Projects for Math 4270

Fall Semester, 2000 -- under revision spring 2000.

Warm-up exercise: page 87, Exercise 4. (No points.)

In 1999 the arrangements were as follows: Seven of the following projects are required. One of them MUST be (f) world or stars. One must be (h) ray-tracing. Each project is worth eight out of one hundred points for your final grade.

The essential thing to turn in is a picture, or suite of pictures, as indicated below. All submissions are to be hard-copy. You must accompany each submission with hard-copy of all the code used, even though I do not grade code as such. At no time should you give me your only copy of anything!

There will be some serious, but hopefully realistic, deadlines. Generally speaking, credit for each project is all-or-nothing. Up to the deadline, you may re-submit a project if it turns out that you have missed some aspect of it. If the deadline comes and you aren't all the way there, then there may be some partial credit awarded.

Collaboration is permitted, under the following guidelines. At most two persons working together. You cannot do more than one project with the same partner. Partnership must be agreed upon before either partner has done any significant work on the project. You must inform the prof that you have formed a partnership, before any substantial work is done.

The projects