Kevin H. Mahan
Associate Professor
Tectonics, structural geology,
metamorphic petrology
Faculty Director
CU Electron microprobe laboratory
Lab Manager and Research
Associate: Julien Allaz
Contact info
Dept. Geological Sciences
Univ. Colorado-Boulder
Campus Box 399
2200 Colorado Ave.
phone: 303-492-2755
Some research interests:
- Lower crustal processes
- Tectonics of deeply exhumed orogens
- Crustal seismic anisotropy
- Monazite petrogenesis
Additional Links:
More Research
Some Personal Stuff
Courses I teach:
Structural Geology
Fabric Analysis in the Field
Intro. to Physical Geology
Earth Materials
Tectonics seminar
Current graduate students
Phil Orlandini (PhD) - Evidence for deep crustal seismic rupture preserved in a granulite-facies intraplate
strike-slip shear zone, northern Saskatchewan, Canada |
Undergraduate researchers
Kelly Curtis - Mineralogical investigations into synkinematic metasomatic alteration of granitoid rocks, southwestern Montana"
Recent graduate students
Cailey Condit (PhD May 2017) - Exhumation of lower crust in southwestern Montana
Lesley Butcher (MSc Aug 2013) - Re-thinking the Laramide: Investigating the role of fluids in producing surface uplift using xenolith mineralogy and geochronology
Shannon Leslie (MSc Spr 2012) - Contrasts in sillimanite deformation in felsic tectonites from anhydrous granulite- and hydrous amphibolite-facies shear zones, western Canadian shield
Dustin Ward (MSc Dec 2011) - The relative influence of quartz and mica on crustal seismic anisotropy
Katy Barnhart (MSc Spr 2010) - Deep crustal xenoliths from the Great Falls Tectonic Zone, Montana: Investigating the timing and mechanisms of high-velocity lower crust formation |