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Life Practice
"Request a change!"

Complaints are a normal part of relationships, yet, when we receive a complaint, how do we react? With understanding and love or with anger and resistance? Let's face it; we don't like receiving complaints from our mates, our friends, or our relatives. It makes us annoyed and even mad at times. So is there an alternative to complaining when we want a change from someone in our lives? Yes, instead of lodging a complaint, we can request a change. When we're on the verge of lodging a complaint, we can use the practice, "Request a change!" This simple thought will move us away from the complaint to something that's more likely to produce a good result-"I have a request to make." And then we make the request without being angry or blaming. When people learn to make requests for change rather than lodging complaints, it reduces conflict in relationships so changes are much more likely to occur and love will grow.

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