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Book Reviews:
- Muslims and Crusaders: Christianity’s Wars in the Middle East, 1095–1382, from the Islamic Sources (Christie) Religious Studies Review 48 (2022): 137.
- The Routledge Handbook of Muslim Iberia (Fierro) Religious Studies Review 48 (2022): 136–7. 2021
- Multilingual and multigraphic documents and manuscripts of East and West (Mandala) TMSR
- Al-Maqrīzī's al-Ḫabar ʻan al-bašar: Vol. V, Section 6: The Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, and Goths (Penelas) TMSR
- Religious Violence in the Ancient World: From Classical Athens to Late Antiquity (Dijkstra & Raschle) TMSR
- Social Control in Late Antiquity: The Violence of Small Worlds (Cooper and Wood) TMSR
- The Power of Cities: The Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period (Panzram) AAHRMS
- The Sea in History. The Early Modern World (Buchet, et al.) Mediterranean Historical Review 36 (2021): 294–295.
- Victory's Shadow: Conquest and Governance in Medieval Catalonia (Barton) Speculum 96 (2021): 1145–6.
- La Vega de Granada a partir de documentación árabe romanceada inédita (1457-1494) Estudio, edición e índices (Trillo) Anuario d’estudis medievals 50 (2021): 436.
- Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages: From Muhammad to Dante (Frassetto) Church History 89 (2020, pub. 2021): 669-71.
- Norman Kings of Sicily and the Rise of the Anti-Islamic Critique: Baptized Sultans (Birk) Mediterranean Historical Review 36 (2021): 153-155.
- Friends of the Emir: Non-Muslim State Officials in Premodern Islamic Thought (Yarborough) al-Masaq 33 (2021): 97–99. 2020 Cultures and Practices of Coexistence from the Thirteenth Through the Seventeenth Centuries Multi-Ethnic Cities in the Mediterranean World, Volume 1 (Folin & Musarra) The Mediterranean Seminar Review [posted 3 December 2020]
- Christian Martyrs Under Islam. Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World (Sahner) Religious Studies Review 46 (2020): 427.
- At the Edge of Reformation. Iberia before the Black Death (Linehan) Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 97 (2020): 887–8.
- Interreligious Encounters in Polemics between Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond (Mercedes Garcia-Arenal, ed.) al-Masaq 32 (2020): 366–67.
- The Iberian Peninsula between 300 and 850. An Archaeological Perspective (Martínez Jiménez, et al.) AARHMS (22 June 2002)
- Where Three Worlds Met: Sicily in the Early Medieval Mediterranean (Davis Secord) Mediterranean Historical Review 35 (2020): 101–3.
- The Crown of Aragon. A Singular Mediterranean Empire (Sabaté, ed.) Anuari d’estudis medievals 49 (2019): 349–51.
- Edging Toward Iberia (Jean Dangler) AAHRMS (3 July 2019)
- The Tunis Crusade of 1270: A Mediterranean History (Lower) Church History 88(1) 2019: 214–216.
- Routledge Handbook of Islam in the West (Tottoli, ed.) Reading Religion (AAR) (18 December 2018)
- War in the Iberian Peninsula, 700-1600 (García Fitz & Gouveia Monteiro) AARHMS (posted: 16 November)
- The Almoravid and Almohad Empires (Amira Bennison) English Historical Review (6 August 2018).
- To Live Like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain (O. Remie Constable) AARHMS (posted: 23 May).
- Power and Rural Communities in Al-Andalus. Ideological and Material Representations (A. Fábregas, F. Sabaté, eds.) Speculum 93 (2018): 208–10.
- Mysticism and Philosophy in al-Andalus: Ibn Masarra, Ibn al-'Arabi and the Isma'ili Tradition (Michael Ebstein) al-Masaq, 30:1, 119–120.
- The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100–1500 (Magdalena Valor and José Avelino Gutiérrez González) AAHRMS (posted: 8 January)
- The Mercenary Mediterranean: Sovereignty, Religion, and Violence in the Medieval Crown of Aragon (Hussein Fancy) Mediterranean Historical Review (2017): 32(1), 117–20.
- Mediterranean Identities in the Premodern Era- Entrepôts, Islands, Empires (John Watkins and Kathryn L. Reyerson) Medieval Encounters 22 (2016): 297–99.
- Holy War, Martyrdom and Terror (Philippe Buc). Journal of Religion and Violence 4 (2016): 394–98.
- Enemies in the Plaza. Urban Spectacle and the End of Spanish Frontier Culture, 1460-1492. (Thomas Devaney) Church History and Religious Culture 96 (2016): 394–6.
- The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond. Volume 3: Displaced Persons (Kevin Ingram and Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano, eds.) The Medieval Review (9 September 2016).
- Juan de Segovia and the Fight for Peace. Christians and Muslims in the Fifteenth Century. (Anne Marie Wolf) Renaissance and Reformation (Winter 2015): 208–10.
- The Crusades, 1095–1204, Second Edition. (Jonathon Phillips) The Medieval Review (posted 28 December 2015)
- The Last Crusade in the West: Castile and the Conquest of Granada. (Joseph F. O'Callaghan) Speculum 90 (2015): 572–74.
- Siervos medievales de Aragón y Navarra en los siglos XI–XIII (Carlos Laliena Corbera) AARHMS (online 7 June 2015).
- Christian Identity Amid Islam in Medieval Spain (Charles Lowell Tieszen) al-Masāq 27 (2015): 185–87
- Defining Boundaries in al-Andalus: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Islamic Iberia (Janina M. Safran) Comitatus 45 (Fall 2014): 323–25.
- Caffaro, Genoa, and the Twelfth-Century Crusades (Martin Hall and Jonathan Phillips) Comitatus 45 (Fall 2014): 218–19.
- A Christian Pilgrim in Medieval Iraq: Riccoldo da Montecroce's Encounter with Islam (Rita George-Tvrtkovic), Speculum 89 (2014): 481–82.
- The Valley of the Six Mosques: Work and Life in Medieval Valldigna (Ferran García-Oliver) AARHMS Website (posted: 19 May)
- Byzantines, Latins, and Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean world after 1150 (Harris, Jonathan, Catherine Holmes and Eugenia Russell, eds.) Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2014.04.37)
- Two Faiths One Banner. When Muslims Marched with Christians across Europe’s Battlegrounds (Ian Almond) Religious Studies Review 39 (2013): 120–1.
- Between Christian and Jew. Conversion and Inquisition in the Crown of Aragon, 1250–1391 (Paola Tartakoff) Catholic Historical Review 98 (2012): 797–98.
- The Crusades and the Near East: Cultural Histories (ed.: Conor Kostick) Religious Studies Review 38 (2012): 111.
- The Social Structure of the First Crusade (Conor Kostick) Religious Studies Review 38 (2012): 246.
- Christians in al-Andalus, 711–1000 (Ann Christys) Religious Studies Review 38 (2012): 110–11.
- Les mozarabes: Christianisme, islamisation et arabisation en péninsule Ibérique (IXe–XIIe siècle) (Cyrille Aillet), Speculum 87 (2012): 177–9.
- Crusade, Heresy and Inquisition in the Lands of the Crown of Aragon (c. 1167–1276) (Damian J. Smith), Speculum 87 (2012): 280–1.
- The Making of a Mediterranean Emirate: Ifriqiya and Its Andalusis, 1200–1400 (Ramzi Rouighi) The Medieval Review (November 11).
- Lost Civilization: The Contested Islamic Past in Spain and Portugal. (James Boone) Religious Studies Review 37 (2011): 73.
- The Crusades and the Christian World of the East : Rough Tolerance (Christopher MacEvitt) Religious Studies Review 37 (2011): 73.
- The Reconquest Kings of Portugal: Political and Cultural Reorientation on the Medieval Frontier (Stephen Lay) Speculum 85 (2010): 65–66.
- Dominicans, Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Crown of Aragon (Robin Vose) Journal of Ecclesiastical History 61 (2010): 822–23.
- The Eve of Spain: Myths of Origin in the History of Christian, Muslim and Jewish Conflict (Patricia Greive) Speculum (2010): 679–80.
- Spain, 1157–1300: A Partible Inheritance (Peter Linehan) The Medieval Review (February 1, 2009)
- The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam (Sidney H. Griffith) Religious Studies Review 35 (2009): 134–135.
- Speculum: Vidas y trabajo en el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón (Carlos López) AARHMS Newsletter (Spring 2009): 8–10.
- Illuminated Haggadot From Medieval Spain: Biblical Imagery and the Passover Holiday (Katrin Kogman-Appel) AARHMS Newsletter (Spring 2009): 13–15.
- Till God Inherits the Earth. Islamic Pious Endowments in al-Andalus (9–15th Centuries) (Alejandro García Sanjuán) al-Masāq 21 (2009): 112-114.
- Caballeros en la frontera: La guardia morisca de los reyes de Castilla (1410–1467) (Ana Echavarría Arsuaga) American Historical Review 113 (2008): 244–245.
- Jews, Christian Society, & Royal Power in Medieval Barcelona (Elka Klein) Medieval Encounters 14:2–3 (2008): 413–416.
- Contesting Christendom: Readings in Medieval Religion and Culture (James L. Halverston) World History Connected 5 (2008) (
- Captives and Their Saviors in the Medieval Crown of Aragon (Jarbel Rodriguez) AARHMS Newsletter (Spring 2008): 10–12.
- Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages, 2nd ed., revised (Thomas F. Glick) AARHMS Newsletter (Spring 2007): 3–5.
- Els impostos indirectes en el regne de Mallorca (Pau Cateura Bennàsser) AARHMS Newsletter (Fall 2007): 11–12.
- Historical Atlas of Islam (Malise Ruthven) Religious Studies Review 33 (2007): 166.
- Jews in an Iberian Frontier Kingdom: Society, Economy, and Politics in Morvedre, 1248–1391 (Mark D. Meyerson) The Catalan Review 18 (1).
- The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV: c.1024–c.1198 (David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith, eds.) Canadian Journal of History 41 (2006): 346–351.
- A Jewish Renaissance in Fifteenth-Century Spain (Mark D. Meyerson) Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin 30 (2005,2), on-line.
- "Irrigation and Society in Islamic Granada" review essay: Agua, tierra y hombres en al-Andalus & Una sociedad rural en el Mediterráneo medieval: el mundo agrícola nazarí (Carmen Trillo) Scripta Mediterranea 26 (2005): 75–77.
- Transforming the State. King, Court and Political Culture in the Realms of Aragon (1213–1387) (Marta VanLandingham) al-Masāq 17: 154–157
- The Lara Family. Crown and Nobility in Medieval Spain (Simon R. Doubleday) Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin 28 (3): 10–12.
- Islam and the West (Norman Daniels) Religious Studies Review 30:1 (2004): 34.
- A Forgotten Community (Isabel O'Connor) The Medieval Review (4 December, 2004).
- The Enterprise of Science in Islam (J. Høgendijk, and Adam Sabra, eds.) The Medieval Review (24 March, 2004), re-posted by request on Adabiyat: Middle Eastern Literary Traditions.
- Medieval Spain: Culture, Conflict, and Coexistence (Roger Collins and Anthony Goodman, eds.) The Medieval Review (1 April, 2003).
- Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia (Adam Kosto) The Medieval Review (4 December, 2002)
- The Long Eighth Century. Production, Distribution and Demand (Inge Hansen and Chris Wickham) Anuari del Institut d'Estudis Medievals (CSIC: Barcelona, 2001) 31: 1008–9.
- The Art of Conversion. Christianity and Kabbalah in the Thirteenth Century (Harvey Hames) AIEM 31 (2001): 1006–7.
- Negotiating Cultures (Robert Burns & Paul Chevedden) Medieval Encounters 6 (2000): 117–120.
- Paisajes rurales y paisajes urbanos (Universidad de Zaragoza) AIEM 30 (2000): 490.
- Les templiers en pays catalan (Robert Vinas, et al.) AIEM 30 (2000): 599–600.
- Actes de les primeres jornades sobre els ordes religioso-militars al països catalans (segles XII-XIX) (Diputació de Tarragona) AIEM 30 (2000): 602–6.
- Les Almoravides (1106–1143). Le djihâd andalou (Vincent Lagardère) AIEM 30 (2000): 542–43
- Col·lecció diplomàtica de la casa del Temple de Gardeny (1070–1200) (Ramon Sarobe) AIEM 30 (2000): 584.
- Cómo los musulmanes llamaban a los cristianos hispánicos (Eva Lapiedra) AIEM 30 (2000): 543–44.
- Communities of Violence (David Nirenberg) Medievalia (Barcelona) 13 (1996/1997): 117–119.
- The Martyrs of Córdoba (Jessica Anne Coope) Ruminatio 2 (1996): 27–28.
- "Out of Seville: Three Collections on Confraternities and Religiosity in Iberia and Beyond" review article Confraternitas 7(1995, 2) (Fall): 5–9.