Life Gardening
Life Coaching
Change Yourself, Improve Your Relationships, Create a More Positive Life

Jim Downton, Jr.
Shift your Thinking
to Inspire Change alters our ways of thinking about personal
change, creativity, and teaching.
Everyday Enlightenment provides new ways of thinking which will alter your mind and change your life.
Improve your Love Relationships
Screwing Up Love or How to Make Love Grow and Last is a "wild romp through the brambles of love."
Become Happier
Now. Don't wait for happiness to occur like magic.
Make it a choice in your life.
Try the 30 Second Therapy for Increasing your Happiness
The 30 Second Therapy with Dr. Bob, The Happiness Coach. Give it a try!
A Life That Works Well
for Living a Better Life offers simple life practices
to use in a variety of situations.is
Cultivate Wisdom
Seven Life Principles reveal how we live in automatic,
while thinking we are free.
Master Wisdom addresses questions
about life by Kiro, a gentle Woo Master, who is wise, creative, and
Jim's Art
New Symbolic Paintings! Art
Gallery is
where you can see his abstract, playful, symbolic, and realistic paintings.
Understand the Movies Running in Your Mind
of the Mind nurtures greater
control over thoughts that diminish your potential for greater happiness
and peace of mind.
Creative Sidetracks
in Little Boxes are haiku written
by Jim on various themes, including courage, life, love, and spirit.
Tombstone Epitaphs give you
a new perspective on your life.
Easy in the Harness.
For those who carry a heavy burden of commitments and who suffer
from the stress of carrying such a heavy load.
Books by
Night Sea Journey: The Ordeal of Individuation (Createspace, 2018). This fascinating book is Jim's account of his personal transformation, which began on May 11, 1980 and lasted for 7 years. While it was an ordeal that tested him many times, it eventually healed him at a deep level. To buy the book or kindle version, go to Amazon.com. |
Screwing Up Love or How to Make Love Grow and Last (Createspace, 2013). With the help of Dr. Bob, the Love Coach, we learn what we do to screw up love and what we can do to make love grow and last. Dr. Bob's sense of humor and honesty makes this book a fun and engaging book to read. To learn more about the book, click on the cover.To buy the book or Kindle version, go to Amazon.com.. |
I Will . . .Words to Inspire Positive Life Changes(Blue Mountains
Arts, 2009) asks you to shift the way you think
and to cultivate your amazing potential. Using
declarations, each containing the words "I
will," the book helps you focus on what's
positive and good in your life. It steers you
onto a path of self-improvement, inspiring you
to be the person you've always wanted to be--one
day at a time. To buy the
book, go to Amazon.com. |
Why am I so DAMN Unhappy? (Robert
Reed Publishers, 2008) is written from the viewpoint
of an imaginary character called Dr. Bob the Happiness
Coach. This is a must read for people who want
more happiness in their lives and enjoy humor! To learn more about
the book, click on the cover. To buy the book to Kindle version, go to Amazon.com. |
Blooming: Teachings of a Woo Master (Green Dragon Books, 2005) tells the
story of Kiro, a humble gardener who taught Jim
about Woo Way to help expand his wisdom, happiness,
and inner peace. You will love Kiro for his playful
spirit and simple wisdom! To learn more about
the book, click on the cover. To buy as an e-book, go to Amazon.com. To buy as a paperback, go to Green Dragon Books . |
Woo Way: A New Way of Living and Being (Green Dragon Books, 2003) cultivates more awareness, choice,
balance, and wisdom. This is a groundbreaking book
about personal transformation. It will change your
life! To learn more
about the book, click on the cover. To buy the book, go
to Amazon.com. |
Mind: Bringing Creativity to Life (Green Dragon Books, 2003) adds more
creativity, adventure, fun, and fulfillment to life.
If you want to become a more creative person in
all aspects of your life, this book is for you! To learn more about the book,
click on the cover. To buy a paperback or e-book, go to Amazon.com. |
Minds: The Power of Creativity in Teaching (Green Dragon Books, 2003) increases
a teacher's creativity, effectiveness, and enjoyment
of teaching. This book is for middle school, high
school, and college teachers who are looking for
more innovative ways to teach so they can feel more
fulfilled while teaching. To
learn more about the book, click on the cover. To buy the paper back book, click on Green Dragon Books.To buy the e-book, click on Green Dragon Books. |