
Brian Catlos teaches graduate and undergrad courses in Religious Studies and undergraduate courses in Humanities. At CU Boulder he offers courses on the history of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. His emphasis is on the religious identity, minority-majority relations the social, economic, and institutional history of religious groups in and around the pre-Modern Mediterranean.

In 2009 & 2011 he recieved citations from the Chancellor of the University of California Santa Cruz for undergraduate mentorship. He has been awarded and IMPART (Implementation of Multicultural Perspectives and Approaches in Research and Teaching) Faculty Fellowship for Fall 2014. In 2023 he was awarded the Faculty ASCEND Award by Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate Diversity Committe.  

Undergraduate and graduate students in Religious Studies, History, Humanities, Jewish Studies, or Spanish and Portuguese who are interested in doing independent projects (RLST4840/6840) should contact him directly.

He welcomes inquiries from potential graduate students seeking to do an MA in Religious Studies or a joint-MA with History on subjects relating to the Pre-Modern Mediterranean, ethnic and religious culture and identity, Crusade and holy war, and the history of Muslim, Christian and Jewish societies in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. Currently CU Boulder's Religious Studies department does not have a PhD program.

On sabbatical and research leave through 2025 Brian plans on teaching the online version of RLST 3000, Chrisitan Traditions in summer term Aof 2025, and the online version of ARAB/RLST2320: Early Muslim World in Summer B.


Upcoming (Summer 2025):

  • RLST 3000 Christian Traditions - Summer A - online asynchronous   - the history of Christianity from its remotest pre-Judaic origins to the Reformation [poster] [syllabus],
  • ARAB/ RLST 2320 Early Muslim World - Summer B -- online asynchronous   - Islam and the Islamic world from the time of Muhammad to the era of the Caliphates [poster] [syllabus]

Office Hours: W 9-10am and by approintment . You should email in advance whether you wish to have a virtual or in-person meeting.