Publications, Including Accepted and Forthcoming Articles
[29] “Comment on ‘The Ebbing Tide: How Will Higher Education Adapt to Demographic Change?’" Forthcoming in John Y. Campbell and Kaye Husbands Fealing eds., Financing Institutions of Higher Education, University of Chicago Press for NBER.
[28] "When Beer is Safer than Water: Beer Availability and Mortality from Waterborne Illnesses" (with James M. Flynn). Journal of Development Economics, 171(2024), 103343. October 2024.
[27] "The Long-Run Impacts of Banning Affirmative Action in US Higher Education" (with Brian Duncan and Michael Lovenheim). Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 40(3): 607–628. November 2024.
[26] “Demographic Diversity and Economic Research: Fields of Specialization and Research on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality” (with Kirk Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce Weinberg), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 114: 528-534. May 2024.[25] “Examining the Long-Run Impacts of Racial Terror with Data on Historical Lynchings of Mexicans in Texas” (with Brian Duncan), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 114: 215-220. May 2024.
[24] "Half Empty and Half Full? Women in Economics and the Rise in Gender-Related Research" (with Kirk Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce Weinberg). AEA Papers and Proceedings, 114: 226-231. May 2024.
[23] "For Want of a Cup: The Rise of Tea in England and the Impact of Water Quality on Mortality." Review of Economics and Statistics, 105 (6): 1352–1365. November 2023.
Media: Broadstreet Blog Long-Run Health Matters Blog BBC More or Less podcast The Guardian Newspaper
[22] "The Long-Run Impacts of Mexican American School Desegregation." (with Kalena E. Cortes). Journal of Economic Literature, 61 (3): 888-905. September 2023.
Media: Brookings Blog NBER Digest The 74
[21] "American Indian Casinos and Native American Self-Identification" (with Brian Duncan). Journal of the European Economic Association, 21(6): 2547–2585. March 2023.
[20] "Hispanic Americans in the Labor Market: Patterns Over Time and Across Generations" (with Brian Duncan and Stephen J. Trejo). Journal of Economic Perspectives 37(1): 169-198. February 2023.
[19] "Multi-Dimensional Identities of the Hispanic Population in the United States." In Advancing Anti-racist Economic Research and Policy. Economic Policy Institute Perspectives and Resources on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy. June 2022.
[18] "De Facto Immigration Enforcement, ICE Raid Awareness, and Worker Engagement" (with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes). Economic Inquiry, 60(1): 373-91. January 2022.
[17] "Gender Norm Conflict and Marital Outcomes" (with Priti Kalsi and Soohyung Lee). Journal of Demographic Economics, 87(4): 537-560. December 2021.
[16] "Ethnic Attrition, Assimilation, and the Measured Health Outcomes of Mexican Americans" (with Brian Duncan and Stephen J. Trejo). Journal of Population Economics, 33(4): 1499-1522. July 2020.
[15] "Women and Migration." In The Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy, ed. Susan L. Averett, Laura M.
Argys, and Saul D. Hoffman. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 731-747. 2018.
[14] "Schooling and Labor Market Effects of Temporary Authorization: Evidence from DACA" (with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes). Journal of Population Economics, 30(1): 339-73, January 2017.
[13] "Can Authorization Reduce Poverty among Undocumented Immigrants? Evidence from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program" (with Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes). Economics Letters, 147:1-4, October 2016.
[12] "Ethnic Attrition and the Observed Health of Later Generation Mexican Americans" (with Brian Duncan and Stephen J. Trejo). American Economic Review, 106(5): 467-71, May 2016. (Papers and proceedings issue.)
[11] "Incentives to Identify: Racial Identity in the Age of Affirmative Action" (with Brian Duncan). Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(3): 710-13, July 2015. Supplemental Appendix. Extended Working Paper Version. "Errata" 101(4): 742, September 2019.
[10] "Gender Discrimination in the Allocation of Migrant Household Resources." Journal of Population Economics, 28(3): 565-92, July 2015.
[9] "Spousal
Employment and Intrahousehold Bargaining Power." Applied Economics Letters, 21(8): 560-63, February 2014.
- [8] "The Impact of Migration on Family Left Behind." In International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, A.F. Constant and K.F. Zimmermann eds., Edward Elgar: Northampton, MA, 2013. NB: Includes simulation results from previous work entitled "Who Cares for the Elderly? Intrafamily Resource Allocation and Migration in Mexico."
[7] "Gender, Educational Attainment, and the Impact of Parental Migration on Children Left Behind" Journal of Population Economics, 25(4): 1187-1214, October 2012. (Lead article.) (Previous version entitled "Parental Migration and Child Education: Evidence from Variation in Child Age During Parental Absence.")
[6] "Elderly Care and Intrafamily Resource Allocation when Children Migrate." Journal of Human Resources, 47(2): 331-63, March 2012. (Portion of previous work entitled "Who Cares for the Elderly? Intrafamily Resource Allocation and Migration in Mexico." Extended Working Paper Version, August 2010.)
[5] "International Migration and Gender Discrimination among Children Left Behind." American Economic Review, 101(3): 645-49, May 2011. (Papers and proceedings issue.)
[4] "The Intergenerational Effects of Paternal Migration on Schooling and Work: What Can We Learn from Children's Time Allocations?" Journal of Development Economics, 96(2): 200-208, November 2011.
[3] "Adult Child Migration and the Health of Elderly Parents Left Behind in Mexico." American Economic Review, 100(2): 205-208, May 2010. (Papers and proceedings issue.)
[2] "Earnings Mobility and Measurement Error: A Pseudo-Panel Approach" (with David McKenzie), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 56(1): 125-161, October 2007.
[1] "Poverty Traps and Nonlinear Income Dynamics with Measurement Error and Individual Heterogeneity" ( with David McKenzie), Journal of Development Studies, 43(6): 1057-1083, August 2007.
Working Papers
“The Long-Run Impacts of Mentoring Underrepresented Minority Groups in Economics” (with Sheng Qu, Bruce A. Weinberg and Trevon D. Logan). Revise and Resubmit, 2025 AEA Papers and Proceedings)"Can Better Information Reduce College Gender Gaps? The Impact of Relative Grade Signals on Academic Outcomes for Students in Introductory Economics" (with Evelyn Skoy and Nicholas E. Flores). Revised and Resubmitted, Southern Economic Journal.
"How Does International Migration Affect the Health of Elderly Parents Left Behind? Evidence from Mexico." Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Development Studies.
“Racial and Gendered Impacts of International Students on Domestic Peers” (with Evelyn Skoy and Paul Kim). Revise and Resubmit, Economics of Education Review.Work in Progress
“Innovation Nation: The Impact of Broadening Access to Graduate Education on Ph.D. Outcomes” (with Kirk Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce Weinberg
“Ideas, Innovation, and Diversity in Economics” (with Kirk Doran, Xuechao Qian, and Bruce Weinberg)
Major Grants