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Question 26: "I catch myself lying far too much. They aren't big lies, but little ones over the most ridiculous things. Afterwards, when I realize that I lied without thinking, I feel terrible. How can I get out of this?"


When you lie to make someone feel good,
it can be generous act.

When you lie to protect yourself,
you are trying to solve big problem.

Big problem is that you feel little on inside
so you try to become bigger on outside.

You think lying helps you appear bigger
to others than you feel on inside.

You believe this is getting you out of trouble,
but it is putting you into it.

When you lie to protect yourself, others often know,
so your relationships become damaged.

You will feel guilty for lying,
which will make you feel more inadequate.

You will fear getting caught,
which will make you more cautious.

To stop lying, learn to accept your real ego size,
which is not too big or too little.

When you can be comfortable with being medium size,
you will find it easier to be honest.

As you become more honest,
you will feel clean rather than dirty.

Living more cleanly will grow more love around you
and within you.

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