The NML is equipped with mechanical testing machines and material processing devices for polymeric materials. NML lab members also have access to additional material characterization tools such as Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and Rheometer available in the Mechanical Engineering Department.
Instron 5965 Material Testing System
This Instron dual-column material testing system is capable of performing mechanical tests with a variety of testing configurations
(tension, compression, bending, peel, etc) and loading histories. It is equipped with a 50N and a 5kN load cell.
MTS 858 Mini Bionix II Servo-hydraulic Material Testing System
The MTS system is capable of combined torsional (0~100N.m) and tensile/compressive loading (0~10kN) and fatigue testing.
It is equipped with a temperature chamber that allows testing at a wide range of temperatures.
Benchtop hydraulic hot press machine
This unit can achieve controlled compression (0~106kN) and temperature (66~260 Celsius degrees) during hot pressing of polymer samples.