The Third Principle
for Inadequacy
We seek to compensate
for our feelings of inadequacy by enlarging the size of our egos so
we can feel good about ourselves. Remembering back to when you were
a child, you may notice that after childhood you became more cautious
about what you said and did in the public realm. This conformity is
most rampant during adolescence and it slowly reverses itself as we
age. When reaching fifty, we may find ourselves returning to the childlike
freedom of not being so concerned about approval from others, although
this varies from person to person.
Young children are less concerned about public appearance because they
have not yet learned to feel inadequate and they are constantly getting
positive reinforcement for what they do in school. Elementary school
is a time for building the self-esteem of the child as well as imparting
knowledge. When children move to middle school, something changes. Teachers
and their peers become more critical, pointing out where they are failing
to meet standards. By constantly receiving negative feedback from adults
and their peers, children learn to feel more inadequate. This inadequacy
makes them feel little and weak and they do not like feeling that way,
so they begin to compensate anytime circumstances make their egos feel
little. This may include bragging or putting others down. Bullying is often a child’s attempt to
compensate for feeling weak on the inside.
Since we all go through this initiation into
inadequacy, we learn a new life principle which is to be guarded and
to manage the size of our egos so we can feel good about ourselves.
By successfully compensating for our feelings of inadequacy, we try
to feel bigger so we can feel better.
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