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Question 34: "I have a friend who's a compliment freak. She compliments everyone, all the time. It's like honey is constantly dripping from her mouth. At times, it seems so phony I want to scream, yet I don't want to speak up about it. Why do people overdo compliments?"


Friend with honey dripping from her mouth
wants you to do something for her.

It is very important something.
She wants you to like her.

She hopes that by sweet-talking you,
you will accept her.

You react with anger
because friend's words have become too sweet.

By making her compliments too sweet,
everyone can see through her to big problem.

What is big problem they see in her?
Friend feels little and inadequate on inside.

Feeling that small,
she believes no one could like her.

Her sweet-talking ways are attempts to get others to like her
because she does not like herself enough.

If she could cut her sweetness in half,
she would be in balance about compliments.

Instead of sweetness of compliments being too great,
it would be just right.

Then people would welcome her compliments
because they would not be overdone.

In better balance,
she would earn more acceptance.

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