all paid for.
November 28, 1890 - Dick Wilson has sold out his stock of chickens to Dick Burch and will quit the business for a while, but it will still be "Dick, the chicken man," only another Dick.
W. W. Burch had business in the State Capitol last week.
The citizens of Hygiene will organize a hunting party and spend a day hunting coyotes.
December 19, 1890 - W. W. Burch has gone to the mountains to dig in his gold mine.
Last Friday night the young people gathered at the home of W. W. Burch for an old fashioned hoe down. Messrs Maxwell, Johnson and Hetzel furnished the music. Mrs. Frank Seamon & family from the southern part of the state are visiting with the family of William Burch.
Jan. 9, 1891 - Dick Wilson and Robert S. Laycook went over to Sunnyside and Loveland Saturday to remain several days.
Jan. 16, 1891 - W. W. Burch, while driving cattle the other day, caught a cow by the tail to scare her and make her hurry up. Greatly to his surprise she dropped dead in her tracks.
Jan. 23, 1891 - J. H. Brubaker has leased the Hygiene Home farm and will take possession the first of February.
Miss Iva Burch of Niwot will visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. G. N. Perkins until her parents return from their visit to Kentucky.
Jan. 30, 1891 - Sleighing is good and our boys are utilizing it by taking the Hygiene girls out sleigh riding.
Feb. 6, 1891 - J. S. Laycook and S. A. Forbess had business in Berthoud and Sunnyside the forepart of this week.
Two of W. W. Burches best cows committed suicide last week by drowning themselves in his lake.
Feb. 20, 1891 - Miss Ria Burch of Niwot spent last Saturday and Sunday with the family of G. N. Perkins.
Minta Forbess, Mollie,Burch, Norman Johnson and Fred Laycook are taking painting lessons.
Miss Iva Burch is visiting friends in the vicinity of Canfield.
W. W. Burch went to the county seat last Tuesday to pay his annual rent.
Feb. 27, 1891 - Miss Etta Burch came over from Highland Lake last Sunday to see the old folks.
Alpheus Bashor and W. W. Burch spent last Wednesday and Thursday in Denver attending the Public Sale of stock.
March 6, 1891 - The Highland Ditch Co. have purchased between 2 and 3 hundred acres of swamp or alkali land of George McIntosh, John Dawson and W. P. Johnson, and intend to make a reservoir of it (Dawson Lake)
March 13, 1891 - Miss Etta Burch and Hi Maxwell of Mt. Zion visited relatives and friends here last Saturday and Sunday.
J. L. Zook has sold his store in Hygiene to C. G. Bikerdike. They took an invoice of stock last Monday and now Charlie is proprietor of the Hygiene store, and his many friends wish that he may pile up stacks of bright dollars.
March 20, 1891 C. G. Bikerdike has rented his farm to Hez Burch.
April 16, 1891 - Williamson - Burch - On Wednesday, April 15, 1891 by Rev. E. J. Lamb of Fort Collins, Mr. R. S. Williamson of Niwot and Miss Naomi Burch of Hygiene. (Hez's daughter)
April 24, 1891 - Miss Etta Burch, whose home is over at Mt. Zion, spent last week with her parents.
W. W. Burch is planting 10 acres of his home place to apple trees.
Mrs. Seaman and family of Boulder are visiting with the Burch family.
May 1, 1891 - Forbess and son are over on their Sunnyside farm this week with their jumbo engine hauling their crop of wheat to the Berthoud mill.
May 8, 1891 - Mr. Pedit of Denver has bargained for the Hygiene Home for the neat little sum of $10,000. He pays Mr. Hepner $2,000 in cash and the balance in Longmont property. The trade was gotten up by Frank Davis of Longmont. Mr. Hepner will not give possession until October.
May 15, 1891 - Mr. Blackburn and family of Eastern Colo. have moved into the little cottage at the Hygiene Home.
Drs. Stradley and Killgore have rented the Hygiene Home and will run it to the best advantage.
May 22, 1891 - Ben Forbess and Dick Burch have gone up in the mountains in Left Hand Canyon to quarry rock and burn a kiln of lime. They think it will pay big.
May 29, 1891 - S. S. Bashor got his best horse badly cut on a barbed wire fence last week. Our veterinary surgeon, W. W. Burch, has the case in charge.
Mr. Cox of Loveland is now the owner of the Hygiene Home - Mr. Pedit of Denver having sold it to him.
June 5, 1891 - Our Hygiene bachelors are talking of reorganizing the bachelors club.
June 12, 1891 - Some of our leading young folks ought not to practice target shooting on the sabbath.
The hospital at this place has opened up and is ready for business.
June 17, 1891 - Covered wagons can be seen at all hours of the day passing through hygiene, loaded with human freight bound for Estes Park,
W. W. Burch has gone up to his cattle ranch in Beaver Park to sell a bunch of fat cattle to some Boulder butchers.
June 17, 1891 - Miss Sallie Forbess of Hygiene and Sherman Hicks of Sunnyside were married on last week Thursday by Rev. J. W. Zimmerman. They have gone to housekeeping at Sunnyside.
July 24, 1891 - Albert Ransom has gone up to Beaver Park to oversee the work on the Beaver Park reservoir.
July 31, 1891 - W. W. Wright of Jimtown brought down a load of 30 foot poles to sell to the farmers to be used in running their hay forks.
August 14, 1891 - The misses Nellie and Eva Cochran of Loveland are over here visiting the family of John Armstrong.
August 21, 1891 - W. W. Burch and daughter Etta and Grandma Speed all went up to the mountains last week and gathered bushels of raspberries.
Hygiene Home has been rented to some Denver party who will continue to use it for hospital purposes.
August 28, 1891 - A few evenings since, a thief had one of Dick Burch's best horses saddled and was in the act of leading him away when he got sight of the boys and vamoosed the ranch without the horse.
Sept. 4, 1891 - W. W. Burch and S. A. Forbess and son started up their jumbo threshing outfits last Monday morning. They take their riding cars with them.
Mr. R. S. Cox has sold the Hygiene Home to Mr. J. Cochran of Loveland. This makes about the third time this property has changed hands in the last six months.
Sept. 25, 1891 - Frank Burch has to carry his hand in a sling since he got his fingers nearly torn off with a threshing machine cylinder.
Oct. 9, 1891 - Miss Nellie Cochran of Loveland was visiting in Hygiene last week.
Oct. 16, 1891 - J. S. Hatfield of Iowa is here making his son-in-law, H. Burch, a visit.
Oct. 23, 1891 - The town of Hygiene is booming.
Oct. 30, 1891 - Hygiene needs a quarter of a mile of sidewalks.
James Cochran, the present owner of the Hygiene home, has moved his family over and taken full possession.
Nov. 6, 1891 - Hygiene has more pretty girls than any other town of its size in Colorado.
W. W. Burch has pulled his threshing outfit back in this neighborhood and is just making the chaff fly.
Nov. 13, 1891 - W. W. Burch has his threshing outfit at work this week on M. L. McCaslin farm.
Last Friday evening as Dick Burch was getting ready to move his dining car, his team became frightened and started to run, throwing Mrs. Seaman out of the car and hurting her quite severely. Dr. Kilgore was sent for and she is now doing as well as could be expected.
Nov. 20, 1891 - James Cochran in papering and calcimining the rooms in the Hygiene Home and making them look as good as new.
Nov. 27, 1891 - Will Killgore came up here last Friday and took a picture of the Burch threshing outfit.
W. W. Burch pulled in his threshing outfit last Wednesday after threshing about 70,000 bushels of grain.
Dec. 4, 1891 - W. W. Burch has sent his jumbo engine over on Boulder Creek to run Lymer's clover huller.
The Bachelors' Club was organized here with 13 members Monday evening. Mat Forbess, Pres.; Dick Wilson, Sec.; The club will meet on Monday Eve each week in the rear end of Beckerdike's Store. The subject for debate at the next meeting is - "Matrimony". The leaders are W. F. Laycook and Isaac Smith.
Dec. 18, 1891 - W. W. Burch is going to put up a feed mill in Niwot. He has already purchased the necessary machinery.
Dec. 25, 1891 - Santa Claus and Christmas both came last night.
Jan. 1, 1892 - The misses Nellie, Eva and Sadie Cochran spent the holidays with their Loveland friends.
Jan. 8, 1892 - School opened again last Monday in North and South Hygiene, with a good attendance at both places.
Jan. 15, 1892 - W. W. Burch spends most of his time in his new mill over at Ni Wot. Dick Wilson was over there part of the week, helping to get things in good running
Mr. & Mrs. Love of Ohio are here this week visiting their relatives, Mr. & Mrs. James Cochran.
E. M. Carter has returned from his visit to Kansas city. It looks now as if we were going to have another railroad in Hygiene.
Jan. 22, 1892 - One of Dick Burch's cows drowned herself in his lake last week.
Frank Burch is in Ni Wot running the engine in the Burch & Burch feed mill.
Last Monday evening about 35 of the young folks met in the Hygiene Home to help Miss Nellie Cochran celebrate the 18th anniversary of her birth. It was a complete surprise to Miss Nellie but she enjoyed it just the same. The time was spent playing games and eating the good things that had been prepared for the occasion, that they did not leave for home until the small hours of Tuesday morning.
Jan. 29, 1892 - Norton Montgomery and Miss Etta Burch are the new president and secretary of the Hygiene Alliance.
Dick Wilson will soon have his new house finished and it looks very much like our Bachelor's club will lose another member.
Some of our farmers are hauling their wheat to Longmont at 90 cents a bushel.
Feb. 12, 1892 - Hezekiah Burch has a new baby girl at his place, born Feb. 4, 1892.
James Cochran has bought a bunch of Jersey cattle from Clarence Smith of Loveland
for which he paid a nice little sum. It pays to raise good stock.
Ni Wot News - W. W. Burch was on our streets Monday looking after the mill.
Feb. 19, 1892- Only two more weeks of school in North Hygiene, and one week more
in South Hygiene.
Miss Lulu Wade will teach the spring term of school in district no. 21.
Feb. 26, 1892 Frank Burch had his buggy broken to pieces Friday night, caused by a collision with another fellows buggy.
March 4, 1892 - Dick Burch sold 14 veal calves to W. W. Gill of Denver this week.
Niwot News - Messr's Burch & Burch have received a new emery wheel and will grind plow points in connection with the mill.
March 25, 1892 - W. W. Burch says the Burch & Burch mill at Ni Wot has shut down for this spring.
James Cochran killed a 10 month old lamb that dressed 71 1/2 pounds.
April 1, 1892- James Cochran has bought two new carriages.
Alpheus Bashor has left the Hygiene Bachelors Club never more to return.
Richard Wilson is now president, secretary and treasurer of the Hygiene Bachelors Club.
Miss Lulu Wade will commence teaching a three months term of school next Monday in this district.
April 8, 1892 - W. W. Burch and A. W. Montgomery were looking after their gold mine near Jimtown.
Niwot News - Mr. Alpheus Bashor and wife and Mr. Madison Forbess and wife were visitors at the dedication Sunday.
ApriI 15, 1892 - Hygiene is still a prohibition town and the citizens are safe for another year.
April 22, 1892 - Dick Wilson, the Hygiene engineer, has gone to Lyons to do some work on the new toll road.
May 6, 1892 - Nat Bashor and Jim Burch have gone up to the mountains to plant a five acre farm to potatoes.
May 13, 1892 - Niwot News - H. H. Burch has purchased of Mrs. Budd, two yoke of
oxen. Dan is very tickled with the idea of driving oxen as they did in olden times.
May 20, 1892 - Dick Burch has gone up to his mountain ranch to put in the week looking after his cattle.
July 1, 1892 - Miss Etta Burch spent the early part of this week with Longmont friends.
July 29, 1892 - W. W. Burch, J. S. Laycook, and J. W. Gross were delegates to the
People's Party convention in Boulder Saturday.
Aug. 12, 1892 - Rev. W. K. Cochran of Missouri is here making his brother James a visit.
F. Myers of Iowa is in Hygiene visiting his brother-in-law, Hez Burch.
Latest arrivals at the Hygiene Home, Mrs. Millhouse of Chicago, Charles Wheelock of N. York and E. L. Miller of Illinois. Landlord Cochran says he has more room left yet.
Aug. 26, 1892 - About thirty couples of young folks attended a social hop Tuesday night at the W. W. Burch residence.
Landlord Cochran treated a wagon load of his guests to a ride over the new toll road last Saturday, by way of Jimtown.
W. W. Burch had a general smash up last Monday with his Jumbo engine, which cost
him a trip to Denver and a weeks layoff.
Sept. 16, 1892 - Will Smith and Elvis Laycook are students in the Longmont Academy.
Sept. 23, 1892 - W. W. Burch has his threshing outfit at work down at Idaho Creek.
Sept. 30, 1892 - The Hygiene Home is doing a land office business. There are at
present 13 guests.
Oct. 14, 1892 - W. W. Wright of Jimtown was delivering lumber in Hygiene last week.
Jim Burch and Nat Bashor have gone to the mountains to harvest their large crop of potatoes.
Oct. 21, 1892 - There is not an empty house in Hygiene to rent. Someone ought to
build a few houses here for that purpose.
Nov. 4, 1892 - W. W. Burch has pulled his threshing machine in after making a good fall run.
Nov. 11, 1892 - The misses Nellie Cochran and Delia Forbess were visitors in Denver last week.
Nov. 18, 1892 - Dr. Ruedi of Denver came up last Monday. He has now left his patients
at the Home in charge of Dr. McClory of Longmont.
Dec. 2, 1892 - Owing to sickness your correspondent was unable to gather items last week.
The Olegarchy Ditch Co. have bought 30 acres from W. W. Burch and Mrs. Reese for the purpose of putting in a stronger dike and raising the lake nine feet higher than it is at present.
Dec. 9, 1892 - Miss Etta Burch has gone down to Longmont to remain during the winter.
Dec. 16, 1892 - Wm. Dickens and Reub Coffin have the contract to raise the dike at
the Burch reservoir. They have already commenced work.
Dec. 23, 1892 - Two of Dick Burch's children have been on the sick list for several days.
Dec. 30, 1892 - The sick ones at the Hygiene Home are doing well under the treatment of Dr. McClory of Longmont.
Jan. 6,1893 - Miss Mollie Burch is now a student in the Longmont Academy.
Six or eight teams are at work raising the dike on the Burch reservoir for the Olegarchy Ditch Co.
Last week some of our farmers were putting up ice while others were plowing. Queer
country this!
The contest came off at the U. B. Church last Saturday. A large crowd was present to witness the exercises. Miss Emma Lykins won Ist prize, Miss Nellie Cochran, second prize and Miss Rebecca Brubaker, third prize.
Jan. 13, 1893 - W. W. Burch visited his mountain ranch in Beaver Park last Monday.
There were several new arrivals at the Hygiene Home this week.
Hygiene now has an evening mail. There is nothing slow about this town.
J. W. Virden has sold his farm near here to John Webber for $3,600. Mr. Virden will move to Jimtown.
Madam Rumor says there will be a wedding in Hygiene ere long that will surprise the people.
Jan. 20, 1893 - W. W. Wright of Ward was in Hygiene this week. It is reported that T. A. Turner has struck it rich in his gold mine up at Ward. Dame Rumor has it that there will be two weddings here, instead of one.
Feb. 3, 1893 - John Cochran and sister Nellie were passengers on the B & M to Denver Thursday.
Feb. 17, 1893 - Only 3 more weeks of school in District 21.
Quite a few Hygiene boys had some fun Saturday chasing coyotes.
Feb. 24, 1893 - W. W. and Jim Burch were in the mountains last week. The misses Eva and Sadie Cochran visited friends near Loveland last Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
March 3, 1893 - Miss Nellie Cochran visited friends at Sunnyside last Sunday and Monday .
March 10, 1893 - W. W. Burch spent part of this week in Georgetown, looking after mining matters.
Hygiene now has a physician and surgeon. Dr. W. Hamilton has recently erected an office on the corner of Main Street and Tennessee Avenue.
March 10, 1893 - W. W. and Hezekiah Burch, G. N. Perkins and W. T. Estus, accompanied by their families, drove to Ni Wot last Thursday to help County Commissioner H. H. Burch's wife celebrate the anniversary of her birth. Plenty of good things to eat and a jolly good time was enjoyed by all.
March 24, 1893 - Uncle Geo Perkins and W. W. Burch are putting on lots of style with their fine new buggies.
The Oligarchy Ditch Co. now have one of the best reservoirs in this end of the state, since completion of the one formerly known as The Burch Reservoir.
March 31, 1893 - W. W. Burch has purchased a set of blacksmith tools and is putting up a building and will soon have a first class shop, where he will be ready for business.
Hygiene now has a dressmaking establishment, with Mrs. Nora Bashor and Miss Etta Burch in charge.
April 7, 1893 - The Hygiene dressmakers are doing a rushing business.
April 21, 1893 - Miss Mollie Burch has gone over to Boulder to spend a few weeks with friends.
May 5, 1893 - Grandma Carter of Sunshine was down here this week visiting friends and relatives.
May 19, 1893 - Mrs. Sylvester Williamson of Berthoud is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Burch.
W. W. Burch is spending a few days in the mountains on his cattle ranch.
June 2, 1893 - Jim Burch has gone to railroading.
June 9, 1893 - Mrs. Seaman and family of Longmont visited relatives here this week.
June 16, 1893- Miss Eva Cochran visited friends near Loveland last week.
June 30, 1893 - Miss Etta Burch is spending a few days with the family of John Hartman at Mt. Zion.
July 21, 1893 - Mrs. J. A. Cochran and daughter Sadie are spending this week with friends ear Loveland.
Jim Burch and E. Smith have gone to Beaver Park to kill a load of wild animals.
Hezekiah Burch and sons and John Cochran, Harry Armstrong and Robert Henry are camping on the Big Thompson, catching trout.
Aug. 4, 1893 - W. W. Burch recently purchased an advance separator to use in doing
his share of the threshing.
Aug. 18, 1893 - A merry party of young folks consisting of the Misses Forbess, Cochran and Murdock with Messrs Burch, Forbess and Laycook started last Wednesday overland for Estes Park to spend a few days catching fish and having a general good time.
Sept. 1, 1893 Mrs. J. W. Virden is quite seriously ill.
Sept. 15, 1893 - John Cochran is now the happy owner of a fine blooded sheep that he received from Wisconsin. If John keeps on in this way he will have the finest herd of sheep in this part of Colorado.
Sept. 22, 1893 - John Cochran left last Monday on a visit to the Worlds Fair.
Hygiene had a cutting scrape Tuesday that beats all known records in this vicinity. The victim is an invalid young woman named Barton who has been boarding at the Home
for several weeks. The assailant was a Mrs. Welch, who went there Tuesday under
pretense of engaging a room and board. It turned out that she wanted neither room nor board, being there for an entirely different purpose. While the wife of the proprietor went to prepare the room, Mrs. Welch went to the room occupied by Miss Barton, who was resting on the bed, and attacked her furiously with a knife, cutting her seriously about the face and head, and almost frightening the life out of her. The supposed cause of this outrage is jealousy on the part of Mrs. Welch, although nothing definite is positively known. The queerest part of the whole affair is the fact that the would-be murderer has not at this writing been arrested for the crlme.
Sept, 29, 1893 - Miss Barton, the lady who was carved up last week at the Home, is doing as well as could be expected.
The misses Etta Burch and Delia Forbess were in Boulder last week visiting friends and attending the W.C.T.U. Convention.
Nov. 3, 1893 - Grandma Carter is now a resident of Hygiene and is occupying the Walt Wright house.
Nov. 10, 1893 - Frank Burch and Sam Wagner packed their grub box and loaded their muskets and started Tuesday for Wyoming to kill a two horse wagon load of game.
Nov. 17, 1893 - It looks as if Hygiene would furnish the material for two or three weddings ere long.
Mrs. Broughton, the natural healer, of Boulder is now doctoring Mrs. J. Virdin.
Nov. 24, 1893 - Some chicken thief has been getting his work in Hygiene lately.
Dec. 1, 1893 - The remains of Howard Strock, aged about 17, were brought here last
Friday and laid to rest in the Hygiene Cemetery. He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus
Dec. 8, 1893 - Two new industries have opened up here. J. R. Ellenberger opened a
wagon shop and J. M. Pickley, a carpet factory. Hygiene is not dead.
Mrs. W. W. Burch visited relatives in Boulder this week while W. W. was in Blackhawk looking after a gold mine.
Dec. 22, 1893 - W. W. Burch has taken his Jumbo engine to Ni Wot to furnish steam for the Ni Wot feed mill.
Dec. 29, 1893 - Cyrus Strock and family came over from Boulder to eat turkey with W. W. Burch and family on Christmas Day.
Dec. 29, 1893 - Miss Etta Burch and Mr. Charley Broughton were married last Saturday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. W.W. Burch, by Rev. Mr. Griffiths. Both the bride and groom are well known in this community. They went to housekeeping in the house that Charley had recently fitted up. May they live long and prosper, is the correspondant's wish.