
Woo is a way to live in balance with your knees bent.
With flexibility, it is easy to go this way or that way.
People will ask, why is that person so unruffled?
Simple answer. Balanced with knees bent.

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In practice, I keep a smile on my face.
My smile is like a friend saying "Try, but not too hard".

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Between loose and rigid, Woo lives.
Flexible, it enjoys doubt as a playful dance between opposites.

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The weather is sometimes sunny, sometimes dark and cloudy.
Same is true of the mind. You cannot control nature,
but you can control your mental weather.
When the darkness of a frown appears,
grow a smile of light to replace it.

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"I Don't know" keeps the mind clear and alert for action,
like bent knees waiting for opportunity to go right or left.

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When you are too talkative, others quit listening.
When you are too quiet, others won't take you into account.
Balance talking and listening, then Woo appears.
Not a still pond or crashing waves,
but a gentle river current.

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Becoming more balanced will lead to a happy and harmonious life.
It is hard to push over a balanced person who has both feet on the ground.
It is like trying to push over a very sturdy tree with deep roots.

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When you are too serious, let playfulness appear.
In balance, the darkness will flee and fun will begin.
More playful, your feet will do a little dance.

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Enlightenment occurs when we're confused
and we don't worry about it anymore.

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You are already whole, but your one-sidedness keeps you from seeing it.
To see your wholeness, balance the two sides of your nature.

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By looking carefully, we discover strength in each of our
weaknesses and weakness in each of our strengths.
Understanding this helps us to stay in balance.

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