Professor of Religious Studies
CU Mediterranean Studies Group, Director
Brian Catlos has been a member of the Religious Studies faculty at CU Boulder since 2010. He is affiliated also with the History Ethnics Studies, Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the Humanities and Jewish Studies Programs. He directs the University of Colorado Mediterranean Studies Group and is also Co-Director of The Mediterranean Seminar, an international forum for scholarly collaboration for developing research and teaching in the field of Mediterranean Studies, and was Co-Director (PI to July 2012) of the University of California Mediterranean Studies Multi-Campus Research Program, based at the University of California Santa Cruz, until July 2015, when that project concluded. He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 2014, and his book, Muslims of Latin Christendom was awarded the Albert Hourani Book Prize by the Middle East Studies Association and the Medieval Academy or America's Charles Homer Haskins Medal and has been translated into Turkish, and soon Arabic, while his Infidel Kings and Unholy Warriors (also in Dutch) was given an honorable mention in the PROSE Awards. The Victors and the Vanquished, his first scholarly book (also in Spanish) won two prizes from the AHA, and his articles have won the Webb Essay Prize, and the Julian Bishko Prize. In May 2015 he was awarded a Boulder Faculty Association Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarly and Creative Work, and in 2015-16 he held his second NEH Faculty Fellowship. In Spring 2017 he was awarded an Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service from the Boulder Faculty Association. His book, Kingdoms of Faith: A New History of Islamic Spain was published by Basic Books in and Hurst in the UK in 2018 , with an audio book, hardcover and paperback UK editions, and translations into German, Spanish, Polish, Korean, Russian, and Complex Chinese wiith Simplified Chinese, Turkish and Arabic forthcoming. A textbook, The Sea in the Middle. The Mediterranean World, 600-1650 (U California, co-written with Thomas Burman and Mark Meyerson, and a document reader, Texts from the Middle: Mediterranean Documents, 650-1650 came out in fall 2022. His next books, An Age of Convergence: Christians, Muslims and Jews in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean and James the Conqueror. A Crusader King in an Age of Faith and Reason are in progress. He is a 2024 Guggenheim Fellow.
Academic Year 2024-5
On sabbatical and research leave through 2025 Brian plans on teaching the online version of RLST 3000, Chrisitan Traditions in summer term A [poster] [syllabus], and the online version of ARAB/RLST2320: Early Muslim World in Summer B [poster] [syllabus].
For more information on courses, see teaching.
News Items
- "CU Boulder scholars honored as 2024 Guggenheim Fellows" CU Arts and Sciences Magazine (13 June 2024)
- "The Sea in the Middle" interviewed with Thomas Burman by Evan Zarkadas for the New Books Network
- "Al-Andulas: On Islamic Spain" interviewed by William Dalrymple at the 2020 Jaipur Literary Festival
- - «La tercera vía de la historia de al-Ándalus» (El País, 22 Octber 2019)
- “¿Que fue de Al Ándalus?” La historia de cada dia (RTVE Madrid: 9 September 2019)
- interviewed in La Vanguardia. Cultura “Al Ándalus se escribe con Ñ” / “Al-Andalus s’escriure amb ñ”(28 July 2019) [Catalán and Spanish editions]
"Analizamos el periodo andalusí de España con el profesor Brian A. Catlos" Radio interview in Spanish on Hoy por Hoy (Cadena SER Madrid Sur; 20 August 2019)
- "Islam in Spain, the Rise and Fall of al-Andalus": 7 July 2018; panel discussion with Matthew Carr, Bradford Literary Festival (Bradford UK)
- Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom wins the Medieval Academy's Charles Homer Haskins Medal for 2018.
- “Religious nationalism finds a footing in the Middle East”: Saturday, 3 January 2015 The Washington Post
- Muslims of Medieval Latin Chrstendom awarded MESA's 2014 Albert Hourani Prize
- "Historian adds nuance to Mideast religious history," Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine (June 2014)
- "Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom," audio interview on New Books in Islamic Studies (July 2014)
- Cambridge UP ninteenfourteen blog.