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Monazite and other accessory phases as chronometers
for crustal processes

Some recent publications

Kelly, N., Appleby, S.K., and Mahan, K., 2010, Mineralogical and textural characterization of metamorphic rocks using an automated mineralogy approach, GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Mahan, K.H., Wernicke, B., Jercinovic, M.J., 2010, Th-U-total Pb geochronology of authigenic monazite in the Adelaide rift complex, South Australia, EPSL, 289, 76-86.

Dumond, G., Mahan, K.H., Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., 2009, Orogenic float and the monazite connection, GSA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.

Hetherington, C.J., Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., Mahan, K.H., 2008, Application of electron-probe microanalysis to composition, chronology, and occurrence of xenotime for understanding geologic processes. Chem Geol, 254, 133-147.

Mahan, K.H., Goncalves, P., Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., 2006, Dating metamorphic reactions and fluid flow: application to exhumation of high-P granulites in a crustal-scale shear zone, western Canadian Shield, JMG, 24, 193-217.

Photos and Images

Monazite evolution in felsic granulites, Legs Lake shear zone, Canada (Mahan et al., 2006)

Nd X-ray map of monazite from Robinson Ranch, MT, crustal xenolith

Monazite included in andalusite, Upper Granite Gorge, Grand Canyon, AZ

Authigenic monazite, Adelaide rift complex, South Australia (Mahan et al., In Review)

Monazite (yellow), zircon (blue), and xenotime (pink) occurrence in migmatite thin section, Sierra Madre, WY

Y X-ray map of complex monazite, Sierra Madre, WY

More publications

Mahan, K.H., Williams, M.L., Flowers, R.M., Jercinovic, M.J., Baldwin, J.A., Bowring, S.A., 2006, Geochronological constraints on the Legs Lake shear zone with implications for regional exhumation of lower crust, Western Churchill Province, Canadian Shield, CMP, 152, 223-242.

Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., Goncalves, P., Mahan, K.H., 2006, Format and Philosophy for Collecting, Compiling, and Reporting Microprobe Monazite Ages, Chem Geol, 225, 1-15.

Baldwin, J.A., Bowring, S.A., Williams, M.L., Mahan, K.H., 2006, Geochronological constraints on the crustal evolution of felsic high-pressure granulites, Snowbird tectonic zone, Canada, Lithos, 88, 173-200.

Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J., Dumond, G., Mahan, K.H., Hetherington, C.J., 2006, Microprobe monazite analysis: Integrating composition, texture, and chronology to characterize host-rock tectonics. GSA Annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

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UMass microprobe facility (Ultrachron project)