Leif's Anatomy Lab Pages

Human Anatomy Laboratory, IPHY 3415

General Information

Tips for Success in Anatomy Lab

Photo Gallery of Anatomy Models

Model index page

Sample Exam Questions

Sample questions for exams 1-4

Anatomy Tip Sheets

Tips & Diagrams, 2020

Older Materials (terminology may not match current edition of lab manual)

Skull 1: Getting oriented
Skull 2: Finding foramina
Skull 3: Unusual views
Muscles 1: Forearm
Muscles 2: Leg
Muscles 3: Assorted Tips on Origins, Insertions and Actions
Muscles 4: Tour of forearm and hand muscles, with origins and insertions explained
Muscles 5: Muscle layers on plantar side of foot (including tendons of leg muscles)
Internal Organs 1: Lower abdomen and pelvis
Internal Organs 2: Liver and Stomach Region
Internal Organs 3: Miscellaneous Abdominal Structures
Cardiovascular system 0: Overview
Cardiovascular System 1: Arteries of the arms and thorax
Cardiovascular System 1: Arteries of the arms and thorax (unlabeled version)
Cardiovascular System 2: Arteries of the abdomen and thighs
Cardiovascular System 2: Arteries of the abdomen and thighs (unlabeled version)
Cardiovascular System 3: Arteries, veins, and ducts of the abdomen
Cardiovascular System 4: Veins of the head, neck, and upper limb
Nervous System 0: Cranial nerves VII, IX, X - structures innervated
Nervous System 1: Brachial Plexus

Practice questions

Practice questions for Exam 4

Other handouts

Key to labeled terms on self-quiz handouts for Exam 4

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