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Question 22: "Recently, a friend called me a 'control freak'. It made me mad until, after thinking about it, I realized that my friend might be right. I'm always trying to have my way. What's a way out of this?"


People who want lots of control
are run by two big fears.

One fear is that things will fall apart
if they are not in control.

Another big fear is that, if they are not in control,
they will lose respect from others.

Two big problems arise from being
what you call "control freak."

You will overwork and others will resent
and resist your efforts to control them.

To solve problem of being too controlling,
release your tight grip on others and life.

Instead of thinking you have to have control,
look for opportunities to give it up.

When you can take control and give it up,
you will have created amazing thing--balance.

When you are balanced, you will see resentment
and resistance fall away in others.

With more harmony,
respect and love will grow.

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