People who fight with each other,
do not understand each other.
Every fight is map of big differences.
Most people fail to pause to look at maps.
To improve relationship with Brad,
sit together after fight has cooled down.
Map out differences you saw in fight.
Do not try to be right, but only to speak and listen.
As you map out differences that come to light in each fight,
you will come to understand each other better.
As understanding grows,
so will acceptance and compromise.
When you learn to accept diffierences and compromise,
you will create more balance in your relationship.
When relationship is better balanced,
it will be easier to stop fighting and work out problems.
When fighting stops, you and Brad will be happier,
so daughter will grow from love you will create around her.
Learning to grow love, not fighting,
is purpose for being in relationships.
Instead of falling into fights,
fall into love.
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