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The Seventh Principle

Practice Is the Key to Change

Many people who try to make changes within themselves fail to practice new principles with diligence and patience. Failing to see immediate results, they quit practicing. A friend of mine told me a story about how a coach instructed his players about practice. He told them, "It will take 20,000 repetitions to break an old habit until you have fully integrated a new ability into your game. Then, it will be a part of you and you will not have to think about it anymore. You'll just do it." The 20,000 repetitions may have been an exaggeration, but he was making a good point: "Don't think changing yourself will be easy. You’re going to have to work hard at it and not give up when you fail." So, as you think about the new practices you will use to change yourself, operate from the principle: "Assume it will take hundreds of tries before the change has become a part of you."

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