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Jeronimo Carballo

Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of Colorado-Boulder

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  1. Import Processing and Trade Costs with Alejandro Graziano, Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus. Accepted at Journal of International Economics.
    [WP PDF]

  2. The Effect of Transit Systems on International Trade with Alejandro Graziano, Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024. [WP PDF]

  3. Bankruptcy Shocks and Local Legal Markets: Evidence from the Court Competition Era with Chad Brown and Alessandro Peri. Journal of Law and Economics, 2024.

  4. Economic and Policy Uncertainty: Export Dynamics and Value of Agreements with Kyle Handley and Nuno Limao. Journal of International Economics, 2022. [NBER WP].[VoxEU Article]
    Media Coverage: Wall Street Journal , Bloomberg, Washington Post, CNBC

  5. Online Business Platforms and International Trade with Marisol Rodriguez Chatruc, Catalina Salas Santa and Christian Volpe Martincus. Journal of International Economics, 2022. [WP PDF]

  6. The Buyers Margins of Firms' Exports with Gianmarco Ottaviano and Christian Volpe Martincus. Journal of International Economics, 2018. [WP Pdf] [VoxEU Article]

  7. Interactions between Transport and Trade: A Trade Facilitation Perspective with Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus. Forthcoming Handbook of International Trade and Transportation, 2018. [WP Pdf]

  8. Routes, Exports, and Employment in Developing Countries: Following the Trace of the Inca Roads with Ana Cusolito and Christian Volpe Martincus, with Christian Volpe Martincus, Journal of Development Economics, 2017. [Pdf] [VoxEU Article]

  9. Customs with Alejandro Graziano and Christian Volpe Martincus, Journal of International Economics, 2015. [Pdf]

  10. How Do Transport Costs Affect Firms' Exports? Evidence from a Vanishing Bridge with Alejandro Graziano, Pablo Garcia and Christian Volpe Martincus, Economics Letters, 2014. [Pdf]

  11. Export Promotion Activities in Developing Countries: What Kind of Trade Do They Promote? with Christian Volpe Martincus, Journal of International Trade and Development, 2012. [Pdf]

  12. Public Programs to Promote Firms' Exports in Developing Countries: Are There Heterogeneous Effects by Size Categories? with Pablo Garcia and Christian Volpe Martincus, Applied Economics, 2012. [Pdf]

  13. The Impact of Export Promotion Institutions on Trade: Is It the Intensive or the Extensive Margin? with Andres Gallo and Christian Volpe Martincus, Applied Economics Letters, 2010. [Pdf]

  14. Export Promotion: Bundled Services Work Better with Christian Volpe Martincus, The World Economy, 2010. [Pdf]

  15. Entering New Country and Product Markets: Does Export Promotion Help? with Christian Volpe Martincus, Review of World Economics, 2010. [Pdf]

  16. Beyond The Average Effects: The Distributional Impacts of Export Promotion Programs In Developing Countries with Christian Volpe Martincus, Journal of Development Economics, 2010. [Pdf]

  17. Is Export Promotion Effective in Developing Countries? Firm-Level Evidence on the Intensive and the Extensive Margins of Exports with Christian Volpe Martincus, Journal of International Economics, 2008. [Pdf]

Working Papers

  1. Between-Establishment Mobility within Firms by U.S. Workers: Scope, Prevalence, and Effects on Worker Earnings with Rick Mansfield and Adam Pfander. Revise and Resubmit at American Economic Journal - Macroeconomics. [NBER WP] [CES WP]

  2. The Role of International Trade Agreements During Economic and Policy Crises: Evidence from U.S. Firm Dynamics with with Kyle Handley and Nuno Limao. Resubmitted at Review of International Economics.

  3. Information Frictions, Investment Promotion and Multinational Production: Firm-Level Evidence with Ignacio Marra de ArtiƱano and Christian Volpe Martincus. Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Development Economics. [Pdf]

Work in Progress

  1. Going Green: Multinational Activity and Environmental Practices with Kalina Manova, Claudia Steinweider and Christian Volpe Martincus. Presented at CESifo Venice Summer Institute, 2024.

  2. Linkages with Multinationals: The Effects on Domestic Firms' Exports with Ignacio Marra de ArtiƱano, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Christian Volpe Martincus. Presented at ERWIT.