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The Sixth Principle

Cultivating the Capacity to Change

We have the potential to develop deeper awareness, to make new choices, and to create new thinking and life practices, which, together, help us to change. Once we see how our thinking is constructed, we can draw on our natural creativity to change our thinking by designing a new mental script. For example, we have the capacity to shift our focus from self-preservation, ego management, and control to helping others a bit more. This is about the texture of meaning in one's life and one's life purposes. We can moderate the dominance of the ego and change our focus to the larger good. This principle is where our hope for the future resides, of a growing awareness of what runs human beings automatically, so we can choose a better path. It is about the evolution of consciousness and cultivation of a more evolved self. We see this shift in Ingmar Bergmann's film, Wild Strawberries (1967), where an old man who was once self-centered and cold becomes awakened to the goal of helping others. By deciding to warm up, he begins to relate to others in loving ways.

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