"It's an exaggeration!"
Fear is a common human emotion and it causes more than
its share of suffering. Yet, if we think carefully about our fears,
we realize that most, if not all, are big exaggerations. The reason
we suffer so much from our fears is we believe the exaggerations to
be true. That's what makes our fears so huge. If we were to go through
our lives from 10 years old to our current age, how many of our fears
would have come true? Probably very few, perhaps on the order of 1-5%
of the time. We seem to exaggerate the size of our fears for primal
reasons, so we can remain safe and avoid injury and death. But what
do we give up by having such large fears? Freedom to choose, opportunities,
and peace of mind. When we catch ourselves in a fear, we can use the
practice, "It's an exaggeration!" Saying
this to ourselves will give us a freer moment to ask, "What is the realistic
probability that this fear will come true?" Many of our fears will be
reduced in size by asking this question, which means we'll be more willing
to try things that, earlier, seemed too risky. Having smaller fears
will add adventures and opportunities to our lives.