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Question 13: "I'm feeling a lot of love for a guy I met two months ago. I hardly know him, but I can't get him out of my mind. I don't know if I should try to start something or not. What do you think?"


Your mind is always looking for adventure
so it can be absorbed in life.

Man you see creates great fascination
because he is unknown to you.

What is unknown is source of great fantasy.
Fantasy sees only beautiful, not ugly, side of life.

Your fantasy is strong,
so your ability to see reality has weakened.

Before you do anything,
awaken your mind to reality.

Get to know man better
so you can see reality of him more clearly.

When infatuation arises,
it is good time to open both eyes.

One eye will bring fantasy into view,
while second eye focuses on reality.

When both eyes are open,
infatuation will not have you so tightly in its grip.

No longer controlled by it,
you will make wiser choices.

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