Everyone has limits.
Sometimes it is wise to accept them.
Other times it is good idea
to push through limits to grow.
If giving speeches is chance to grow,
then keep working to improve your skill.
In seeking to become better speaker, hold four qualities in hand--desire
to learn, willingness to try, patience, and sense of humor.
These four qualities will be like friends
ready to help you.
Desire to learn will motivate
Willingness to try will put you in action.
Patience will help you overcome
difficulties and doubts.
Sense of humor will help you laugh at yourself.
Together these four qualities
will serve you,
so you will improve as speaker.
Know that you do not have to be great speaker--
only good enough speaker.
When you become good enough speaker,
you will thank your four friends for helping you.
When you face other limits,
those friends will be ready to help.
When you call on them,
they will be happy to serve you.
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