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Fourth Happiness Boost

Going into debt to buy what we envy others for having is another source of unhappiness. My life is a case in point.

One day, I began thinking in earnest about my TV set. I wasn't appreciating it. I was thinking about how small it was because the screen is only about 24 inches. When I saw how big my friends' TV sets were, I had to fight off an attack of envy.

One afternoon, when envy and discontent teamed up against me, I decided to go shopping for a TV. As I walked around the store looking at all the great sets, I felt my desire grow. "You want one of those super big ones," a voice in me insisted. When I hesitated, it shouted, "Quit stalling and get the damn thing! It's going to make you a happy man!"

I started narrowing down my choices until I pinpointed the one I wanted. I knew I'd have to go further into debt to buy it because it was top of the line. How I'd pay for it fell away as an issue as my urgency to buy it grew.

Just as I was at the point of deciding to get it, I heard a faint voice in me whisper, "Jim, do you really, really, really need this?"

I started off my shopping trip knowing that I desperately needed a new TV. All my friends had the fancy new models, some as big as a wall. But, did I really, really, really need one? No!

With this realization, a light went on in my mind and I left the store. I didn't even look back. The good news is that I didn't go further into debt, and my nineteen-inch TV is still working fine.

So what did I learn from this? When I'm in the grip of a desire for something to buy, I ask myself, "Do I really, really, really need this?" Most of the time, the answer is "No!"

Think of something you want to buy because you know you need it, then give it the consumer truth test. Do I really, really, really need this?

By using this test often, you will reduce your debt, which I can guarantee will make you a happier person.

Next, try "The Ten Commitments" for growing happiness or "The Happiness Prayer".

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