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Question 35: "I'm in my late forties and have entered a difficult period of my life. I feel like everything I'm doing has no real meaning. I'm wondering what to do with my life so it has more purpose. I keep hoping some inspiration will strike me, but no luck yet. What would you suggest?"


There is no meaning to life.
We are just animals flying through space on huge rock.

Since life has no meaning,
you get to make it up.

What were you born to do?
What mission do you want to undertake?

As you make up answers,
you will create meaning.

As you make up meaning,
balance concern for yourself with concern for others.

When you pay attention to your needs and needs of others,
you will create life with heart.

When you know where your heart is leading you,
you will know where you are going.

When you know where you are going,
you have better chance of getting there.

You are hoping meaning will show up at door in gift box.
Quit waiting and start creating.

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